diff --git a/ANNOUNCE b/ANNOUNCE index a0779aa38e1f826500b2da4ab372eca29ec1fe3c..1bcdb19a6c400dd28850707a868043d9e6383e2e 100644 --- a/ANNOUNCE +++ b/ANNOUNCE @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ -The Wine maintenance release 6.0.1 is now available. +The Wine maintenance release 6.0.2 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): + - Compilation fixes (freetype, gcc 11) + - Default to building with GnuTLS support on macOS, if present - Various bug fixes - - Add support for wine64 on Apple M1 - - Translation updates - - Documentation updates The source is available from the following locations: - https://dl.winehq.org/wine/source/6.0/wine-6.0.1.tar.xz - http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/wine/source/6.0/wine-6.0.1.tar.xz + https://dl.winehq.org/wine/source/6.0/wine-6.0.2.tar.xz + http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/wine/source/6.0/wine-6.0.2.tar.xz Binary packages for various distributions will be available from: @@ -25,250 +24,244 @@ AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list. ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Bugs fixed in 6.0.1 (total 63): - - 3591 py2exe needs partial imagehlp.BindImageEx implementation - 16676 RTG Bills 2.x (VB6 app) reports 'ADO error 1BD Object doesn't support this action' on startup (msado15 'connection_GetIDsOfNames' is a stub) - 21014 Dark Sector no Sound - 22635 Earth 2160 (GOG.com) can't recognize serial number - 28786 Wine File Explorer tree does not expand when clicked on plus '+' signs - 30062 Deer Hunter demo: unable to start a new game (map view unusable) - 35637 Seagate Crystal Enterprise 8.0: 'inputfileserver.exe' service needs msvcirt.dll.??0fstream@@QAE@XZ - 43422 Shadow Warrior 2: Floors are not rendered - 44038 RPCS3 emulator crashes due to 'kernel32.SetFileInformationByHandle' lacking support of 'FileEndOfFileInfo' info class - 44629 Process Hacker can't enumerate handles [needs NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemExtendedHandleInformation)] - 45046 Skyrim SE: Shadow artifacts (missing handling of 'precise' shader modifier) - 45132 CommonObjects tool (.NET app) from Google sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.x needs 'ntdll.NtQuerySystemInformation' to support 'SystemExtendedHandleInformation' - 46709 VarFormatCurrency doesn't handle an already formatted string. - 46962 Macromedia Director Player 4.x based games (16-bit NE) fail to run: "This program requires at least 4MB free memory to run." (The Rock) - 47507 Regression: can't return to full-screen Civilization IV BTS window after Alt+Tab-ing to desktop since wine 4.10 - 48563 Runaway: A Twist of Fate renders its cursor incorrectly - 48618 Multiple applications show black client area on startup (Wargaming.net Game Center, Electron based apps)('--disable-gpu' command line parameter is a workaround) - 48870 Aldi (Buhl) Steuer 2019/2020 installer crashes - 49531 Multiple Qt5 applications spam the console continuously with 'fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId' ('INetworkConnection::GetAdapter' returns incorrect adapter GUID)(Futubull 10.x, Melodics V2, Topaz Video Enhance AI 1.x) - 50033 WMI class SystemRestore is missing - 50086 user32:monitor tests timeout - 50123 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim SE has rendering glitches with vulkan renderer - 50150 ODBC applications fail to create DSNs due to 'odbccp32.SQLWriteDSNToIni' stub - 50256 Animate VST plugin activation doesn't work: wbem_services_ExecQuery gets no network adapters - 50357 Star Stable Online crashes with unimplemented function dcomp.dll.DCompositionCreateDevice2 - 50376 Banished crashes when Antialiasing set to 3x MSAA with Vulkan renderer - 50377 Banished cast shadows are broken with Vulkan renderer - 50379 The Witcher 3 has broken