diff --git a/controls/listbox.c b/controls/listbox.c
index 23d70da82d40e3d652c2f31e7eba54ea79688293..961b1742b2c4186033765665b5d353218ebdf5db 100644
--- a/controls/listbox.c
+++ b/controls/listbox.c
@@ -3005,19 +3005,6 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI ListBoxWndProc_common( HWND hwnd, UINT msg,
                              SendMessageA( descr->owner, msg, wParam, lParam );
-    case WM_DROPOBJECT:
-    case WM_DRAGSELECT:
-    case WM_DRAGMOVE:
-	if( !descr->lphc )
-        {
-            LPDRAGINFO16 dragInfo = MapSL( lParam );
-            dragInfo->l = LISTBOX_GetItemFromPoint( descr, dragInfo->pt.x,
-                                                dragInfo->pt.y );
-            return SendMessage16( HWND_16(descr->owner), msg, wParam, lParam );
-        }
-	break;
         if ((msg >= WM_USER) && (msg < 0xc000))
             WARN("[%04x]: unknown msg %04x wp %08x lp %08lx\n",
diff --git a/dlls/user/user16.c b/dlls/user/user16.c
index e43893a28eaf501e603e52fc62625002151a7619..02d2b1ea06e31939386ee7dd388b1823bb0fcd27 100644
--- a/dlls/user/user16.c
+++ b/dlls/user/user16.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "winbase.h"
 #include "wownt32.h"
 #include "user.h"
+#include "win.h"
 /* handle to handle 16 conversions */
 #define HANDLE_16(h32)		(LOWORD(h32))
@@ -267,6 +268,149 @@ BOOL16 WINAPI DestroyCursor16(HCURSOR16 hCursor)
   return DestroyIcon32(hCursor, 0);
+ *			DRAG_QueryUpdate16
+ *
+ * Recursively find a child that contains spDragInfo->pt point
+ * and send WM_QUERYDROPOBJECT. Helper for DragObject16.
+ */
+static BOOL DRAG_QueryUpdate16( HWND hQueryWnd, SEGPTR spDragInfo )
+    BOOL bResult = 0;
+    WPARAM wParam;
+    POINT pt, old_pt;
+    LPDRAGINFO16 ptrDragInfo = MapSL(spDragInfo);
+    RECT tempRect;
+    HWND child;
+    if (!IsWindowEnabled(hQueryWnd)) return FALSE;
+    old_pt.x = ptrDragInfo->pt.x;
+    old_pt.y = ptrDragInfo->pt.y;
+    pt = old_pt;
+    ScreenToClient( hQueryWnd, &pt );
+    child = ChildWindowFromPointEx( hQueryWnd, pt, CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE );
+    if (!child) return FALSE;
+    if (child != hQueryWnd)
+    {
+        wParam = 0;
+        if (DRAG_QueryUpdate16( child, spDragInfo )) return TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        GetClientRect( hQueryWnd, &tempRect );
+        wParam = !PtInRect( &tempRect, pt );
+    }
+    ptrDragInfo->pt.x = pt.x;
+    ptrDragInfo->pt.y = pt.y;
+    ptrDragInfo->hScope = HWND_16(hQueryWnd);
+    bResult = SendMessage16( HWND_16(hQueryWnd), WM_QUERYDROPOBJECT, wParam, spDragInfo );
+    if (!bResult)
+    {
+        ptrDragInfo->pt.x = old_pt.x;
+        ptrDragInfo->pt.y = old_pt.y;
+    }
+    return bResult;
+ *		DragObject (USER.464)
+ */
+DWORD WINAPI DragObject16( HWND16 hwndScope, HWND16 hWnd, UINT16 wObj,
+                           HANDLE16 hOfStruct, WORD szList, HCURSOR16 hCursor )
+    MSG	msg;
+    LPDRAGINFO16 lpDragInfo;
+    SEGPTR	spDragInfo;
+    HCURSOR 	hOldCursor=0, hBummer=0;
+    HGLOBAL16	hDragInfo  = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, 2*sizeof(DRAGINFO16));
+    HCURSOR	hCurrentCursor = 0;
+    HWND16	hCurrentWnd = 0;
+    lpDragInfo = (LPDRAGINFO16) GlobalLock16(hDragInfo);
+    spDragInfo = K32WOWGlobalLock16(hDragInfo);
+    if( !lpDragInfo || !spDragInfo ) return 0L;
+    if (!(hBummer = LoadCursorA(0, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(OCR_NO))))
