From 9c2370bd752b1202e23767de2185cc79ecf0e1ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Julliard <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 00:00:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added exception handling wrapper to a number of server
 requests. Changed a few requests to use the new vararg mechanism.

 dlls/kernel/toolhelp.c | 121 +++++++++++++---------
 dlls/ntdll/exception.c |  20 ++--
 dlls/ntdll/nt.c        |  40 ++++++--
 dlls/ntdll/om.c        |  12 ++-
 dlls/ntdll/sync.c      | 195 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 files/change.c         |  16 ++-
 files/file.c           | 199 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 include/ntddk.h        |   8 +-
 include/server.h       |  42 ++++----
 loader/module.c        |  12 ++-
 loader/ne/module.c     |  16 +--
 loader/pe_image.c      |  19 ++--
 memory/atom.c          | 162 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 memory/selector.c      |  54 ++++++----
 memory/virtual.c       | 128 +++++++++++++++++-------
 misc/registry.c        |  21 ++--
 scheduler/debugger.c   | 205 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 scheduler/event.c      | 135 +++++++++++++++++--------
 scheduler/handle.c     |  84 +++++++++-------
 scheduler/mutex.c      | 121 ++++++++++++++++------
 scheduler/pipe.c       |  19 ++--
 scheduler/process.c    | 203 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 scheduler/semaphore.c  | 139 ++++++++++++++++----------
 scheduler/synchro.c    |  64 +++++++-----
 scheduler/thread.c     | 222 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 scheduler/timer.c      | 168 +++++++++++++++++++++----------
 server/atom.c          |  51 ++++++----
 server/debugger.c      |  14 +--
 server/event.c         |   8 +-
 server/mapping.c       |   8 +-
 server/mutex.c         |   7 +-
 server/object.c        |  11 +-
 server/request.h       |  12 +++
 server/semaphore.c     |   8 +-
 server/thread.c        |  35 ++++---
 server/timer.c         |   7 +-
 server/trace.c         |  90 ++++++++++-------
 tools/make_requests    |  15 ++-
 win32/console.c        |  27 +++--
 win32/device.c         |  24 +++--
 windows/queue.c        |  45 ++++++---
 41 files changed, 1790 insertions(+), 997 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/kernel/toolhelp.c b/dlls/kernel/toolhelp.c
index e4872f77292..077308cc314 100644
--- a/dlls/kernel/toolhelp.c
+++ b/dlls/kernel/toolhelp.c
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ FARPROC16 tmp;
 HANDLE WINAPI CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( DWORD flags, DWORD process ) 
-    struct create_snapshot_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret;
     TRACE("%lx,%lx\n", flags, process );
@@ -193,13 +193,19 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( DWORD flags, DWORD process )
         SetLastError( ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED );
         return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
     /* Now do the snapshot */
-    req->flags   = flags & ~TH32CS_INHERIT;
-    req->inherit = (flags & TH32CS_INHERIT) != 0;
-    req->pid     = (void *)process;
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_SNAPSHOT );
-    return req->handle;
+    {
+        struct create_snapshot_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->flags   = flags & ~TH32CS_INHERIT;
+        req->inherit = (flags & TH32CS_INHERIT) != 0;
+        req->pid     = (void *)process;
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_SNAPSHOT );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -210,7 +216,7 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( DWORD flags, DWORD process )
 static BOOL TOOLHELP_Thread32Next( HANDLE handle, LPTHREADENTRY32 lpte, BOOL first )
-    struct next_thread_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    BOOL ret;
     if (lpte->dwSize < sizeof(THREADENTRY32))
@@ -218,16 +224,23 @@ static BOOL TOOLHELP_Thread32Next( HANDLE handle, LPTHREADENTRY32 lpte, BOOL fir
         ERR("Result buffer too small (req: %d, was: %ld)\n", sizeof(THREADENTRY32), lpte->dwSize);
         return FALSE;
-    req->handle = handle;
-    req->reset = first;
-    if (server_call( REQ_NEXT_THREAD )) return FALSE;
-    lpte->cntUsage           = req->count;
-    lpte->th32ThreadID       = (DWORD)req->tid;
-    lpte->th32OwnerProcessID = (DWORD)req->pid;
-    lpte->tbBasePri          = req->base_pri; 
-    lpte->tbDeltaPri         = req->delta_pri;
-    lpte->dwFlags            = 0;  /* SDK: "reserved; do not use" */
-    return TRUE;
+    {
+        struct next_thread_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->reset = first;
+        if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_NEXT_THREAD )))
+        {
+            lpte->cntUsage           = req->count;
+            lpte->th32ThreadID       = (DWORD)req->tid;
+            lpte->th32OwnerProcessID = (DWORD)req->pid;
+            lpte->tbBasePri          = req->base_pri;
+            lpte->tbDeltaPri         = req->delta_pri;
+            lpte->dwFlags            = 0;  /* SDK: "reserved; do not use" */
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -257,7 +270,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI Thread32Next(HANDLE hSnapshot, LPTHREADENTRY32 lpte)
 static BOOL TOOLHELP_Process32Next( HANDLE handle, LPPROCESSENTRY32 lppe, BOOL first )
-    struct next_process_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    BOOL ret;
     if (lppe->dwSize < sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32))
@@ -265,19 +278,26 @@ static BOOL TOOLHELP_Process32Next( HANDLE handle, LPPROCESSENTRY32 lppe, BOOL f
         ERR("Result buffer too small (req: %d, was: %ld)\n", sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32), lppe->dwSize);
         return FALSE;
-    req->handle = handle;
-    req->reset = first;
-    if (server_call( REQ_NEXT_PROCESS )) return FALSE;
-    lppe->cntUsage            = req->count;
-    lppe->th32ProcessID       = (DWORD)req->pid;
-    lppe->th32DefaultHeapID   = 0;  /* FIXME */ 
-    lppe->th32ModuleID        = 0;  /* FIXME */
-    lppe->cntThreads          = req->threads;
-    lppe->th32ParentProcessID = 0;  /* FIXME */
-    lppe->pcPriClassBase      = req->priority;
-    lppe->dwFlags             = -1; /* FIXME */
-    lppe->szExeFile[0]        = 0;  /* FIXME */
-    return TRUE;
+    {
+        struct next_process_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->reset = first;
+        if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_NEXT_PROCESS )))
+        {
+            lppe->cntUsage            = req->count;
+            lppe->th32ProcessID       = (DWORD)req->pid;
+            lppe->th32DefaultHeapID   = 0;  /* FIXME */
+            lppe->th32ModuleID        = 0;  /* FIXME */
+            lppe->cntThreads          = req->threads;
+            lppe->th32ParentProcessID = 0;  /* FIXME */
+            lppe->pcPriClassBase      = req->priority;
+            lppe->dwFlags             = -1; /* FIXME */
+            lppe->szExeFile[0]        = 0;  /* FIXME */
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -309,27 +329,34 @@ BOOL WINAPI Process32Next(HANDLE hSnapshot, LPPROCESSENTRY32 lppe)
 static BOOL TOOLHELP_Module32Next( HANDLE handle, LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme, BOOL first )
-    struct next_module_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    BOOL ret;
     if (lpme->dwSize < sizeof (MODULEENTRY32))
         ERR("Result buffer too small (req: %d, was: %ld)\n", sizeof(MODULEENTRY32), lpme->dwSize);
         return FALSE;
-    req->handle = handle;
-    req->reset = first;
-    if (server_call( REQ_NEXT_MODULE )) return FALSE;
-    lpme->th32ModuleID   = 0;  /* toolhelp internal id, never used */
-    lpme->th32ProcessID  = (DWORD)req->pid;
-    lpme->GlblcntUsage   = 0; /* FIXME */
-    lpme->ProccntUsage   = 0; /* FIXME */ 
-    lpme->modBaseAddr    = req->base;
-    lpme->modBaseSize    = 0; /* FIXME */
-    lpme->hModule        = (DWORD)req->base;
-    lpme->szModule[0]    = 0;  /* FIXME */
-    lpme->szExePath[0]   = 0;  /* FIXME */
-    return TRUE;
+    {
+        struct next_module_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->reset = first;
+        if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_NEXT_MODULE )))
+        {
+            lpme->th32ModuleID   = 0;  /* toolhelp internal id, never used */
+            lpme->th32ProcessID  = (DWORD)req->pid;
+            lpme->GlblcntUsage   = 0; /* FIXME */
+            lpme->ProccntUsage   = 0; /* FIXME */ 
+            lpme->modBaseAddr    = req->base;
+            lpme->modBaseSize    = 0; /* FIXME */
+            lpme->hModule        = (DWORD)req->base;
+            lpme->szModule[0]    = 0;  /* FIXME */
+            lpme->szExePath[0]   = 0;  /* FIXME */
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/exception.c b/dlls/ntdll/exception.c
index ed3878ec93d..6ec746a2b9c 100644
--- a/dlls/ntdll/exception.c
+++ b/dlls/ntdll/exception.c
@@ -86,18 +86,24 @@ static DWORD EXC_CallHandler( EXCEPTION_RECORD *record, EXCEPTION_FRAME *frame,
- *           EXC_SendEvent
+ *           send_debug_event
  * Send an EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT event to the debugger.