rendering with Vulkan renderer - 50386 Sniper Elite V2 some objects aren't rendered with Vulkan renderer - 50387 Batman: Arkham Origins has broken dynamic shadows with Vulkan renderer - 50401 Multiple Adobe products crash on unimplemented function msvcp{100,110,120,140}.dll._Wcsxfrm (Audition CS6, Audition 2020) - 50407 Multiple Adobe CC products fail to start, reporting 'err:module:LdrInitializeThunk "CRClient.dll" failed to initialize' ('_Syserror_map' should return non-NULL string for unknown errors) - 50409 Adobe Audition 2020 crashes on startup (msvcrt strftime_impl uses __lc_time_data struct WCHAR members but only ANSI members have been initialized by _Gettnames) - 50424 std::mutex crashes on creation - 50441 Steel Series Engine 3 systray icon does not respond to mouse clicks - 50459 Studio One 5 crashes on unimplemented function dcomp.dll.DCompositionCreateDevice - 50485 Still Life 2 crashes when CSMT is disabled - 50486 The Sims 3 launcher hangs - 50508 ACAT Phrase, part of Intel Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit (ACAT) v1.00.0 (.NET 4.5 app) crashes on unimplemented function 'uiautomationcore.dll.UiaRegisterProviderCallback' - 50515 SofTalk 1.56 doesn't speak continuously after punctuation marks. - 50517 Apps with GUI can't work on Apple Silicon Mac - 50528 [Stasis 2]Broken rendering with Vulkan - 50562 WRC 5 crashes on launch with Vulkan renderer - 50563 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has missing sunlight with Vulkan renderer - 50569 World of Tanks ground texture is black rendered - 50580 iTunes installer doesn't recognize WinVer 'Windows 10' setting (WMI 'Win32_OperatingSystem' class uses 'GetVersionEx' API to retrieve OS version info, a deprecated API in Windows 10) - 50581 Far Manager v3.0: cursor position is off by one - 50599 Game Protect Kit (GPK) 'SDGame32.sys' kernel driver crashes on unimplemented function 'ntoskrnl.exe.KdDisableDebugger' (Dragon Nest) - 50602 Far Manager redraws incorrectly after console window is resized - 50610 WMI 'Win32_OperatingSystem' OS caption property descriptions for Windows 8 and 8.1 are reversed - 50620 Multiple applications crash due to DHTMLEdit 'IOleObject::GetMiscStatus' stub (Atomic Mail Sender 4.25, RSSeditor 0.9.54, High Impact eMail 5) - 50632 Neverwinter: Broken graphics (texturing) - 50641 Wine cmd handles incorrectly if-for on a single line - 50642 Wine cmd handles incorrectly if-set when expanding variable with brackets - 50672 .toString() implementation VT_CY behaves as if .toLocaleString() was used - 50698 ::wcsrtombs does not NULL "const wchar_t ** _PSource" parameter in Wine. - 50701 Multiple 32-bit ARM Thumb-2 applications cause loader to output warnings during relocation processing (Miranda, Notepad2) - 50704 QueueUserAPC() Has Incorrect Error Set When Called On Terminating Thread - 50740 The Suffering (Midway Games) crashes due to missing wmvcore 'IWMSyncReader2', CLSID '{faed3d21-1b6b-4af7-8cb6-3e189bbc187b}' - 50744 continuous spamming of fixme:msctf:InputProcessorProfileMgr_GetActiveProfile in console - 50781 cl.exe fails to open program database - 50790 No display found when using winemac.drv in a VM - 50967 sc.exe doesn't understand the start command and other parameters +Bugs fixed in 6.0.2 (total 51): + + 12076 Multiple applications refuse to install unless '%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\Etc\{services,host}' exist (Informix Database apps, Autodesk 3ds Max 9, SAP GUI) + 12457 Multiple apps crash with NotImplementedException at IWebBrowser2.get_LocationName() (SharpDevelop 2.2, Clarion Enterprise Edition 9.0.10376) + 19756 Date/time picker doesn't notify app about checkbox changes (TaskCoach: Cannot add new task with a due date) + 24893 File/folder context menus have missing options (Explorer++, Double Commander) + 29903 