+    {
+        GlobalFree16(hDragInfo);
+        return 0L;
+    }
+    if(hCursor) hOldCursor = SetCursor(HCURSOR_32(hCursor));
+    lpDragInfo->hWnd   = hWnd;
+    lpDragInfo->hScope = 0;
+    lpDragInfo->wFlags = wObj;
+    lpDragInfo->hList  = szList; /* near pointer! */
+    lpDragInfo->hOfStruct = hOfStruct;
+    lpDragInfo->l = 0L;
+    SetCapture( HWND_32(hWnd) );
+    ShowCursor( TRUE );
+    do
+    {
+        GetMessageW( &msg, 0, WM_MOUSEFIRST, WM_MOUSELAST );
+       *(lpDragInfo+1) = *lpDragInfo;
+	lpDragInfo->pt.x = msg.pt.x;
+	lpDragInfo->pt.y = msg.pt.y;
+	/* update DRAGINFO struct */
+	if( DRAG_QueryUpdate16(WIN_Handle32(hwndScope), spDragInfo) > 0 )
+	    hCurrentCursor = HCURSOR_32(hCursor);
+	else
+        {
+            hCurrentCursor = hBummer;
+            lpDragInfo->hScope = 0;
+	}
+	if( hCurrentCursor )
+	    SetCursor(hCurrentCursor);
+	/* send WM_DRAGLOOP */
+	SendMessage16( hWnd, WM_DRAGLOOP, (WPARAM16)(hCurrentCursor != hBummer),
+	                                  (LPARAM) spDragInfo );
+	if( hCurrentWnd != lpDragInfo->hScope )
+	{
+	    if( hCurrentWnd )
+	        SendMessage16( hCurrentWnd, WM_DRAGSELECT, 0,
+		       (LPARAM)MAKELONG(LOWORD(spDragInfo)+sizeof(DRAGINFO16),
+				        HIWORD(spDragInfo)) );
+	    hCurrentWnd = lpDragInfo->hScope;
+	    if( hCurrentWnd )
+                SendMessage16( hCurrentWnd, WM_DRAGSELECT, 1, (LPARAM)spDragInfo);
+	}
+	else
+	    if( hCurrentWnd )
+	        SendMessage16( hCurrentWnd, WM_DRAGMOVE, 0, (LPARAM)spDragInfo);
+    } while( msg.message != WM_LBUTTONUP && msg.message != WM_NCLBUTTONUP );
+    ReleaseCapture();
+    ShowCursor( FALSE );
+    if( hCursor ) SetCursor(hOldCursor);
+    if( hCurrentCursor != hBummer )
+	msg.lParam = SendMessage16( lpDragInfo->hScope, WM_DROPOBJECT,
+				   (WPARAM16)hWnd, (LPARAM)spDragInfo );
+    else
+        msg.lParam = 0;
+    GlobalFree16(hDragInfo);
+    return (DWORD)(msg.lParam);
  *          DrawFrameControl  (USER.656)
diff --git a/dlls/user/user32.spec b/dlls/user/user32.spec
index 3f2e15c465a5206dcadcfd58f5bd3ed3aa66980f..44e851466a2a5f9c9245fa8161a6f4a784138c3a 100644
--- a/dlls/user/user32.spec
+++ b/dlls/user/user32.spec
@@ -672,7 +672,6 @@ init	UserClientDllInitialize
 @ stdcall DialogBoxIndirectParam16(long long long long long) DialogBoxIndirectParam16
 @ stdcall GetDriverModuleHandle16(long) GetDriverModuleHandle16
 @ stdcall OpenDriver16(str str long) OpenDriver16
-@ stdcall PostAppMessage16(long long long long) PostAppMessage16
 @ stdcall SendDriverMessage16(long long long long) SendDriverMessage16
 @ stdcall UserYield16() UserYield16
@@ -696,7 +695,6 @@ init	UserClientDllInitialize
 @ cdecl WINPOS_ShowIconTitle(long long) WINPOS_ShowIconTitle
 @ cdecl WIN_FindWndPtr(long) WIN_FindWndPtr
 @ cdecl WIN_GetPtr(long) WIN_GetPtr
-@ cdecl WIN_Handle32(long) WIN_Handle32
 @ cdecl WIN_LinkWindow(long long long) WIN_LinkWindow
 @ cdecl WIN_ListChildren(long) WIN_ListChildren
 @ cdecl WIN_ListParents(long) WIN_ListParents
diff --git a/dlls/winmm/mmsystem.c b/dlls/winmm/mmsystem.c
index 0ae092e882f316ec1b1c38a04d2cebbd63742130..d90cefb8880db6bd9e0cade3a4007324fff752cf 100644
--- a/dlls/winmm/mmsystem.c
+++ b/dlls/winmm/mmsystem.c
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ void	WINAPI	mmTaskBlock16(HINSTANCE16 WINE_UNUSED hInst)
 LRESULT	WINAPI mmTaskSignal16(HTASK16 ht)
     TRACE("(%04x);\n", ht);
-    return PostAppMessage16(ht, WM_USER, 0, 0);