 static inline int send_debug_event( EXCEPTION_RECORD *rec, int first_chance, CONTEXT *context )
-    struct exception_event_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->record  = *rec;
-    req->first   = first_chance;
-    req->context = *context;
-    if (!server_call_noerr( REQ_EXCEPTION_EVENT )) *context = req->context;
-    return req->status;
+    int ret;
+    {
+        struct exception_event_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->record  = *rec;
+        req->first   = first_chance;
+        req->context = *context;
+        if (!server_call_noerr( REQ_EXCEPTION_EVENT )) *context = req->context;
+        ret = req->status;
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/nt.c b/dlls/ntdll/nt.c
index e9b90ef286f..092a4e3689e 100644
--- a/dlls/ntdll/nt.c
+++ b/dlls/ntdll/nt.c
@@ -75,10 +75,17 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQueryTimerResolution(DWORD x1,DWORD x2,DWORD x3)
 NTSTATUS WINAPI NtTerminateProcess( HANDLE handle, LONG exit_code )
     NTSTATUS ret;
-    struct terminate_process_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle    = handle;
-    req->exit_code = exit_code;
-    if (!(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_TERMINATE_PROCESS )) && req->self) exit( exit_code );
+    BOOL self;
+    {
+        struct terminate_process_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle    = handle;
+        req->exit_code = exit_code;
+        ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_TERMINATE_PROCESS );
+        self = !ret && req->self;
+    }
+    if (self) exit( exit_code );
     return ret;
@@ -134,24 +141,35 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtResumeThread(
 	return 0;
  *  NtTerminateThread	[NTDLL] 
-NTSTATUS WINAPI NtTerminateThread( IN HANDLE handle,
-                                   IN NTSTATUS exit_code )
+NTSTATUS WINAPI NtTerminateThread( HANDLE handle, LONG exit_code )
     NTSTATUS ret;
-    struct terminate_thread_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle    = handle;
-    req->exit_code = exit_code;
-    if (!(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_TERMINATE_THREAD )) && req->self)
+    BOOL self, last;
-        if (req->last) exit( exit_code );
+        struct terminate_thread_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle    = handle;
+        req->exit_code = exit_code;
+        ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_TERMINATE_THREAD );
+        self = !ret && req->self;
+        last = req->last;
+    }
+    if (self)
+    {
+        if (last) exit( exit_code );
         else SYSDEPS_ExitThread( exit_code );
     return ret;
 *  NtQueryInformationThread		[NTDLL.] 
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/om.c b/dlls/ntdll/om.c
index 8a3da0620fe..3e31fc8c3aa 100644
--- a/dlls/ntdll/om.c
+++ b/dlls/ntdll/om.c
@@ -215,9 +215,15 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtDuplicateObject(
-    struct close_handle_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = Handle;
-    return server_call_noerr( REQ_CLOSE_HANDLE );
+    NTSTATUS ret;
+    {
+        struct close_handle_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = Handle;
+        ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_CLOSE_HANDLE );
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/sync.c b/dlls/ntdll/sync.c
index e701d307aa1..7409b4a667e 100644
--- a/dlls/ntdll/sync.c
+++ b/dlls/ntdll/sync.c
@@ -16,17 +16,6 @@
-/* copy a key name into the request buffer */
-static inline NTSTATUS copy_nameU( LPWSTR Dest, const OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *attr )
-    if (attr && attr->ObjectName && attr->ObjectName->Buffer)
-    {
-        if ((attr->ObjectName->Length) > MAX_PATH) return STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
-        strcpyW( Dest, attr->ObjectName->Buffer );
-    }
-    else Dest[0] = 0;
-    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
  *	Semaphores
@@ -35,44 +24,56 @@ static inline NTSTATUS copy_nameU( LPWSTR Dest, const OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *attr )
  *  NtCreateSemaphore
-NTSTATUS WINAPI NtCreateSemaphore(
-	OUT PHANDLE SemaphoreHandle,
-	IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
-	IN ULONG InitialCount,
-	IN ULONG MaximumCount) 
+NTSTATUS WINAPI NtCreateSemaphore( OUT PHANDLE SemaphoreHandle,
+                                   IN ACCESS_MASK access,
+                                   IN const OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *attr OPTIONAL,
+                                   IN ULONG InitialCount,
+                                   IN ULONG MaximumCount )
-    struct create_semaphore_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    DWORD len = attr && attr->ObjectName ? attr->ObjectName->Length : 0;
     NTSTATUS ret;
     if ((MaximumCount <= 0) || (InitialCount < 0) || (InitialCount > MaximumCount))
     *SemaphoreHandle = 0;
-    req->initial = InitialCount;
-    req->max     = MaximumCount;
-    req->inherit = ObjectAttributes && (ObjectAttributes->Attributes & OBJ_INHERIT);
-    if (!(ret = copy_nameU( req->name, ObjectAttributes )) &&
-        !(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_CREATE_SEMAPHORE ))) *SemaphoreHandle = req->handle;
+    {
+        struct create_semaphore_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len );
+        req->initial = InitialCount;
+        req->max     = MaximumCount;
+        req->inherit = attr && (attr->Attributes & OBJ_INHERIT);
+        if (len) memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), attr->ObjectName->Buffer, len );
+        if (!(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_CREATE_SEMAPHORE )))
+            *SemaphoreHandle = req->handle;
+    }
     return ret;
  *  NtOpenSemaphore
-	OUT PHANDLE SemaphoreHandle,
-	IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAcces,
+NTSTATUS WINAPI NtOpenSemaphore( OUT PHANDLE SemaphoreHandle,
+                                 IN ACCESS_MASK access,
+                                 IN const OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *attr )
-    struct open_semaphore_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    DWORD len = attr && attr->ObjectName ? attr->ObjectName->Length : 0;
     NTSTATUS ret;
     *SemaphoreHandle = 0;
-    req->access  = DesiredAcces;
-    req->inherit = ObjectAttributes && (ObjectAttributes->Attributes & OBJ_INHERIT);
-    if (!(ret = copy_nameU( req->name, ObjectAttributes )) &&
-        !(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_OPEN_SEMAPHORE ))) *SemaphoreHandle = req->handle;
+    {
+        struct open_semaphore_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = attr && (attr->Attributes & OBJ_INHERIT);
+        if (len) memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), attr->ObjectName->Buffer, len );
+        if (!(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_OPEN_SEMAPHORE )))
+            *SemaphoreHandle = req->handle;
+    }
     return ret;
@@ -90,25 +91,24 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQuerySemaphore(
 	SemaphoreHandle, SemaphoreInformationClass, SemaphoreInformation, Length, ReturnLength);
  *  NtReleaseSemaphore
-NTSTATUS WINAPI NtReleaseSemaphore(
-	IN HANDLE SemaphoreHandle,
-	IN ULONG ReleaseCount,
-	IN PULONG PreviousCount)
+NTSTATUS WINAPI NtReleaseSemaphore( HANDLE handle, ULONG count, PULONG previous )
-    struct release_semaphore_request *req = get_req_buffer();
     NTSTATUS ret;
-    if (ReleaseCount < 0) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
-    req->handle = SemaphoreHandle;
-    req->count  = ReleaseCount;
-    if (!(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_RELEASE_SEMAPHORE )))
-        if (PreviousCount) *PreviousCount = req->prev_count;
+        struct release_semaphore_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->count  = count;
+        if (!(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_RELEASE_SEMAPHORE )))
+        {
+            if (previous) *previous = req->prev_count;
+        }
     return ret;
@@ -122,19 +122,25 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtReleaseSemaphore(
 	OUT PHANDLE EventHandle,
 	IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
 	IN BOOLEAN ManualReset,
 	IN BOOLEAN InitialState)
-    struct create_event_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    DWORD len = attr && attr->ObjectName ? attr->ObjectName->Length : 0;
     NTSTATUS ret;
     *EventHandle = 0;
-    req->manual_reset = ManualReset;
-    req->initial_state = InitialState;
-    req->inherit = ObjectAttributes && (ObjectAttributes->Attributes & OBJ_INHERIT);
-    if (!(ret = copy_nameU( req->name, ObjectAttributes )) &&
-        !(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_CREATE_EVENT ))) *EventHandle = req->handle;
+    {
+        struct create_event_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len );
+        req->manual_reset = ManualReset;
+        req->initial_state = InitialState;
+        req->inherit = attr && (attr->Attributes & OBJ_INHERIT);
+        if (len) memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), attr->ObjectName->Buffer, len );
+        if (!(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_CREATE_EVENT ))) *EventHandle = req->handle;
+    }
     return ret;
@@ -144,16 +150,23 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtCreateEvent(
 	OUT PHANDLE EventHandle,
 	IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
+	IN const OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *attr )
-    struct open_event_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    DWORD len = attr && attr->ObjectName ? attr->ObjectName->Length : 0;
     NTSTATUS ret;
     *EventHandle = 0;
-    req->access  = DesiredAccess;
-    req->inherit = ObjectAttributes && (ObjectAttributes->Attributes & OBJ_INHERIT);
-    if (!(ret = copy_nameU( req->name, ObjectAttributes )) &&
-        !(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_OPEN_EVENT ))) *EventHandle = req->handle;
+    {
+        struct open_event_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len );
+        req->access  = DesiredAccess;
+        req->inherit = attr && (attr->Attributes & OBJ_INHERIT);
+        if (len) memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), attr->ObjectName->Buffer, len );
+        if (!(ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_OPEN_EVENT ))) *EventHandle = req->handle;
+    }
     return ret;
@@ -161,29 +174,40 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtOpenEvent(
  *  NtSetEvent
-	IN HANDLE EventHandle,
-	PULONG NumberOfThreadsReleased)
+NTSTATUS WINAPI NtSetEvent( HANDLE handle, PULONG NumberOfThreadsReleased )
-    struct event_op_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    FIXME("(0x%08x,%p)\n", EventHandle, NumberOfThreadsReleased);
-    req->handle = EventHandle;
-    req->op     = SET_EVENT;
-    return server_call_noerr( REQ_EVENT_OP );
+    NTSTATUS ret;
+    FIXME("(0x%08x,%p)\n", handle, NumberOfThreadsReleased);
+    {
+        struct event_op_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->op     = SET_EVENT;
+        ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_EVENT_OP );
+    }
+    return ret;
  *  NtResetEvent
-	IN HANDLE EventHandle,
-	PULONG NumberOfThreadsReleased)
+NTSTATUS WINAPI NtResetEvent( HANDLE handle, PULONG NumberOfThreadsReleased )
-    struct event_op_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    FIXME("(0x%08x,%p)\n", EventHandle, NumberOfThreadsReleased);
-    req->handle = EventHandle;
-    req->op     = RESET_EVENT;
-    return server_call_noerr( REQ_EVENT_OP );
+    NTSTATUS ret;
+    /* resetting an event can't release any thread... */
+    if (NumberOfThreadsReleased) *NumberOfThreadsReleased = 0;
+    {
+        struct event_op_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->op     = RESET_EVENT;
+        ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_EVENT_OP );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -192,10 +216,9 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtResetEvent(
  *   same as NtResetEvent ???