Multiple games and applications fail to enumerate processes due to 'wtsapi32.WTSEnumerateProcessesW' stub (Visual Studio 2005, .NET 2.0 SDK DbgCLR, Akamai DL Manager, Dekaron) + 32749 Implement atl100.dll.AtlAxDialogBoxW to show error dialogs (Visual Studio 2010 (10.0) Express Edition) + 35539 Proteus 8 demo fails to install + 36010 Changing font resolution on winecfg changes default main font to Tahoma + 39841 IShellFolder.CreateViewObject() doesn't support IID_IContextMenu (Double Commander "Error: invalid parameter" when right-clicking on an empty space) + 44813 Some applications fail when calling ntdll.NtReadFile on a directory (expect STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST) + 46817 Steam Big Picture needs d3d11_device_CreateDeviceContextState + 47296 Google drive crashes before login + 47310 Canon TS3100 series full driver and software package refuses to install: "To install the software, you must be logged in to an administrator account." + 48123 Word 97 crashes after calling stub URLMoniker_ComposeWith + 48412 Multiple games have lighting issue and textures blinking (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2) + 48507 osu! icons in the setting and music player are not being rendered + 49434 Wine builtin 'iexplore' crashes upon loading Google Account login page + 49663 Performance regression in TrackMania Nations Forever + 49954 Multiple games and applications need msvcp140_1._Aligned_get_default_resource (EVE Online Launcher, QT Creator 3.x, Kate, Snap Camera 1.11.x, Cppcheck 2.3) + 50119 Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin shows a white screen with vulkan renderer + 50147 Microsoft WebView2 "evergreen bootstrapper"/installer needs IStream::CopyTo() + 50168 Error when running notepad.exe: Failed to start RpcSs service + 50318 'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DataBasePath' registry entry has non-standard value + 50362 Fl Studio 20.8 crashes on startup + 50436 Upstream FAudio pkg-config file not found + 50492 Amazon Chime 4.x (.NET 4.5 app) reports 'Failed to InjectErrorHandlingScript, Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'mshtml.HTMLHeadElement'' + 50628 Fairy Tale About Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya crashes on DDERR_SURFACE_LOST + 50673 FlatOut 2 crashes on launch + 50697 Multiple applications crash due to DHTMLEdit 'IOleObject::GetExtent' stub (Atomic Mail Sender 4.2x) + 50725 Nvidia FrameView 1.2 (Win10 app) crashes on unimplemented function tdh.dll.TdhLoadManifestFromBinary + 50756 "Path is invalid." when using "SVN update" with SVN for Windows, which is used by TortoiseSVN + 50791 NtQueryObject( ..., ObjectBasicInformation, NULL, 0, &retLen) returns incorrect NTSTATUS error code and no buffer size (EditSection, Google sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools v1.1.x) + 50805 Win32_OperatingSystem class is missing 'ProductType' (affects Chocolatey) + 50809 Multiple .NET 4.x application installers fail due to 'MsiNetAssemblySupport' property returning incorrect version (IronPython 2.7.5) + 50811 gdi32.res fails to compile when freetype pkg-config cflags contain "-pthread" + 50818 Mahou Shoujo Shoumou Sensen - DeadΩAegis (Trial) shows unreadable text in the message box. + 50829 Process Hacker 2.38 crashes on unimplemented function dbghelp.dll.SymFromNameW + 50830 Process Hacker 2.38 crashes on unimplemented function advapi32.dll.LsaEnumerateAccounts + 50845 jscript crashes on internal assert(0) in PE build with clang + 50854 Multiple Windows 10 application installers refuse to install, requiring 'advapi32.dll' version >= 6.3.10000.0 (Elgato Stream Deck 4.9.3, Windows Admin Center 2103) + 50875 HTMLElement_get_offsetParent crashes wine if a NULL offset parent is expected (VbsEdit) + 50885 PdfSharp creates invalid PDF files + 50925 Error fetching public key in GetRSAKeyFromCert - File not found + 50952 Legends of Runeterra crashes at launch + 50960 NETCoreCheck from .NET Deployment Tools crashes on unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll.__stdio_common_vfwprintf_p + 51035 Alacritty v0.7.2 portable crashes: SetEnvironmentVariable ("some_non-existant_var", NULL) should return TRUE + 51041 Scalable fonts with fsCsb[0] == 0 are not enumerated correctly + 51076 demangle_datatype in ucrtbase crash in vc2019 x86 mode + 51117 Silverlight_x64.exe (part of LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Home Edition installer) crashes + 51324 Imperium Great Battles of Rome can't play videos + 51631 winhttp:winhttp and winhttp:notification fail because echo.websocket.org is out of commission ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Changes since 6.0: +Changes since 6.0.1: -Akihiro Sagawa (3): - winmm/tests: Expect TIME_BYTES format for TIME_MS request. - winmm: Get rid of TIME_MS format support in waveOutGetPosition(). - krnl386.exe: Cap GetFreeSpace value to 2GB. +Akihiro Sagawa (2): + gdi32: Move otmEMSquare initialization to freetype_load_font. + gdi32: Fix text metrics used in EnumFonts families. -Alexandre Julliard (5): - msvcp: Fix some spec file discrepancies. - ntdll: Avoid sign conversion warnings in Thumb-2 relocation processing. - start: Avoid duplicate backslashes in command line. - make_unicode: Use codepage 949 to add default mappings to codepage 20949. - user32/tests: Remove todo from a test that seems to succeed reliably now. +Alexandre Julliard (7): + makefiles: Only allow includes and defines in pkg-config flags. + configure: Fix package name for FAudio. + ws2_32: Install network database files. + wine.inf: Fix the Tcpip database path. + explorer: Store the graphics driver basename instead of the full path. + gdi32/tests: Regenerate ttf files with the official fontforge version. + gdiplus/tests: Regenerate ttf files with the official fontforge version. -Alistair Leslie-Hughes (3): - dsound: IDirectSoundBuffer8 GetStatus return DSBSTATUS_LOCSOFTWARE for deferred buffers. - odbccp32: Implement SQLWriteDSNToIni/W. - msado15: Implement Dispatch functions in _Connection. +Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1): + gdi32: Don't override FontSubstitutes on a DPI only change. -Andrew Sheldon (1): - wined3d: Add GPU information for Radeon RX 6800(XT) / 6900 XT. +Andrew Eikum (1): + windowscodecs: Avoid types deprecated in libtiff 4.3. -Andrey Gusev (1): - wined3d: Add AMD Radeon RX 5500M. +Andrey Turkin (1): + ieframe: Implement IWebBrowser2::get_LocationName(). -Austin English (1): - ntoskrnl.exe: Add KdDisableDebugger/KdEnableDebugger stubs. +Anton Baskanov (4): + amstream/tests: Add a test for event parameter of IDirectDrawStreamSample::Update. + amstream: Support the event parameter in IDirectDrawStreamSample::Update. + fonts: Fix breve glyph position in 16px MS Sans Serif. + fonts: Fix dotaccent glyph position in Small Fonts. -Bernhard Kölbl (2): - netprofm: Set correct GUIDs for network connections. - msvcrt: Update source pointer in wcsrtombs in C locale. +Arkadiusz Hiler (3): + msvcp90: Add helpers for creating base class RTTI. + msvcp140_1: Implement the DLL. + kernelbase: Fix GetFileVersionInfo*() crashes with malformed resources. -Bernhard Reiter (1): - imagehlp: Partially implement BindImageEx(). +Austin English (2): + tdh: Add TdhLoadManifestFromBinary stub. + readme: Document Libera Chat migration. -Brendan Shanks (5): - loader: On Mac, move the top-down allocations area down to avoid Rosetta regions. - loader: On Mac, reserve an area starting at 4GB to force Rosetta's allocations higher. - winemac.drv: Use Metal to get a display's GPU info if possible. - winemac.drv: Fix crash when building against Metal-capable SDK but running on older