+    return PostThreadMessageW( HTASK_32(ht), WM_USER, 0, 0 );
diff --git a/dlls/x11drv/winpos.c b/dlls/x11drv/winpos.c
index fd5da7cdf770efb58cd693a678cd2cdb64591051..b03c7fb15807f00c3a55d2b39c46b9b66b3b10fc 100644
--- a/dlls/x11drv/winpos.c
+++ b/dlls/x11drv/winpos.c
@@ -749,7 +749,6 @@ static BOOL fixup_flags( WINDOWPOS *winpos )
     /* hwndInsertAfter must be a sibling of the window */
     if ((winpos->hwndInsertAfter != HWND_TOP) && (winpos->hwndInsertAfter != HWND_BOTTOM))
-        winpos->hwndInsertAfter = WIN_GetFullHandle( winpos->hwndInsertAfter );
         if (GetAncestor( winpos->hwndInsertAfter, GA_PARENT ) != wndPtr->parent) ret = FALSE;
diff --git a/windows/win.c b/windows/win.c
index c974455a0a8538c24dce915d7f8d5f113d7088b8..649d071c15d10d566303bfad80a940b87158e0bb 100644
--- a/windows/win.c
+++ b/windows/win.c
@@ -3133,76 +3133,6 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetWindowContextHelpId( HWND hwnd, DWORD id )
- *			DRAG_QueryUpdate16
- *
- * recursively find a child that contains spDragInfo->pt point
- */
-static BOOL16 DRAG_QueryUpdate16( HWND hQueryWnd, SEGPTR spDragInfo )
-    BOOL16 wParam, bResult = 0;
-    POINT pt, client_pt;
-    LPDRAGINFO16 ptrDragInfo = MapSL(spDragInfo);
-    RECT tempRect;
-    if (!ptrDragInfo) return FALSE;
-    CONV_POINT16TO32( &ptrDragInfo->pt, &pt );
-    GetWindowRect(hQueryWnd,&tempRect);
-    if( !PtInRect(&tempRect,pt) || !IsWindowEnabled(hQueryWnd)) return FALSE;
-    if (!IsIconic( hQueryWnd ))
-    {
-        GetClientRect( hQueryWnd, &tempRect );
-        MapWindowPoints( hQueryWnd, 0, (LPPOINT)&tempRect, 2 );
-        if (PtInRect( &tempRect, pt))
-        {
-            int i;
-            HWND *list = WIN_ListChildren( hQueryWnd );
-            wParam = 0;
-            if (list)
-            {
-                for (i = 0; list[i]; i++)
-                {
-                    if (GetWindowLongW( list[i], GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE)
-                    {
-                        GetWindowRect( list[i], &tempRect );
-                        if (PtInRect( &tempRect, pt )) break;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (list[i])
-                {
-                    if (IsWindowEnabled( list[i] ))
-                        bResult = DRAG_QueryUpdate16( list[i], spDragInfo );
-                }
-                HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, list );
-            }
-            if(bResult) return bResult;
-        }
-        else wParam = 1;
-    }
-    else wParam = 1;
-    client_pt = pt;
-    ScreenToClient( hQueryWnd, &client_pt );
-    ptrDragInfo->pt.x = client_pt.x;
-    ptrDragInfo->pt.y = client_pt.y;
-    ptrDragInfo->hScope = HWND_16(hQueryWnd);
-    bResult = SendMessage16( HWND_16(hQueryWnd), WM_QUERYDROPOBJECT, (WPARAM16)wParam, spDragInfo );
-    if( !bResult ) CONV_POINT32TO16( &pt, &ptrDragInfo->pt );
-    return bResult;
  *		DragDetect (USER32.@)
@@ -3245,101 +3175,6 @@ BOOL WINAPI DragDetect( HWND hWnd, POINT pt )
     return 0;
- *		DragObject (USER.464)
- */
-DWORD WINAPI DragObject16( HWND16 hwndScope, HWND16 hWnd, UINT16 wObj,
-                           HANDLE16 hOfStruct, WORD szList, HCURSOR16 hCursor )
-    MSG	msg;
-    LPDRAGINFO16 lpDragInfo;
-    SEGPTR	spDragInfo;
-    HCURSOR 	hOldCursor=0, hBummer=0;
-    HGLOBAL16	hDragInfo  = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, 2*sizeof(DRAGINFO16));