-	IN HANDLE EventHandle)
+NTSTATUS WINAPI NtClearEvent ( HANDLE handle )
-    return NtResetEvent( EventHandle, NULL );
+    return NtResetEvent( handle, NULL );
@@ -204,15 +227,19 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtClearEvent (
  *   PulseCount
-	IN HANDLE EventHandle,
-	IN PULONG PulseCount)
+NTSTATUS WINAPI NtPulseEvent( HANDLE handle, PULONG PulseCount )
-    struct event_op_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    FIXME("(0x%08x,%p)\n", EventHandle, PulseCount);
-    req->handle = EventHandle;
-    req->op     = PULSE_EVENT;
-    return server_call_noerr( REQ_EVENT_OP );
+    NTSTATUS ret;
+    FIXME("(0x%08x,%p)\n", handle, PulseCount);
+    {
+        struct event_op_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->op     = PULSE_EVENT;
+        ret = server_call_noerr( REQ_EVENT_OP );
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/files/change.c b/files/change.c
index 80ea17e14eb..ab074187998 100644
--- a/files/change.c
+++ b/files/change.c
@@ -28,13 +28,19 @@ DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(file);
 HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstChangeNotificationA( LPCSTR lpPathName, BOOL bWatchSubtree,
                                             DWORD dwNotifyFilter ) 
-    struct create_change_notification_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret = -1;
     FIXME("this is not supported yet (non-trivial).\n");
-    req->subtree = bWatchSubtree;
-    req->filter  = dwNotifyFilter;
-    return req->handle;
+    {
+        struct create_change_notification_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->subtree = bWatchSubtree;
+        req->filter  = dwNotifyFilter;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_CREATE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION )) ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/files/file.c b/files/file.c
index 1252f0b198c..c6197246d41 100644
--- a/files/file.c
+++ b/files/file.c
@@ -368,14 +368,20 @@ HANDLE FILE_CreateFile( LPCSTR filename, DWORD access, DWORD sharing,
 HFILE FILE_CreateDevice( int client_id, DWORD access, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa )
-    struct create_device_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    req->id      = client_id;
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_DEVICE );
-    return req->handle;
+    HFILE ret;
+    {
+        struct create_device_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        req->id      = client_id;
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_DEVICE );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -566,22 +572,29 @@ BOOL FILE_Stat( LPCSTR unixName, BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION *info )
 DWORD WINAPI GetFileInformationByHandle( HANDLE hFile,
                                          BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION *info )
-    struct get_file_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    DWORD ret;
     if (!info) return 0;
-    req->handle = hFile;
-    if (server_call( REQ_GET_FILE_INFO )) return 0;
-    RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( req->write_time, &info->ftCreationTime );
-    RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( req->write_time, &info->ftLastWriteTime );
-    RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( req->access_time, &info->ftLastAccessTime );
-    info->dwFileAttributes     = req->attr;
-    info->dwVolumeSerialNumber = req->serial;
-    info->nFileSizeHigh        = req->size_high;
-    info->nFileSizeLow         = req->size_low;
-    info->nNumberOfLinks       = req->links;
-    info->nFileIndexHigh       = req->index_high;
-    info->nFileIndexLow        = req->index_low;
-    return 1;
+    {
+        struct get_file_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hFile;
+        if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_GET_FILE_INFO )))
+        {
+            RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( req->write_time, &info->ftCreationTime );
+            RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( req->write_time, &info->ftLastWriteTime );
+            RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( req->access_time, &info->ftLastAccessTime );
+            info->dwFileAttributes     = req->attr;
+            info->dwVolumeSerialNumber = req->serial;
+            info->nFileSizeHigh        = req->size_high;
+            info->nFileSizeLow         = req->size_low;
+            info->nNumberOfLinks       = req->links;
+            info->nFileIndexHigh       = req->index_high;
+            info->nFileIndexLow        = req->index_low;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -1271,7 +1284,7 @@ HFILE WINAPI _lcreat( LPCSTR path, INT attr )
 DWORD WINAPI SetFilePointer( HANDLE hFile, LONG distance, LONG *highword,
                              DWORD method )
-    struct set_file_pointer_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    DWORD ret = 0xffffffff;
     if (highword &&
         ((distance >= 0 && *highword != 0) || (distance < 0 && *highword != -1)))
@@ -1280,20 +1293,28 @@ DWORD WINAPI SetFilePointer( HANDLE hFile, LONG distance, LONG *highword,
         SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
-        return 0xffffffff;
+        return ret;
     TRACE("handle %d offset %ld origin %ld\n",
           hFile, distance, method );
-    req->handle = hFile;
-    req->low = distance;
-    req->high = highword ? *highword : (distance >= 0) ? 0 : -1;
-    /* FIXME: assumes 1:1 mapping between Windows and Unix seek constants */
-    req->whence = method;
-    SetLastError( 0 );
-    if (server_call( REQ_SET_FILE_POINTER )) return 0xffffffff;
-    if (highword) *highword = req->new_high;
-    return req->new_low;
+    {
+        struct set_file_pointer_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hFile;
+        req->low = distance;
+        req->high = highword ? *highword : (distance >= 0) ? 0 : -1;
+        /* FIXME: assumes 1:1 mapping between Windows and Unix seek constants */
+        req->whence = method;
+        SetLastError( 0 );
+        if (!server_call( REQ_SET_FILE_POINTER ))
+        {
+            ret = req->new_low;
+            if (highword) *highword = req->new_high;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -1480,9 +1501,15 @@ UINT WINAPI SetHandleCount( UINT count )
 BOOL WINAPI FlushFileBuffers( HANDLE hFile )
-    struct flush_file_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hFile;
-    return !server_call( REQ_FLUSH_FILE );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct flush_file_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hFile;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_FLUSH_FILE );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -1491,9 +1518,15 @@ BOOL WINAPI FlushFileBuffers( HANDLE hFile )
-    struct truncate_file_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hFile;
-    return !server_call( REQ_TRUNCATE_FILE );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct truncate_file_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hFile;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_TRUNCATE_FILE );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -1645,10 +1678,15 @@ int FILE_munmap( LPVOID start, DWORD size_high, DWORD size_low )
-    struct get_file_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hFile;
-    if (server_call( REQ_GET_FILE_INFO )) return FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
-    return req->type;
+    {
+        struct get_file_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hFile;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_GET_FILE_INFO )) ret = req->type;
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -1931,18 +1969,23 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetFileTime( HANDLE hFile,
                            const FILETIME *lpLastAccessTime,
                            const FILETIME *lpLastWriteTime )
-    struct set_file_time_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hFile;
-    if (lpLastAccessTime)
-	req->access_time = DOSFS_FileTimeToUnixTime(lpLastAccessTime, NULL);
-    else
-	req->access_time = 0; /* FIXME */
-    if (lpLastWriteTime)
-	req->write_time = DOSFS_FileTimeToUnixTime(lpLastWriteTime, NULL);
-    else
-	req->write_time = 0; /* FIXME */
-    return !server_call( REQ_SET_FILE_TIME );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct set_file_time_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hFile;
+        if (lpLastAccessTime)
+            req->access_time = DOSFS_FileTimeToUnixTime(lpLastAccessTime, NULL);
+        else
+            req->access_time = 0; /* FIXME */
+        if (lpLastWriteTime)
+            req->write_time = DOSFS_FileTimeToUnixTime(lpLastWriteTime, NULL);
+        else
+            req->write_time = 0; /* FIXME */
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_SET_FILE_TIME );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -1952,14 +1995,20 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetFileTime( HANDLE hFile,
 BOOL WINAPI LockFile( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh,
                         DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh )
-    struct lock_file_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle      = hFile;
-    req->offset_low  = dwFileOffsetLow;
-    req->offset_high = dwFileOffsetHigh;
-    req->count_low   = nNumberOfBytesToLockLow;
-    req->count_high  = nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh;
-    return !server_call( REQ_LOCK_FILE );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct lock_file_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle      = hFile;
+        req->offset_low  = dwFileOffsetLow;
+        req->offset_high = dwFileOffsetHigh;
+        req->count_low   = nNumberOfBytesToLockLow;
+        req->count_high  = nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_LOCK_FILE );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -1999,14 +2048,20 @@ BOOL WINAPI LockFileEx( HANDLE hFile, DWORD flags, DWORD reserved,
 BOOL WINAPI UnlockFile( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh,