OS X. - winemac.drv: Handle non-PCI GPUs correctly. +Brendan Shanks (2): + wined3d: Add GPU information for Intel UHD Graphics 630. + configure: Work around Xcode 12's ld assuming 16KB page sizes. -Byeong-Sik Jeon (1): - po: Update Korean translation. +Damjan Jovanovic (6): + comctl32: Send DTN_DATETIMECHANGE when the checkbox changes too. + shell32: The menu wIDs in hmenu were rebased by idCmdFirst. + shell32: Use a smaller range of shellview menu IDs in our IContextMenu functions. + shell32: Implement IID_IContextMenu in CreateViewObject() methods for shell folders that support it. + shell32/tests: Fix test failures from ad412b11a7ea17b708994ed6609f8ed0cbfb169b. + shell32: Fix a lock leak. -Chao Long (1): - wmic: Add missing aliases. +David Torok (1): + ntdll: Add NtCreateThread stub. -Christian Costa (1): - d3dx9: Return D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 in D3DXGetImageInfoFromFileInMemory for 32 bpp BMP with alpha. - -Damjan Jovanovic (1): - mmsystem: Win16 DllEntryPoint uses HINSTANCE16, not HINSTANCE. +David White (1): + urlmon: Implement IMoniker_ComposeWith() for url monikers. Dmitry Kislyuk (1): - msctf: Quiet a spammy fixme in InputProcessorProfileMgr_GetActiveProfile. - -Dmitry Timoshkov (4): - wbemprox: Add class SystemRestore stub implementation. - wbemprox: Flesh out a bit SystemRestore::Enable() implementation. - kernel32/tests: Add a test for calling QueueUserAPC() on a terminated thread. - server: Set error to STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL when the server fails to queue APC for a thread. - -Floris Renaud (6): - documentation: Change obsolete Debian and Red Hat packages. - documentation: Add Dutch README translation. - po: Update Dutch translation. - po: Fix Dutch spelling errors. - po: Update Dutch translation. - po: Update Dutch translation. - -Gijs Vermeulen (2): - msvcirt: Implement remainder of fstream class. - wmvcore: Upgrade to IWMSyncReader2. - -Giovanni Mascellani (1): - dwrite: Do not segfault when there are no typographic features to return. - -Hans Leidekker (7): - winhttp: Avoid a crash when the connection is closed while handling a redirect. - wbemprox: Implement Win32_NetworkAdapter.GUID. - wbemprox/tests: Add tests for Win32_NetworkAdapter/Configuration. - wbemprox: Handle escaped backslashes in LIKE queries. - wbemprox: Implement Win32_NetworkAdapter.ServiceName. - wbemprox: Report the real OS version. - wbemprox: Fix Windows 8/8.1 caption. - -Haoyang Chen (1): - d2d1: Fix text position in DrawText(). - -Henri Verbeet (12): - wined3d: Implement the "precise" flag in the GLSL shader backend. - ddraw: Use BitBlt() for exclusive mode frontbuffer updates if the swapchain window is not in the foreground. - wined3d: Properly convert Vulkan sample count format information. - wined3d: Add some barriers between resource usage on different bind points. - wined3d: Implement NULL constant buffer views for the Vulkan backend. - wined3d: Always include any depth/stencil attachment in the Vulkan framebuffer. - wined3d: Use glFinish() for synchronisation when cleaning up a destroyed context in wined3d_context_gl_cleanup(). - wined3d: Create the backbuffer rendertarget view only after calling adapter_init_3d(). - d3d11/tests: Add format compatibility tests for DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP. - wined3d: Allow resource copies between block-compatible formats. - wined3d: Introduce a backup path for swapchain presents using GDI. - wined3d: Set the "compareEnable" field of struct VkSamplerCreateInfo to either 0 or 1. + mshtml: Fix NULL offset parent handling in IHTMLElement::get_offsetParent. + +Dmitry Timoshkov (3): + crypt32: Implement CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx2. + crypt32: Add support for importing RSA public keys with BCrypt. + ntdll: Exclude large