-    HCURSOR	hCurrentCursor = 0;
-    HWND16	hCurrentWnd = 0;
-    lpDragInfo = (LPDRAGINFO16) GlobalLock16(hDragInfo);
-    spDragInfo = K32WOWGlobalLock16(hDragInfo);
-    if( !lpDragInfo || !spDragInfo ) return 0L;
-    if (!(hBummer = LoadCursorA(0, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(OCR_NO))))
-    {
-        GlobalFree16(hDragInfo);
-        return 0L;
-    }
-    if(hCursor) hOldCursor = SetCursor(HCURSOR_32(hCursor));
-    lpDragInfo->hWnd   = hWnd;
-    lpDragInfo->hScope = 0;
-    lpDragInfo->wFlags = wObj;
-    lpDragInfo->hList  = szList; /* near pointer! */
-    lpDragInfo->hOfStruct = hOfStruct;
-    lpDragInfo->l = 0L;
-    SetCapture(WIN_Handle32(hWnd));
-    ShowCursor( TRUE );
-    do
-    {
-        GetMessageW( &msg, 0, WM_MOUSEFIRST, WM_MOUSELAST );
-       *(lpDragInfo+1) = *lpDragInfo;
-	lpDragInfo->pt.x = msg.pt.x;
-	lpDragInfo->pt.y = msg.pt.y;
-	/* update DRAGINFO struct */
-	TRACE_(msg)("lpDI->hScope = %04x\n",lpDragInfo->hScope);
-	if( DRAG_QueryUpdate16(WIN_Handle32(hwndScope), spDragInfo) > 0 )
-	    hCurrentCursor = HCURSOR_32(hCursor);
-	else
-        {
-            hCurrentCursor = hBummer;
-            lpDragInfo->hScope = 0;
-	}
-	if( hCurrentCursor )
-	    SetCursor(hCurrentCursor);
-	/* send WM_DRAGLOOP */
-	SendMessage16( hWnd, WM_DRAGLOOP, (WPARAM16)(hCurrentCursor != hBummer),
-	                                  (LPARAM) spDragInfo );
-	if( hCurrentWnd != lpDragInfo->hScope )
-	{
-	    if( hCurrentWnd )
-	        SendMessage16( hCurrentWnd, WM_DRAGSELECT, 0,
-		       (LPARAM)MAKELONG(LOWORD(spDragInfo)+sizeof(DRAGINFO16),
-				        HIWORD(spDragInfo)) );
-	    hCurrentWnd = lpDragInfo->hScope;
-	    if( hCurrentWnd )
-                SendMessage16( hCurrentWnd, WM_DRAGSELECT, 1, (LPARAM)spDragInfo);
-	}
-	else
-	    if( hCurrentWnd )
-	        SendMessage16( hCurrentWnd, WM_DRAGMOVE, 0, (LPARAM)spDragInfo);
-    } while( msg.message != WM_LBUTTONUP && msg.message != WM_NCLBUTTONUP );
-    ReleaseCapture();
-    ShowCursor( FALSE );
-    if( hCursor ) SetCursor(hOldCursor);
-    if( hCurrentCursor != hBummer )
-	msg.lParam = SendMessage16( lpDragInfo->hScope, WM_DROPOBJECT,
-				   (WPARAM16)hWnd, (LPARAM)spDragInfo );
-    else
-        msg.lParam = 0;
-    GlobalFree16(hDragInfo);
-    return (DWORD)(msg.lParam);
  *		GetWindowModuleFileNameA (USER32.@)
diff --git a/windows/winpos.c b/windows/winpos.c
index abb89e83a9f7a7ec8cd9010b28472a7ad24cd258..673b4aa6e099e043ab32ebe87582b3b09a283ca0 100644
--- a/windows/winpos.c
+++ b/windows/winpos.c
@@ -1177,8 +1177,8 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetWindowPos( HWND hwnd, HWND hwndInsertAfter,
 	   hwnd, hwndInsertAfter, x, y, cx, cy, flags);
     if(TRACE_ON(win)) dump_winpos_flags(flags);
-    winpos.hwnd = hwnd;
-    winpos.hwndInsertAfter = hwndInsertAfter;
+    winpos.hwnd = WIN_GetFullHandle(hwnd);
+    winpos.hwndInsertAfter = WIN_GetFullHandle(hwndInsertAfter);
     winpos.x = x;
     winpos.y = y;
     winpos.cx = cx;
@@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ HDWP WINAPI DeferWindowPos( HDWP hdwp, HWND hwnd, HWND hwndAfter,
               /* Merge with the other changes */
             if (!(flags & SWP_NOZORDER))
-                pDWP->winPos[i].hwndInsertAfter = hwndAfter;
+                pDWP->winPos[i].hwndInsertAfter = WIN_GetFullHandle(hwndAfter);
             if (!(flags & SWP_NOMOVE))