                           DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh )
-    struct unlock_file_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle      = hFile;
-    req->offset_low  = dwFileOffsetLow;
-    req->offset_high = dwFileOffsetHigh;
-    req->count_low   = nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow;
-    req->count_high  = nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh;
-    return !server_call( REQ_UNLOCK_FILE );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct unlock_file_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle      = hFile;
+        req->offset_low  = dwFileOffsetLow;
+        req->offset_high = dwFileOffsetHigh;
+        req->count_low   = nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow;
+        req->count_high  = nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_UNLOCK_FILE );
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/include/ntddk.h b/include/ntddk.h
index 959bba21f2c..73fadfce187 100644
--- a/include/ntddk.h
+++ b/include/ntddk.h
@@ -910,12 +910,10 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtClose(
 	HANDLE Handle);
 NTSTATUS WINAPI NtTerminateProcess( HANDLE handle, LONG exit_code );
+NTSTATUS WINAPI NtTerminateThread( HANDLE handle, LONG exit_code );
-NTSTATUS WINAPI NtCreateSemaphore( OUT PHANDLE SemaphoreHandle,
-                                   IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
-                                   IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes OPTIONAL,
-                                   IN ULONG InitialCount,
-                                   IN ULONG MaximumCount);
 NTSTATUS WINAPI NtReleaseSemaphore( IN HANDLE SemaphoreHandle,
                                     IN ULONG ReleaseCount,
                                     IN PULONG PreviousCount);
diff --git a/include/server.h b/include/server.h
index 2c8b06d7c75..777f396fedc 100644
--- a/include/server.h
+++ b/include/server.h
@@ -350,8 +350,7 @@ struct get_apc_request
     REQUEST_HEADER;                /* request header */
     OUT void*        func;         /* function to call */
     OUT int          type;         /* function type */
-    OUT int          nb_args;      /* number of arguments */
-    OUT void*        args[1];      /* function arguments */
+    OUT VARARG(args,ptrs);         /* function arguments */
 enum apc_type { APC_NONE, APC_USER, APC_TIMER };
@@ -415,11 +414,10 @@ struct open_process_request
 struct select_request
     REQUEST_HEADER;                /* request header */
-    IN  int          count;        /* handles count */
     IN  int          flags;        /* wait flags (see below) */
     IN  int          timeout;      /* timeout in ms */
     OUT int          signaled;     /* signaled handle */
-    IN  int          handles[1];   /* handles to select on */
+    IN  VARARG(handles,ints);      /* handles to select on */
 #define SELECT_ALL       1
@@ -434,7 +432,7 @@ struct create_event_request
     IN  int          initial_state; /* initial state of the event */
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the event */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* event name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
 /* Event operation */
@@ -454,7 +452,7 @@ struct open_event_request
     IN  unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the event */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* object name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
@@ -465,7 +463,7 @@ struct create_mutex_request
     IN  int          owned;         /* initially owned? */
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the mutex */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* mutex name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
@@ -484,7 +482,7 @@ struct open_mutex_request
     IN  unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the mutex */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* object name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
@@ -496,7 +494,7 @@ struct create_semaphore_request
     IN  unsigned int max;           /* maximum count */
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the semaphore */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* semaphore name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
@@ -517,7 +515,7 @@ struct open_semaphore_request
     IN  unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the semaphore */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* object name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
@@ -835,7 +833,7 @@ struct create_mapping_request
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     IN  int          file_handle;   /* file handle */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the mapping */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* object name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
 /* protection flags */
 #define VPROT_READ       0x01
@@ -855,7 +853,7 @@ struct open_mapping_request
     IN  unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the mapping */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* object name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
@@ -941,7 +939,7 @@ struct wait_debug_event_request
     IN  int           timeout;     /* timeout in ms */
     OUT void*         pid;         /* process id */
     OUT void*         tid;         /* thread id */
-    OUT debug_event_t event;       /* debug event data */
+    OUT VARARG(event,debug_event); /* debug event data */
@@ -1175,7 +1173,7 @@ struct create_timer_request
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     IN  int          manual;        /* manual reset */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the timer */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* timer name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
@@ -1186,7 +1184,7 @@ struct open_timer_request
     IN  unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
     IN  int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
     OUT int          handle;        /* handle to the timer */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];       /* timer name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
 /* Set a waitable timer */
@@ -1247,7 +1245,7 @@ struct add_atom_request
     REQUEST_HEADER;                /* request header */
     IN  int           local;       /* is atom in local process table? */
     OUT int           atom;        /* resulting atom */
-    IN  WCHAR         name[1];     /* atom name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);  /* atom name */
@@ -1266,7 +1264,7 @@ struct find_atom_request
     REQUEST_HEADER;                /* request header */
     IN  int          local;        /* is atom in local process table? */
     OUT int          atom;         /* atom handle */
-    IN  WCHAR        name[1];      /* atom name */
+    IN  VARARG(name,unicode_str);  /* atom name */
@@ -1277,7 +1275,7 @@ struct get_atom_name_request
     IN  int          atom;         /* atom handle */
     IN  int          local;        /* is atom in local process table? */
     OUT int          count;        /* atom lock count */
-    OUT WCHAR        name[1];      /* atom name */
+    OUT VARARG(name,unicode_str);  /* atom name */
@@ -1542,7 +1540,7 @@ union generic_request
     struct wait_input_idle_request wait_input_idle;
 /* ### make_requests end ### */
 /* Everything above this line is generated automatically by tools/make_requests */
@@ -1621,6 +1619,12 @@ inline static void *server_data_ptr( void *req )
     return (union generic_request *)req + 1;
+/* get the size of the variable part of the request */
+inline static size_t server_data_size( void *req )
+    return ((struct request_header *)req)->var_size;
 /* exception support for server calls */
diff --git a/loader/module.c b/loader/module.c
index e1198b9b60b..6fe61788ab5 100644
--- a/loader/module.c
+++ b/loader/module.c
@@ -1526,12 +1526,14 @@ BOOL MODULE_FreeLibrary( WINE_MODREF *wm )
     /* Call process detach notifications */
     if ( PROCESS_Current()->free_lib_count <= 1 )
-        struct unload_dll_request *req = get_req_buffer();
         MODULE_DllProcessDetach( FALSE, NULL );
-        req->base = (void *)wm->module;
-        server_call_noerr( REQ_UNLOAD_DLL );
+        {
+            struct unload_dll_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+            req->base = (void *)wm->module;
+            server_call_noerr( REQ_UNLOAD_DLL );
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
diff --git a/loader/ne/module.c b/loader/ne/module.c
index 15a3dc1b2f9..aff2b48fc7d 100644
--- a/loader/ne/module.c
+++ b/loader/ne/module.c
@@ -992,7 +992,6 @@ static HINSTANCE16 MODULE_LoadModule16( LPCSTR libname, BOOL implicit, BOOL lib_
 HINSTANCE16 WINAPI LoadModule16( LPCSTR name, LPVOID paramBlock )
-    struct new_thread_request *req = get_req_buffer();
     TEB *teb = NULL;
     BOOL lib_only = !paramBlock || (paramBlock == (LPVOID)-1);
     LOADPARAMS16 *params;
@@ -1003,7 +1002,7 @@ HINSTANCE16 WINAPI LoadModule16( LPCSTR name, LPVOID paramBlock )
     TDB *pTask;
     LPSTR cmdline;
     WORD cmdShow;
-    HANDLE hThread;
+    HANDLE hThread = -1;
     int socket;
     /* Load module */
@@ -1046,10 +1045,15 @@ HINSTANCE16 WINAPI LoadModule16( LPCSTR name, LPVOID paramBlock )
     /* Create the main thread */
-    req->suspend = 0;
-    req->inherit = 0;
-    if (server_call_fd( REQ_NEW_THREAD, -1, &socket )) return 0;
-    hThread = req->handle;
+    {
+        struct new_thread_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->suspend = 0;
+        req->inherit = 0;
+        if (!server_call_fd( REQ_NEW_THREAD, -1, &socket )) hThread = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (hThread == -1) return 0;
     if (!(teb = THREAD_Create( socket, 0, FALSE ))) goto error;
     teb->startup = NE_InitProcess;
diff --git a/loader/pe_image.c b/loader/pe_image.c
index 9380f986f1f..4267c5cdd54 100644
--- a/loader/pe_image.c
+++ b/loader/pe_image.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
  *   NE_MODULE.module32.
