diff --git a/documentation/debugging.sgml b/documentation/debugging.sgml
index f6655a0af759eecbc759a109b735c996d306c0c6..1fd6c60239536ae55b90eb4fbf5fad46e2b5ea24 100644
--- a/documentation/debugging.sgml
+++ b/documentation/debugging.sgml
@@ -1,33 +1,36 @@
   <chapter id="debugging">
     <title>Debug Logging</title>
-      <para>
-        Written by &name-dimitrie-paun; <email>&email-dimitrie-paun;</email>, 28 Mar 1998
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        (Extracted from <filename>wine/documentation/debug-msgs</filename>)
-      </para>
-      <note>
-        <para>
-          It is possible to turn on and of debugging output from
-          within the debugger using the set command. Please see the
-          WineDbg Command Reference section for how to do this.
-        </para>
-      </note>
-      <important>
-          At the end of the document, there is a "Style Guide" for
-          debugging messages. Please read it.
+          To better manage the large volume of debugging messages that
+	  Wine can generate, we divide the messages on a component basis, 
+	  and classify them based on the severity of the reported problem.
+	  Therefore a message belongs to a <emphasis>channel</emphasis>
+	  and a <emphasis>class</emphasis> respectively.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	  This section will describe the debugging classes, how you can 
+	  create a new debugging channel, what the debugging API is,
+	  and how you can control the debugging output. A picture is
+	  worth a thousand words, so here are a few examples of the
+	  debugging API in action:
+	  <screen>
+ERR("lock_count == 0 ... please report\n");
+FIXME("Unsupported RTL style!\n");
+WARN(": file seems to be truncated!\n");
+TRACE("[%p]: new horz extent = %d\n", hwnd, extent );
+MESSAGE( "Could not create graphics driver '%s'\n", buffer );
+	  </screen>
-      </important>
       <sect1 id="dbg-classes">
         <title>Debugging classes</title>
-          There are 4 types (or classes) of messages:
+	  A debugging class categorizes a message based on the severity
+	  of the reported problem. There is a fixed set of classes, and
+	  you must carefuly choose the appropriate one for your messages.
+          There are five classes of messages:
@@ -38,22 +41,15 @@
 		features, known bugs, etc. They serve as a constant and
 		active reminder of what needs to be done.
-              <para>
-                Examples: stubs, semi-implemented features, etc.
-              </para>
-                Messages in this class relate to serious errors in
-                Wine. This sort of messages signal an inconsistent
-		internal state, or more general, a condition which
-		should never happen by design.
-              </para>
-              <para>
-                Examples: unexpected change in internal state, etc.
+                Messages in this class indicate serious errors in
+                Wine, such as as conditions that should never happen
+		by design.
@@ -62,15 +58,11 @@
                 These are warning messages. You should report a
-                warning when something unwanted happen but the
-                function behaves properly. That is, output a warning
-                when you encounter something unexpected (ex: could not
-                open a file) but the function deals correctly with the
-                situation (that is, according to the docs). If you do
-                not deal correctly with it, output a fixme.
-              </para>
-              <para>
-                Examples: fail to access a resource required by the app.
+                warning when something unwanted happens, and the
+		function can not deal with the condition. This
+		is seldomly used since proper functions can usually
+		report failures back to the caller. Think twice before
+		making the message a warning.
@@ -79,13 +71,18 @@
                 These are detailed debugging messages that are mainly
-                useful to debug a component. These are usually turned
-                off.
+                useful to debug a component. These are turned off unless
+		explicitly enabled.
+            </listitem>
+          </varlistentry>
+          <varlistentry>
+            <term><literal>MESSAGE</literal></term>
+            <listitem>
-                Examples: everything else that does not fall in one of
-                the above mentioned categories and the user does not
-                need to know about it.
+		There messages are intended for the end user. They do not
+		belong to any channel. As with warnings, you will seldomly
+		need to output such messages.
@@ -96,35 +93,18 @@
         <title>Debugging channels</title>
-          To better manage the large volume of debugging messages that
-	  Wine can generate, we divide them also on a component basis.
           Each component is assigned a debugging channel. The
-          identifier of the channel must be a valid C identifier but
-          note that it may also be a reserved word like
-          <type>int</type> or <type>static</type>.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-          Examples of debugging channels:
-          <simplelist type="inline">
-            <member><literal>reg</literal></member>
-            <member><literal>updown</literal></member>
-            <member><literal>string</literal></member>
-          </simplelist>
-        </para>
-        <para>
-          We will refer to a generic channel as <literal>xxx</literal>.
+          identifier of the channel must be a valid C identifier 
+	  (reserved word like <type>int</type> or <type>static</type>
+	  are premitted). To use a new channel, simply use it in
+	  your code. It will be picked up automatically by the build process.
-      </sect1>
-      <sect1 id="dbg-using">
-        <title>How to use it</title>
 	Typically, a file contains code pertaining to only one component,
-	and as such, there is only one channel to output to. To simplify
-	usage, you can declare that channel at the beginning of the file,
-	and simply write FIXMEs, ERRs, etc. as such:
+	and as such, there is only one channel to output to. You can declare
+	a default chanel for the file using the 
+	<symbol>WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL()</symbol> macro:
 #include "wine/debug.h"
@@ -160,48 +140,29 @@ WINE_DECLARE_DEBUG_CHANNEL(zzz);
-        <para>
-          If you need to declare a new debugging channel, simply use it in
-          your code. It will be picked up automatically by the build process.