integer APIs from relay tracing. + +Esme Povirk (1): + gdiplus: Implement reference counting for private font families. + +François Gouget (3): + tests: Trace the filename in winetest_wait_child_process(). + tests: Add ignore_exceptions(). + make_unicode: Add support for the 720 codepage (Arabic, Farsi and Urdu). + +Gijs Vermeulen (11): + wtsapi32: Avoid calling GetUserNameW() twice in WTSQuerySessionInformationW(WTSUserName). + wtsapi32/tests: Test returned username for WTSQuerySessionInformation(WTSUserName). + kernelbase: Reject SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS in CompareStringA(). + kernelbase: Support FileRenameInfo in SetFileInformationByHandle. + ntdll: Return STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH when len is too small in NtQueryObject(ObjectBasicInformation). + dbghelp: Implement SymFromNameW(). + ntdll/tests: Refactor RtlSetEnvironmentVariable() tests. + ntdll: Don't fail when trying to remove the value of a non-existant variable in RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(). + amstream: Handle AMMSF_RENDERALLSTREAMS in IAMMultiMediaStream::OpenFile(). + winecfg: Disable virtual desktop when using macdrv. + secur32: Default to building with GnuTLS support on macOS, if present. + +Haidong Yu (2): + shell32: Fix a memory leak. + shell32: Fix a memory leak. + +Hans Leidekker (3): + ntdll: Fall back to reading /dev/urandom if getrandom() is not supported. + msi: Fix building the fusion filename. + winhttp: Use ws.ifelse.io for websocket tests. + +Haoyang Chen (2): + gdiplus: Avoid filtering of special characters. + gdi32: Fix a memory leak. Jacek Caban (3): - kernelbase: Support FileEndOfFileInfo in SetFileInformationByHandle. - conhost: Avoid assumption about the exact Unix cursor position after writing to the last column. - oleaut32: Use C locale in VARIANT_BstrFromReal. + mshtml: Support DispHTMLHeadElement interface. + jscript: Use quiet NaNs in jsval. + msvcrt: Add sincos to importlib. + +Jan Sikorski (1): + wined3d: Handle different slice pitches in uncompressed texture updates. + +John Zourlios (1): + kernelbase: Accept LINGUISTIC_IGNOREDIACRITIC & SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS in CompareStringEx(). -Jan Sikorski (2): - wined3d: Align vertex attribute offsets to their size, if smaller than 4. - winemac.drv: Include depth32+stencil pixel formats in enumeration. +Lauri Kenttä (1): + msvcrt: Handle negative zero, infinity and nan in _ecvt and others. -Martin Storsjo (2): - include: Don't use __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp"))) when building in PE mode. - msvcrt: Fix reading BOM-less files opened with ccs=unicode. +Louis Lenders (5): + wtsapi32: Implement WTSQuerySessionInformation(WTSDomainName). + wbemprox: Add ProductType to win32_operatingsystem class. + advapi32: Update version resource. + advapi32: Add stub for LsaEnumerateAccounts. + kernel32: Remove entry for BasepDebugDump. Matteo Bruni (2): - wined3d: Use VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT when available. - wined3d: Correctly handle modifiers on instructions with multiple destination registers. - -Michael Müller (1): - ntdll: Implement NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemExtendedHandleInformation). - -Michael Stefaniuc (1): - tools: Get the ANNOUNCE bug list from the stable-notes git notes. - -Nikolay Sivov (7): - dcomp: Add DCompositionCreateDevice2(). - dcomp: Add DCompositionCreateDevice() stub. - d2d1: Pass zeros as text layout size for inverted rectangles in DrawText(). - explorerframe: Do not block clicks on the item button. - oleaut32/tests: Remove workarounds in VarFormat* tests. - oleaut32: Handle preformatted strings in VarFormatCurrency(). - sc: Fix typos in CLI arguments parsing. - -Paul Gofman (1): - dbghelp: Fix unwind opcodes on x64. - -Piotr