+#include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
@@ -682,13 +683,17 @@ WINE_MODREF *PE_CreateModule( HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR filename, DWORD flags,
     if (nt->FileHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL)
-        struct load_dll_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-        req->handle     = hFile;
-        req->base       = (void *)hModule;
-        req->dbg_offset = nt->FileHeader.PointerToSymbolTable;
-        req->dbg_size   = nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSymbols;
-        req->name       = &wm->filename;
-        server_call_noerr( REQ_LOAD_DLL );
+        {
+            struct load_dll_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+            req->handle     = hFile;
+            req->base       = (void *)hModule;
+            req->dbg_offset = nt->FileHeader.PointerToSymbolTable;
+            req->dbg_size   = nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSymbols;
+            req->name       = &wm->filename;
+            server_call_noerr( REQ_LOAD_DLL );
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
     return wm;
diff --git a/memory/atom.c b/memory/atom.c
index 5f32e086fdd..38ae92a5a7b 100644
--- a/memory/atom.c
+++ b/memory/atom.c
@@ -401,9 +401,15 @@ UINT16 WINAPI GetAtomName16( ATOM atom, LPSTR buffer, INT16 count )
 BOOL WINAPI InitAtomTable( DWORD entries )
-    struct init_atom_table_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->entries = entries;
-    return !server_call( REQ_INIT_ATOM_TABLE );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct init_atom_table_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->entries = entries;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_INIT_ATOM_TABLE );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -412,10 +418,20 @@ static ATOM ATOM_AddAtomA( LPCSTR str, BOOL local )
     ATOM atom = 0;
     if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomA( str, &atom ))
-        struct add_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-        server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, str );
-	req->local = local;
-        if (!server_call( REQ_ADD_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
+        DWORD len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, strlen(str), NULL, 0 );
+        if (len > MAX_ATOM_LEN)
+        {
+            SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
+            return 0;
+        }
+        {
+            struct add_atom_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+            MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, strlen(str), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+            req->local = local;
+            if (!server_call( REQ_ADD_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
     TRACE( "(%s) %s -> %x\n", local ? "local" : "global", debugres_a(str), atom );
     return atom;
@@ -458,10 +474,20 @@ static ATOM ATOM_AddAtomW( LPCWSTR str, BOOL local )
     ATOM atom = 0;
     if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomW( str, &atom ))
-        struct add_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-        server_strcpyW( req->name, str );
-	req->local = local;
-        if (!server_call( REQ_ADD_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
+        DWORD len = strlenW(str);
+        if (len > MAX_ATOM_LEN)
+        {
+            SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
+            return 0;
+        }
+        {
+            struct add_atom_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+            memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), str, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+            req->local = local;
+            if (!server_call( REQ_ADD_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
     TRACE( "(%s) %s -> %x\n", local ? "local" : "global", debugres_w(str), atom );
     return atom;
@@ -492,10 +518,14 @@ static ATOM ATOM_DeleteAtom( ATOM atom,  BOOL local)
     if (atom < MIN_STR_ATOM) atom = 0;
-        struct delete_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-        req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
-	req->local = local;
-        if (!server_call( REQ_DELETE_ATOM )) atom = 0;
+        {
+            struct delete_atom_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+            req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
+            req->local = local;
+            if (!server_call( REQ_DELETE_ATOM )) atom = 0;
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
     return atom;
@@ -536,10 +566,20 @@ static ATOM ATOM_FindAtomA( LPCSTR str, BOOL local )
     ATOM atom = 0;
     if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomA( str, &atom ))
-        struct find_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-        server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, str );
-	req->local = local;
-        if (!server_call( REQ_FIND_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
+        DWORD len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, strlen(str), NULL, 0 );
+        if (len > MAX_ATOM_LEN)
+        {
+            SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
+            return 0;
+        }
+        {
+            struct find_atom_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+            MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, strlen(str), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+            req->local = local;
+            if (!server_call( REQ_ADD_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
     TRACE( "(%s) %s -> %x\n", local ? "local" : "global", debugres_a(str), atom );
     return atom;
@@ -581,10 +621,20 @@ static ATOM ATOM_FindAtomW( LPCWSTR str, BOOL local )
     ATOM atom = 0;
     if (!ATOM_IsIntAtomW( str, &atom ))
-        struct find_atom_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-        server_strcpyW( req->name, str );
-	req->local = local;
-        if (!server_call( REQ_FIND_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
+        DWORD len = strlenW(str);
+        if (len > MAX_ATOM_LEN)
+        {
+            SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
+            return 0;
+        }
+        {
+            struct find_atom_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+            memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), str, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+            req->local = local;
+            if (!server_call( REQ_FIND_ATOM )) atom = req->atom + MIN_STR_ATOM;
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
     TRACE( "(%s) %s -> %x\n", local ? "local" : "global", debugres_w(str), atom );
     return atom;
@@ -612,6 +662,12 @@ ATOM WINAPI FindAtomW( LPCWSTR str )
 static UINT ATOM_GetAtomNameA( ATOM atom, LPSTR buffer, INT count, BOOL local )
     INT len;
+    if (count <= 0)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_MORE_DATA );
+        return 0;
+    }
     if (atom < MIN_STR_ATOM)
         char name[8];
@@ -625,16 +681,28 @@ static UINT ATOM_GetAtomNameA( ATOM atom, LPSTR buffer, INT count, BOOL local )
-        struct get_atom_name_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-        req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
-	req->local = local;
-        if (server_call( REQ_GET_ATOM_NAME )) return 0;
-        lstrcpynWtoA( buffer, req->name, count );
-        len = strlenW( req->name );
+        len = 0;
+        {
+            struct get_atom_name_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req),
+                                                                  MAX_ATOM_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+            req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
+            req->local = local;
+            if (!server_call( REQ_GET_ATOM_NAME ))
+            {
+                len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, server_data_ptr(req), server_data_size(req),
+                                           buffer, count - 1, NULL, NULL );
+                if (!len) len = count; /* overflow */
+                else buffer[len] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
-    if (count <= len)
+    if (len && count <= len)
         SetLastError( ERROR_MORE_DATA );
+        buffer[count-1] = 0;
         return 0;
     TRACE( "(%s) %x -> %s\n", local ? "local" : "global", atom, debugstr_a(buffer) );
@@ -680,6 +748,12 @@ UINT WINAPI GetAtomNameA(
 static UINT ATOM_GetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count, BOOL local )
     INT len;
+    if (count <= 0)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_MORE_DATA );
+        return 0;
+    }
     if (atom < MIN_STR_ATOM)
         char name[8];
@@ -688,17 +762,29 @@ static UINT ATOM_GetAtomNameW( ATOM atom, LPWSTR buffer, INT count, BOOL local )
             SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
             return 0;
-        len = sprintf( name, "#%d", atom );
-        lstrcpynAtoW( buffer, name, count );
+        sprintf( name, "#%d", atom );
+        len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, -1, buffer, count );
+        if (!len) buffer[count-1] = 0;  /* overflow */
-        struct get_atom_name_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-        req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
-	req->local = local;
-        if (server_call( REQ_GET_ATOM_NAME )) return 0;
-        lstrcpynW( buffer, req->name, count );
-        len = strlenW( req->name );
+        len = 0;
+        {
+            struct get_atom_name_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req),
+                                                                  MAX_ATOM_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+            req->atom = atom - MIN_STR_ATOM;
+            req->local = local;
+            if (!server_call( REQ_GET_ATOM_NAME ))
+            {
+                len = server_data_size(req) / sizeof(WCHAR);
+                if (count > len) count = len + 1;
+                memcpy( buffer, server_data_ptr(req), (count-1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+                buffer[count-1] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
+        if (!len) return 0;
     if (count <= len)
diff --git a/memory/selector.c b/memory/selector.c
index c12b6205eed..392de3e5b1e 100644
--- a/memory/selector.c
+++ b/memory/selector.c
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ void WINAPI UnMapLS( SEGPTR sptr )
 BOOL WINAPI GetThreadSelectorEntry( HANDLE hthread, DWORD sel, LPLDT_ENTRY ldtent)
 #ifdef __i386__
-    struct get_selector_entry_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    BOOL ret;
     if (!(sel & 4))  /* GDT selector */
@@ -639,29 +639,39 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetThreadSelectorEntry( HANDLE hthread, DWORD sel, LPLDT_ENTRY ldten
         return FALSE;
-    req->handle = hthread;
-    req->entry = sel >> __AHSHIFT;
-    if (server_call( REQ_GET_SELECTOR_ENTRY )) return FALSE;
-    if (!(req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_ALLOCATED))
-        SetLastError( ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND );  /* sic */
-        return FALSE;
+        struct get_selector_entry_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hthread;
+        req->entry = sel >> __AHSHIFT;
+        if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_GET_SELECTOR_ENTRY )))
+        {
+            if (!(req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_ALLOCATED))
+            {
+                SetLastError( ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND );  /* sic */
+                ret = FALSE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_BIG) req->limit >>= 12;
+                ldtent->BaseLow                   = req->base & 0x0000ffff;