-        </para>
       <sect1 id="dbg-checking">
         <title>Are we debugging?</title>
-          To test whether the debugging output of class
-          <literal>yyy</literal> on channel <literal>xxx</literal> is
-          enabled, use:
-        </para>
-        <screen>
-TRACE_ON  to test if TRACE is enabled
-WARN_ON   to test if WARN is enabled
-FIXME_ON  to test if FIXME is enabled
-ERR_ON    to test if ERR is enabled
-        </screen>
-        <para>
-          Examples:
-        </para>
+          To test whether the debugging channel <literal>xxx</literal> is
+          enabled, use the <symbol>TRACE_ON</symbol>, <symbol>WARN_ON</symbol>,
+	  <symbol>FIXME_ON</symbol>, or <symbol>ERR_ON</symbol> macros. For
+	  example:
-  ...blah...
+    ...blah...
-        <note>
-          <para>
-            You should normally need to test only if
-            <literal>TRACE_ON</literal>. At present, none of the other
-            3 tests (except for <literal>ERR_ON</literal> which is
-            used only once!) are used in Wine.
-          </para>
-        </note>
+          You should normally need to test only if <literal>TRACE_ON</literal>, 
+	  all the others are very seldomly used. With careful coding, you
+	  can avoid the use of these macros, which is generally desired.
+        </para>
-      <sect1 id="dbg-resource-ids">
-        <title>Resource identifiers</title>
+      <sect1 id="dbg-helpers">
+        <title>Helper functions</title>
           Resource identifiers can be either strings or numbers. To
@@ -241,10 +202,32 @@ LPSTR debugres(const void *id);
    TRACE("resource is %s", debugres(myresource));
+        <para>
+	Many times strings need to be massaged before output:
+	they may be <literal>NULL</literal>, contain control 
+	characters, or they may be too long. Similarly, Unicode
+	strings need to be converted to ASCII for usage with
+	the debugging API. For all this, you can use the
+	<function>debugstr_[aw]n?</function> familly of functions:
+          <programlisting>
+    FIXME("(%s): stub\n", debugstr_a(s));
+          </programlisting>
+        </para>
-      <sect1 id="dbg-param">
-        <title>The <parameter>--debugmsg</parameter> command line option</title>
+      <sect1 id="dbg-control">
+        <title>Controlling the debugging output</title>
+        <para>
+          It is possible to turn on and off debugging output from
+          within the debugger using the set command. Please see the
+          WineDbg Command Reference section for how to do this.
+        </para>
           The <parameter>--debugmsg</parameter> command line
@@ -385,7 +368,7 @@ where:
-              do NOT include the name of the function: it is included automatically
+              do not include the name of the function: it is included automatically
@@ -418,99 +401,10 @@ FIXME("(%x, %d, ...): stub\n", par1, par2, ...);
-              if you want to name a value, use <literal>=</literal> and
-              NOT <literal>:</literal>. That is, instead of saying:
-              <programlisting>
-FIXME("(fd: %d, file: %s): stub\n", fd, name);
-              </programlisting>
-              say:
+              if you want to name a parameter, use <literal>=</literal> :
 FIXME("(fd=%d, file=%s): stub\n", fd, name);
-              use <literal>:</literal> to separate categories.
-            </para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>
-              try to avoid the style:
-              <programlisting>
-FIXME(xxx, "(fd=%d, file=%s)\n", fd, name);
-              </programlisting>
-              instead use:
-              <programlisting>
-FIXME(xxx, "(fd=%d, file=%s): stub\n", fd, name);
-              </programlisting>
-              The reason is that if you want to <command>grep</command>
-              for things, you would search for <literal>FIXME</literal>
-              but in the first case there is no additional information
-              available, where in the second one, there is (e.g. the word
-              stub)
-            </para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>
-              if you output a string s that might contain control
-              characters, or if <parameter>s</parameter> may be
-              <literal>NULL</literal>, use
-              <function>debugstr_a</function> (for ASCII strings, or
-              <function>debugstr_w</function> for Unicode strings) to
-              convert <parameter>s</parameter> to a C string, like  this:
-              <programlisting>
-    FIXME("(%s): stub\n", debugstr_a(s));
-              </programlisting>
-            </para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>
-              if you want to output a resource identifier, use debugres to
-              convert it to a string first, like this:
-              <programlisting>
-    FIXME("(res=%s): stub\n", debugres(s));
-              </programlisting>
-              if the resource identifier is a <type>SEGPTR</type>, use
-              <function>PTR_SEG_TO_LIN</function> to get a
-              liner pointer first:
-              <programlisting>
-HRSRC16 WINAPI FindResource16( HMODULE16 hModule, SEGPTR name, SEGPTR type )
-    TRACE(resource, "module=%04x name=%s type=%s\n",
-		 hModule, debugres(PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(name)),
-		 debugres(PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(type)) );
-              </programlisting>
-            </para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>
-              for messages intended for the user (specifically those that
-              report errors in the wine config file), use the
-              <literal>MSG</literal> macro. Use it like a
-              <function>printf</function>:
-              <programlisting>
-MSG( "Definition of drive %d is incorrect!\n", drive );
-              </programlisting>
-              However, note that there are <emphasis>very</emphasis> few
-              valid uses of this macro. Most messages are debugging
-              messages, so chances are you will not need to use this
-              macro. Grep the source to get an idea where it is
-              appropriate to use it.
-            </para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>
-              For structure dumps, use the <function>DUMP</function>
-              macro. Use it like a <function>printf</function>, just like
-              the <literal>MSG</literal> macro. Similarly, there are only
-              a few valid uses of this macro. Grep the source to see when
-              to use it.