Caban (4): - msvcp90: Add _Wcsxfrm implementation. - ucrtbase: Fix _Syserror_map behavior on unknown error. - msvcr110: Copy utf16 strings in _Gettnames. - concrt140: Add arm exports. - -Roman PiÅ¡l (5): - conhost: Fix copy-paste error when setting windows size. - conhost: Improve notification when resizing window. - ntdll: Don't set error status if volume serial number is missing. - cmd: Fix handling of nested if-for expressions on a single line. - cmd: Fix handling of brackets in if-set expressions on a single line. - -Rémi Bernon (2): - plugplay: Broadcast WM_DEVICECHANGE message asynchronously. - winedbg: Don't dereference possibly NULL thread pointer. - -Sanghoon Park (1): - make_unicode: Add support for codepage 20949 (Korean Wansung). - -Vijay Kiran Kamuju (2): - uiautomationcore: Add stub UiaRegisterProviderCallback function. - dhtmled.ocx: Implement IOleObject::GetMiscStatus function. - -Zebediah Figura (7): - gdi32: Do not compare face file names in insert_face_in_family_list() if either is NULL. - ntdll: Treat '>' the same as '?' in match_filename(). - winemac: Send systray messages with SendNotifyMessage(). - winex11: Send systray messages with SendNotifyMessage(). - imagehlp/tests: Link directly to imagehlp and psapi. - imagehlp/tests: Rewrite test_bind_image_ex() using a DLL resource. - explorer: Send systray messages with SendNotifyMessage(). - -Zhiyi Zhang (3): - user32: Send a WM_ACTIVATE message after restoring a minimized top level window. - user32/tests: Add optional messages to test sequences. - user32/tests: Do not change adapters to every available modes. + wined3d: Handle blits to Vulkan swapchains not matching the D3D swapchain. + wined3d: Don't skip FFP vertex pipeline state handlers when STATE_VDECL is dirty. + +Michele Dionisio (1): + msvcrt: Add __stdio_common_vfprintf_p and __stdio_common_vfwprintf_p. + +Nguyá»…n ChÃnh Hữu (1): + wined3d: Add GPU information for NVIDIA GT 1030. + +Nikolay Sivov (2): + gdi32: Enumerate scalable fonts with zero charset mask as OEM. + shcore/stream: Implement generic CopyTo(). + +Owen Rudge (1): + winspool: Filter invalid characters when creating the PPD filename. + +Paul Gofman (2): + ddraw/tests: Also test RT caps for software device. + vcruntime140_1: Support two continuation addresses for catchblock. + +Piotr Caban (7): + msvcp90: Add macro that define type_info vtable. + msvcrt: Cleanup _ecvt tests. + msvcrt/tests: Link to malloc/free functions in cpp tests. + msvcrt/tests: Cleanup datatype demangle tests. + msvcrt: Fix _unDName crash when demangling class function pointer. + msvcrt: Improve memmove performance on i386 and x86_64 architectures. + winemac.drv: Don't filter non active displays out. + +Qian Hong (1): + atl: Implement AtlAxDialogBox(). + +Roman PiÅ¡l (2): + kernel32/tests: Add test for FileRenameInfo in SetFileInformationByHandle. + kernelbase: Convert DOS to NT path for FileRenameInfo in SetFileInformationByHandle. + +Rémi Bernon (3): + d3d11: Add initial implementation of CreateDeviceContextState. + dinput: Wait for the hook thread to exit when stopping it. + dinput: Prevent a device interface leak when enumerating. + +Sebastian Lackner (1): + ntdll: Return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST when trying to call NtReadFile on directory. + +Torge Matthies (1): + winex11.drv: Avoid race condition in X11 error handling. + +Vijay Kiran Kamuju (3): + dhtmled.ocx: Implement IOleObject::SetExtent and IOleObject::GetExtent functions. + dhtmled.ocx: Add stub IOleControl interface. + dhtmled.ocx: Fake success in IDHTMLEdit::NewDocument. + +Zebediah Figura (5): + msi: Check for a NULL return from deformat_string() when checking for failure. + include: Factor out winetest_printf(). + include: Introduce winetest_push_context() and winetest_pop_context(). + wtsapi32: Implement