+                ldtent->HighWord.Bits.BaseMid     = (req->base & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+                ldtent->HighWord.Bits.BaseHi      = (req->base & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+                ldtent->LimitLow                  = req->limit & 0x0000ffff;
+                ldtent->HighWord.Bits.LimitHi     = (req->limit & 0x000f0000) >> 16;
+                ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Dpl         = 3;
+                ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Sys         = 0;
+                ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Pres        = 1;
+                ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Granularity = (req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_BIG) !=0;
+                ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Default_Big = (req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_32BIT) != 0;
+                ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Type        = ((req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_TYPE) << 2) | 0x10;
+                if (!(req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_READONLY)) ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Type |= 0x2;
+            }
+        }
-    if (req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_BIG) req->limit >>= 12;
-    ldtent->BaseLow                   = req->base & 0x0000ffff;
-    ldtent->HighWord.Bits.BaseMid     = (req->base & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
-    ldtent->HighWord.Bits.BaseHi      = (req->base & 0xff000000) >> 24;
-    ldtent->LimitLow                  = req->limit & 0x0000ffff;
-    ldtent->HighWord.Bits.LimitHi     = (req->limit & 0x000f0000) >> 16;
-    ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Dpl         = 3;
-    ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Sys         = 0;
-    ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Pres        = 1;
-    ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Granularity = (req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_BIG) !=0;
-    ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Default_Big = (req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_32BIT) != 0;
-    ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Type        = ((req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_TYPE) << 2) | 0x10;
-    if (!(req->flags & LDT_FLAGS_READONLY)) ldtent->HighWord.Bits.Type |= 0x2;
-    return TRUE;
+    return ret;
     return FALSE;
diff --git a/memory/virtual.c b/memory/virtual.c
index 846820c0370..8eda710665d 100644
--- a/memory/virtual.c
+++ b/memory/virtual.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "winbase.h"
 #include "wine/exception.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
 #include "winerror.h"
 #include "file.h"
 #include "process.h"
@@ -1195,14 +1196,20 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateFileMappingA(
                 DWORD size_low,  /* [in] Low-order 32 bits of object size */
                 LPCSTR name      /* [in] Name of file-mapping object */ )
-    struct create_mapping_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret;
     BYTE vprot;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
     /* Check parameters */
           hFile, sa, protect, size_high, size_low, debugstr_a(name) );
+    if (len > MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
     vprot = VIRTUAL_GetProt( protect );
     if (protect & SEC_RESERVE)
@@ -1218,16 +1225,23 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateFileMappingA(
     /* Create the server object */
-    req->file_handle = hFile;
-    req->size_high   = size_high;
-    req->size_low    = size_low;
-    req->protect     = vprot;
-    req->inherit     = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_MAPPING );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+    {
+        struct create_mapping_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req),
+                                                               len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->file_handle = hFile;
+        req->size_high   = size_high;
+        req->size_low    = size_low;
+        req->protect     = vprot;
+        req->inherit     = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_MAPPING );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -1239,14 +1253,21 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateFileMappingW( HFILE hFile, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa,
                                   DWORD protect, DWORD size_high,  
                                   DWORD size_low, LPCWSTR name )
-    struct create_mapping_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret;
     BYTE vprot;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
     /* Check parameters */
           hFile, sa, protect, size_high, size_low, debugstr_w(name) );
+    if (len > MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
     vprot = VIRTUAL_GetProt( protect );
     if (protect & SEC_RESERVE)
@@ -1262,16 +1283,23 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateFileMappingW( HFILE hFile, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa,
     /* Create the server object */
-    req->file_handle = hFile;
-    req->size_high   = size_high;
-    req->size_low    = size_low;
-    req->protect     = vprot;
-    req->inherit     = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_MAPPING );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+    {
+        struct create_mapping_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req),
+                                                               len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->file_handle = hFile;
+        req->size_high   = size_high;
+        req->size_low    = size_low;
+        req->protect     = vprot;
+        req->inherit     = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_MAPPING );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -1288,14 +1316,26 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenFileMappingA(
                 BOOL inherit, /* [in] Inherit flag */
                 LPCSTR name )   /* [in] Name of file-mapping object */
-    struct open_mapping_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_MAPPING );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
+    if (len > MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_mapping_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_MAPPING );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -1305,14 +1345,26 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenFileMappingA(
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenFileMappingW( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCWSTR name)
-    struct open_mapping_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_MAPPING );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
+    if (len > MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_mapping_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_MAPPING );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
diff --git a/misc/registry.c b/misc/registry.c
index 4462ef8b3c3..ddf2fc1487b 100644
--- a/misc/registry.c
+++ b/misc/registry.c
@@ -1323,16 +1323,19 @@ void _w31_loadreg(void) {
 /* configure save files and start the periodic saving timer */
 static void SHELL_InitRegistrySaving( HKEY hkey_users_default )
-    struct set_registry_levels_request *req = get_req_buffer();
     int all = PROFILE_GetWineIniBool( "registry", "SaveOnlyUpdatedKeys", 1 );
     int period = PROFILE_GetWineIniInt( "registry", "PeriodicSave", 0 );
     /* set saving level (0 for saving everything, 1 for saving only modified keys) */
-    req->current = 1;
-    req->saving  = !all;
-    req->period  = period * 1000;
-    server_call( REQ_SET_REGISTRY_LEVELS );
+    {
+        struct set_registry_levels_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->current = 1;
+        req->saving  = !all;
+        req->period  = period * 1000;
+        server_call( REQ_SET_REGISTRY_LEVELS );
+    }
     if (PROFILE_GetWineIniBool("registry","WritetoHomeRegistries",1))
@@ -1377,12 +1380,16 @@ static void SHELL_InitRegistrySaving( HKEY hkey_users_default )
 static void SetLoadLevel(int level)
-	struct set_registry_levels_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    {
+        struct set_registry_levels_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
 	req->current = level;
 	req->saving  = 0;
         req->period  = 0;
 	server_call( REQ_SET_REGISTRY_LEVELS );
+    }
diff --git a/scheduler/debugger.c b/scheduler/debugger.c
index 9231a89b1b8..f3d5df68539 100644
--- a/scheduler/debugger.c
+++ b/scheduler/debugger.c
@@ -26,72 +26,83 @@ DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(debugstr);
 BOOL WINAPI WaitForDebugEvent( LPDEBUG_EVENT event, DWORD timeout )
-    struct wait_debug_event_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->timeout = timeout;
-    if (server_call( REQ_WAIT_DEBUG_EVENT )) return FALSE;
-    if ((req->event.code < 0) || (req->event.code > RIP_EVENT))
-        server_protocol_error( "WaitForDebugEvent: bad code %d\n", req->event.code );
-    event->dwDebugEventCode = req->event.code;
-    event->dwProcessId      = (DWORD)req->pid;
-    event->dwThreadId       = (DWORD)req->tid;
-    switch(req->event.code)
+    BOOL ret;
-    case 0:  /* timeout */
-        SetLastError( ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT );
-        return FALSE;
-        event->u.Exception.ExceptionRecord = req->;
-        event->u.Exception.dwFirstChance   = req->;
-        break;
-        event->u.CreateThread.hThread           = req->;
-        event->u.CreateThread.lpThreadLocalBase = req->;
-        event->u.CreateThread.lpStartAddress    = req->;
-        break;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile                 = req->;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess              = req->;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread               = req->;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.lpBaseOfImage         = req->;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.dwDebugInfoFileOffset = req->;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.nDebugInfoSize        = req->;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.lpThreadLocalBase     = req->;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.lpStartAddress        = req->;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.lpImageName           = req->;
-        event->u.CreateProcessInfo.fUnicode              = req->;
-        if (req-> == -1) event->u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile = 0;
-        break;
-        event->u.ExitThread.dwExitCode = req->;
-        break;
-        event->u.ExitProcess.dwExitCode = req->;
-        break;
-        event->u.LoadDll.hFile                 = req->;
-        event->u.LoadDll.lpBaseOfDll           = req->;
-        event->u.LoadDll.dwDebugInfoFileOffset = req->;
-        event->u.LoadDll.nDebugInfoSize        = req->;
-        event->u.LoadDll.lpImageName           = req->;
-        event->u.LoadDll.fUnicode              = req->;
-        if (req-> == -1) event->u.LoadDll.hFile = 0;
-        break;
-        event->u.UnloadDll.lpBaseOfDll = req->;
-        break;
-        event->u.DebugString.lpDebugStringData  = req->;
-        event->u.DebugString.fUnicode           = req->;
-        event->u.DebugString.nDebugStringLength = req->;
-        break;
-    case RIP_EVENT:
-        event->u.RipInfo.dwError = req->;
-        event->u.RipInfo.dwType  = req->;
-        break;
+        debug_event_t *data;
+        struct wait_debug_event_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), sizeof(*data) );
+        req->timeout = timeout;
+        if (!(ret = !server_call( REQ_WAIT_DEBUG_EVENT ))) goto done;
+        if (!server_data_size(req))  /* timeout */
+        {
+            SetLastError( ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT );
+            ret = FALSE;
+            goto done;
+        }
+        data = server_data_ptr(req);
+        event->dwDebugEventCode = data->code;
+        event->dwProcessId      = (DWORD)req->pid;
+        event->dwThreadId       = (DWORD)req->tid;
+        switch(data->code)
+        {
+            event->u.Exception.ExceptionRecord = data->info.exception.record;
+            event->u.Exception.dwFirstChance   = data->info.exception.first;
+            break;
+            event->u.CreateThread.hThread           = data->info.create_thread.handle;
+            event->u.CreateThread.lpThreadLocalBase = data->info.create_thread.teb;
+            event->u.CreateThread.lpStartAddress    = data->info.create_thread.start;
+            break;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile                 = data->info.create_process.file;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess              = data->info.create_process.process;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread               = data->info.create_process.thread;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.lpBaseOfImage         = data->info.create_process.base;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.dwDebugInfoFileOffset = data->info.create_process.dbg_offset;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.nDebugInfoSize        = data->info.create_process.dbg_size;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.lpThreadLocalBase     = data->info.create_process.teb;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.lpStartAddress        = data->info.create_process.start;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.lpImageName           = data->;
+            event->u.CreateProcessInfo.fUnicode              = data->info.create_process.unicode;
+            if (data->info.create_process.file == -1) event->u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile = 0;
+            break;
+            event->u.ExitThread.dwExitCode = data->info.exit.exit_code;
+            break;
+            event->u.ExitProcess.dwExitCode = data->info.exit.exit_code;
+            break;
+        case LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT:
+            event->u.LoadDll.hFile                 = data->info.load_dll.handle;
+            event->u.LoadDll.lpBaseOfDll           = data->info.load_dll.base;
+            event->u.LoadDll.dwDebugInfoFileOffset = data->info.load_dll.dbg_offset;
+            event->u.LoadDll.nDebugInfoSize        = data->info.load_dll.dbg_size;
+            event->u.LoadDll.lpImageName           = data->;
+            event->u.LoadDll.fUnicode              = data->info.load_dll.unicode;
+            if (data->info.load_dll.handle == -1) event->u.LoadDll.hFile = 0;
+            break;
+            event->u.UnloadDll.lpBaseOfDll = data->info.unload_dll.base;
+            break;
+            event->u.DebugString.lpDebugStringData  = data->info.output_string.string;
+            event->u.DebugString.fUnicode           = data->info.output_string.unicode;
+            event->u.DebugString.nDebugStringLength = data->info.output_string.length;
+            break;
+        case RIP_EVENT:
+            event->u.RipInfo.dwError = data->info.rip_info.error;
+            event->u.RipInfo.dwType  = data->info.rip_info.type;
+            break;
+        default:
+            server_protocol_error( "WaitForDebugEvent: bad code %d\n", data->code );
+        }
+    done:
-    return TRUE;
+    return ret;
@@ -100,11 +111,17 @@ BOOL WINAPI WaitForDebugEvent( LPDEBUG_EVENT event, DWORD timeout )
 BOOL WINAPI ContinueDebugEvent( DWORD pid, DWORD tid, DWORD status )
-    struct continue_debug_event_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->pid    = (void *)pid;
-    req->tid    = (void *)tid;
-    req->status = status;
-    return !server_call( REQ_CONTINUE_DEBUG_EVENT );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct continue_debug_event_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->pid    = (void *)pid;
+        req->tid    = (void *)tid;
+        req->status = status;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_CONTINUE_DEBUG_EVENT );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -113,9 +130,15 @@ BOOL WINAPI ContinueDebugEvent( DWORD pid, DWORD tid, DWORD status )
 BOOL WINAPI DebugActiveProcess( DWORD pid )
-    struct debug_process_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->pid = (void *)pid;
-    return !server_call( REQ_DEBUG_PROCESS );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct debug_process_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->pid = (void *)pid;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_DEBUG_PROCESS );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -124,11 +147,15 @@ BOOL WINAPI DebugActiveProcess( DWORD pid )
 void WINAPI OutputDebugStringA( LPCSTR str )
-    struct output_debug_string_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->string  = (void *)str;
-    req->unicode = 0;
-    req->length  = strlen(str) + 1;
-    server_call_noerr( REQ_OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING );
+    {
+        struct output_debug_string_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->string  = (void *)str;
+        req->unicode = 0;
+        req->length  = strlen(str) + 1;
+        server_call_noerr( REQ_OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING );
+    }
     WARN("%s\n", str);
@@ -138,11 +165,15 @@ void WINAPI OutputDebugStringA( LPCSTR str )
 void WINAPI OutputDebugStringW( LPCWSTR str )
-    struct output_debug_string_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->string  = (void *)str;
-    req->unicode = 1;
-    req->length  = (lstrlenW(str) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
-    server_call_noerr( REQ_OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING );
+    {
+        struct output_debug_string_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->string  = (void *)str;
+        req->unicode = 1;
+        req->length  = (lstrlenW(str) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
+        server_call_noerr( REQ_OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING );
+    }
     WARN("%s\n", debugstr_w(str));
@@ -189,8 +220,12 @@ void WINAPI DebugBreak16( CONTEXT86 *context )
 BOOL WINAPI IsDebuggerPresent(void)
     BOOL ret = FALSE;
-    struct get_process_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = GetCurrentProcess();
-    if (!server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO )) ret = req->debugged;
+    {
+        struct get_process_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = GetCurrentProcess();
+        if (!server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO )) ret = req->debugged;
+    }
     return ret;
diff --git a/scheduler/event.c b/scheduler/event.c
index c26112478d1..af968acf5ca 100644
--- a/scheduler/event.c
+++ b/scheduler/event.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include "winerror.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
 #include "syslevel.h"
 #include "server.h"
@@ -17,16 +18,28 @@
                             BOOL initial_state, LPCSTR name )
-    struct create_event_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->manual_reset = manual_reset;
-    req->initial_state = initial_state;
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_EVENT );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct create_event_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->manual_reset = manual_reset;
+        req->initial_state = initial_state;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_EVENT );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -36,16 +49,28 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateEventA( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, BOOL manual_reset,
                             BOOL initial_state, LPCWSTR name )
-    struct create_event_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->manual_reset = manual_reset;
-    req->initial_state = initial_state;
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_EVENT );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct create_event_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->manual_reset = manual_reset;
+        req->initial_state = initial_state;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_EVENT );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -62,14 +87,26 @@ HANDLE WINAPI WIN16_CreateEvent( BOOL manual_reset, BOOL initial_state )
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenEventA( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCSTR name )
-    struct open_event_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_EVENT );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_event_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_EVENT );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -78,14 +115,26 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenEventA( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCSTR name )
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenEventW( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCWSTR name )
-    struct open_event_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_EVENT );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_event_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_EVENT );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -96,10 +145,16 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenEventW( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCWSTR name )
 static BOOL EVENT_Operation( HANDLE handle, enum event_op op )
-    struct event_op_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = handle;
-    req->op     = op;
-    return !server_call( REQ_EVENT_OP );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct event_op_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->op     = op;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_EVENT_OP );
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/scheduler/handle.c b/scheduler/handle.c
index 5640feed927..6fbe913d93c 100644
--- a/scheduler/handle.c
+++ b/scheduler/handle.c
@@ -18,14 +18,17 @@ DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(win32)
 BOOL WINAPI CloseHandle( HANDLE handle )
-    struct close_handle_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    NTSTATUS status;
     /* stdio handles need special treatment */
     if ((handle == STD_INPUT_HANDLE) ||
         (handle == STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) ||
         (handle == STD_ERROR_HANDLE))
         handle = GetStdHandle( handle );
-    req->handle = handle;
-    return !server_call( REQ_CLOSE_HANDLE );
+    status = NtClose( handle );
+    if (status) SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError(status) );
+    return !status;
@@ -34,11 +37,16 @@ BOOL WINAPI CloseHandle( HANDLE handle )
 BOOL WINAPI GetHandleInformation( HANDLE handle, LPDWORD flags )
-    struct get_handle_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = handle;
-    if (server_call( REQ_GET_HANDLE_INFO )) return FALSE;
-    if (flags) *flags = req->flags;
-    return TRUE;
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct get_handle_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_GET_HANDLE_INFO );
+        if (ret && flags) *flags = req->flags;
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -47,11 +55,17 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetHandleInformation( HANDLE handle, LPDWORD flags )
 BOOL WINAPI SetHandleInformation( HANDLE handle, DWORD mask, DWORD flags )
-    struct set_handle_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = handle;
-    req->flags  = flags;
-    req->mask   = mask;
-    return !server_call( REQ_SET_HANDLE_INFO );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct set_handle_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->flags  = flags;
+        req->mask   = mask;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_SET_HANDLE_INFO );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -62,18 +76,23 @@ BOOL WINAPI DuplicateHandle( HANDLE source_process, HANDLE source,