WTSEnumerateProcessesW(). + wine.inf: Install the protocol database at etc\protocol. + +Zhiyi Zhang (1): + ntoskrnl.exe: Exclude large integer APIs from relay tracing. -- Michael Stefaniuc diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS index c6824a5c7b4389e776a4cadd9840197f4ff44f3d..1390a9424b3707ebfe85602b59869029f3388d70 100644 --- a/AUTHORS +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -396,6 +396,7 @@ David Quintana David Smith David Torok David Welch +David White David Woodhouse Davin McCall Dean M Greer @@ -826,6 +827,7 @@ John Sheu John Thomson John Voltz John Zero +John Zourlios Jonas Maebe Jonas Wielicki Jonathan Buzzard @@ -1152,6 +1154,7 @@ Michal Pasternak Michal Suchanek MichaÅ‚ Wiernowolski MichaÅ‚ ZiÄ™tek +Michele Dionisio Michiel van Loon Miguel de Icaza Mihail Ivanchev @@ -1200,6 +1203,7 @@ Neil Olver Neil Skrypuch Nemeth Peter Nerijus Baliunas +Nguyá»…n ChÃnh Hữu Nicholas Niro Nick Bowler Nick Burns diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION index 4fa152bca4dbd8a04ce8572a5156f5ce712d3941..c1c0fab4535c5ce6db686d8b9cc69a803e4e03d8 100644 --- a/VERSION +++ b/VERSION @@ -1 +1 @@ -Wine version 6.0.1 +Wine version 6.0.2 diff --git a/configure b/configure index 5ed620c0e2f3fc669f79fad8c7f114b135b25c27..18abeb13cb8bfeeed2f77ab3c47b2242e1617cc3 100755 --- a/configure +++ b/configure @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #! /bin/sh # Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles. -# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 6.0.1. +# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for Wine 6.0.2. # # Report bugs to <wine-devel@winehq.org>. # @@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ MAKEFLAGS= # Identity of this package. PACKAGE_NAME='Wine' PACKAGE_TARNAME='wine' -PACKAGE_VERSION='6.0.1' -PACKAGE_STRING='Wine 6.0.1' +PACKAGE_VERSION='6.0.2' +PACKAGE_STRING='Wine 6.0.2' PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='wine-devel@winehq.org' PACKAGE_URL='https://www.winehq.org' @@ -2492,7 +2492,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing. # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh. cat <<_ACEOF -\`configure' configures Wine 6.0.1 to adapt to many kinds of systems. +\`configure' configures Wine 6.0.2 to adapt to many kinds of systems. Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]... @@ -2562,7 +2562,7 @@ fi if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then case $ac_init_help in - short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 6.0.1:";; + short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Wine 6.0.2:";; esac cat <<\_ACEOF @@ -2816,7 +2816,7 @@ fi test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status if $ac_init_version; then cat <<\_ACEOF -Wine configure 6.0.1 +Wine configure 6.0.2 generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @@ -3500,7 +3500,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF This file contains any messages produced by compilers while running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake. -It was created by Wine $as_me 6.0.1, which was +It was created by Wine $as_me 6.0.2, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was $ $0 $@ @@ -21673,7 +21673,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 # report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their # values after options handling. ac_log=" -This file was extended by Wine $as_me 6.0.1, which was +This file was extended by Wine $as_me 6.0.2, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = $CONFIG_FILES @@ -21744,7 +21744,7 @@ _ACEOF cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`" ac_cs_version="\\ -Wine config.status 6.0.1 +Wine config.status 6.0.2 configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69, with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"