                                HANDLE dest_process, HANDLE *dest,
                                DWORD access, BOOL inherit, DWORD options )
-    struct dup_handle_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->src_process = source_process;
-    req->src_handle  = source;
-    req->dst_process = dest_process;
-    req->access      = access;
-    req->inherit     = inherit;
-    req->options     = options;
-    if (server_call( REQ_DUP_HANDLE )) return FALSE;
-    if (dest) *dest = req->handle;
-    return TRUE;
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct dup_handle_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->src_process = source_process;
+        req->src_handle  = source;
+        req->dst_process = dest_process;
+        req->access      = access;
+        req->inherit     = inherit;
+        req->options     = options;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_DUP_HANDLE );
+        if (ret && dest) *dest = req->handle;
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -82,17 +101,10 @@ BOOL WINAPI DuplicateHandle( HANDLE source_process, HANDLE source,
 HANDLE WINAPI ConvertToGlobalHandle(HANDLE hSrc)
-    struct dup_handle_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->src_process = GetCurrentProcess();
-    req->src_handle  = hSrc;
-    req->dst_process = -1;
-    req->access      = 0;
-    req->inherit     = FALSE;
-    server_call( REQ_DUP_HANDLE );
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret = -1;
+    DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), hSrc, (HANDLE)-1, &ret, 0, FALSE,
+    return ret;
diff --git a/scheduler/mutex.c b/scheduler/mutex.c
index f656ed384d4..c0d3a69df95 100644
--- a/scheduler/mutex.c
+++ b/scheduler/mutex.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include "winerror.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
 #include "server.h"
@@ -15,15 +16,27 @@
-    struct create_mutex_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct create_mutex_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
-    req->owned   = owner;
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_MUTEX );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+        req->owned   = owner;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_MUTEX );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -32,15 +45,27 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateMutexA( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, BOOL owner, LPCSTR name )
-    struct create_mutex_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct create_mutex_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
-    req->owned   = owner;
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_MUTEX );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+        req->owned   = owner;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_MUTEX );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -49,14 +74,26 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateMutexW( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, BOOL owner, LPCWSTR name )
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenMutexA( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCSTR name )
-    struct open_mutex_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_mutex_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_MUTEX );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_MUTEX );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -65,14 +102,26 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenMutexA( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCSTR name )
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenMutexW( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCWSTR name )
-    struct open_mutex_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_mutex_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_MUTEX );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_MUTEX );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -81,7 +130,13 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenMutexW( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCWSTR name )
 BOOL WINAPI ReleaseMutex( HANDLE handle )
-    struct release_mutex_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = handle;
-    return !server_call( REQ_RELEASE_MUTEX );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct release_mutex_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_RELEASE_MUTEX );
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/scheduler/pipe.c b/scheduler/pipe.c
index 6b018c7a93a..3d83e5373da 100644
--- a/scheduler/pipe.c
+++ b/scheduler/pipe.c
@@ -16,11 +16,18 @@
 BOOL WINAPI CreatePipe( PHANDLE hReadPipe, PHANDLE hWritePipe,
                           LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa, DWORD size )
-    struct create_pipe_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct create_pipe_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    if (server_call( REQ_CREATE_PIPE )) return FALSE;
-    *hReadPipe  = req->handle_read;
-    *hWritePipe = req->handle_write;
-    return TRUE;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_CREATE_PIPE )))
+        {
+            *hReadPipe  = req->handle_read;
+            *hWritePipe = req->handle_write;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/scheduler/process.c b/scheduler/process.c
index 594d85a0544..a82486d6757 100644
--- a/scheduler/process.c
+++ b/scheduler/process.c
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ void PROCESS_CallUserSignalProc( UINT uCode, HMODULE hModule )
 static BOOL process_init( char *argv[] )
-    struct init_process_request *req;
+    BOOL ret;
     /* store the program name */
     argv0 = argv[0];
@@ -183,18 +183,26 @@ static BOOL process_init( char *argv[] )
     if (CLIENT_InitThread()) return FALSE;
     /* Retrieve startup info from the server */
-    req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->ldt_copy  = ldt_copy;
-    req->ldt_flags = ldt_flags_copy;
-    req->ppid      = getppid();
-    if (server_call( REQ_INIT_PROCESS )) return FALSE;
-    main_exe_file               = req->exe_file;
-    if (req->filename[0]) main_exe_name = strdup( req->filename );
-    current_startupinfo.dwFlags     = req->start_flags;
-    current_startupinfo.wShowWindow = req->cmd_show;
-    current_envdb.hStdin   = current_startupinfo.hStdInput  = req->hstdin;
-    current_envdb.hStdout  = current_startupinfo.hStdOutput = req->hstdout;
-    current_envdb.hStderr  = current_startupinfo.hStdError  = req->hstderr;
+    {
+        struct init_process_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->ldt_copy  = ldt_copy;
+        req->ldt_flags = ldt_flags_copy;
+        req->ppid      = getppid();
+        if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_INIT_PROCESS )))
+        {
+            main_exe_file               = req->exe_file;
+            if (req->filename[0]) main_exe_name = strdup( req->filename );
+            current_startupinfo.dwFlags     = req->start_flags;
+            current_startupinfo.wShowWindow = req->cmd_show;
+            current_envdb.hStdin   = current_startupinfo.hStdInput  = req->hstdin;
+            current_envdb.hStdout  = current_startupinfo.hStdOutput = req->hstdout;
+            current_envdb.hStderr  = current_startupinfo.hStdError  = req->hstderr;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!ret) return FALSE;
     /* Remember TEB selector of initial process for emergency use */
     SYSLEVEL_EmergencyTeb = NtCurrentTeb()->teb_sel;
@@ -298,7 +306,6 @@ static inline char *build_command_line( char **argv )
 static void start_process(void)
-    struct init_process_done_request *req = get_req_buffer();
     int debugged, console_app;
     HMODULE module = current_process.exe_modref->module;
@@ -316,12 +323,17 @@ static void start_process(void)
     if (console_app) current_process.flags |= PDB32_CONSOLE_PROC;
     /* Signal the parent process to continue */
-    req->module = (void *)module;
-    req->entry  = entry;
-    req->name   = &current_process.exe_modref->filename;
-    req->gui    = !console_app;
-    server_call( REQ_INIT_PROCESS_DONE );
-    debugged = req->debugged;
+    {
+        struct init_process_done_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->module = (void *)module;
+        req->entry  = entry;
+        req->name   = &current_process.exe_modref->filename;
+        req->gui    = !console_app;
+        server_call( REQ_INIT_PROCESS_DONE );
+        debugged = req->debugged;
+    }
     /* Install signal handlers; this cannot be done before, since we cannot
      * send exceptions to the debugger before the create process event that
@@ -705,13 +717,13 @@ BOOL PROCESS_Create( HFILE hFile, LPCSTR filename, LPSTR cmd_line, LPCSTR env,
                      BOOL inherit, DWORD flags, LPSTARTUPINFOA startup,
                      LPPROCESS_INFORMATION info, LPCSTR lpCurrentDirectory )
+    BOOL ret;
     int pid;
     const char *unixfilename = NULL;
     const char *unixdir = NULL;
     DOS_FULL_NAME full_name;
     HANDLE load_done_evt = -1;
     struct new_process_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    struct wait_process_request *wait_req = get_req_buffer();
     info->hThread = info->hProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
@@ -764,16 +776,24 @@ BOOL PROCESS_Create( HFILE hFile, LPCSTR filename, LPSTR cmd_line, LPCSTR env,
     pid = fork_and_exec( unixfilename, cmd_line, env ? env : GetEnvironmentStringsA(), unixdir );
-    wait_req->cancel   = (pid == -1);
-    wait_req->pinherit = (psa && (psa->nLength >= sizeof(*psa)) && psa->bInheritHandle);
-    wait_req->tinherit = (tsa && (tsa->nLength >= sizeof(*tsa)) && tsa->bInheritHandle);
-    wait_req->timeout  = 2000;
-    if (server_call( REQ_WAIT_PROCESS ) || (pid == -1)) goto error;
-    info->dwProcessId = (DWORD)wait_req->pid;
-    info->dwThreadId  = (DWORD)wait_req->tid;
-    info->hProcess    = wait_req->phandle;
-    info->hThread     = wait_req->thandle;
-    load_done_evt     = wait_req->event;
+    {
+        struct wait_process_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->cancel   = (pid == -1);
+        req->pinherit = (psa && (psa->nLength >= sizeof(*psa)) && psa->bInheritHandle);
+        req->tinherit = (tsa && (tsa->nLength >= sizeof(*tsa)) && tsa->bInheritHandle);
+        req->timeout  = 2000;
+        if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_WAIT_PROCESS )) && (pid != -1))
+        {
+            info->dwProcessId = (DWORD)req->pid;
+            info->dwThreadId  = (DWORD)req->tid;
+            info->hProcess    = req->phandle;
+            info->hThread     = req->thandle;
+            load_done_evt     = req->event;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!ret || (pid == -1)) goto error;
     /* Wait until process is initialized (or initialization failed) */
     if (load_done_evt != -1)
@@ -809,13 +829,16 @@ error:
 void WINAPI ExitProcess( DWORD status )
-    struct terminate_process_request *req = get_req_buffer();
     MODULE_DllProcessDetach( TRUE, (LPVOID)1 );
-    /* send the exit code to the server */
-    req->handle    = GetCurrentProcess();
-    req->exit_code = status;
-    server_call( REQ_TERMINATE_PROCESS );
+    {
+        struct terminate_process_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        /* send the exit code to the server */
+        req->handle    = GetCurrentProcess();
+        req->exit_code = status;
+        server_call( REQ_TERMINATE_PROCESS );
+    }
     exit( status );
@@ -833,12 +856,9 @@ void WINAPI ExitProcess16( WORD status )
 BOOL WINAPI TerminateProcess( HANDLE handle, DWORD exit_code )
-    BOOL ret;
-    struct terminate_process_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle    = handle;
-    req->exit_code = exit_code;
-    if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_TERMINATE_PROCESS )) && req->self) exit( exit_code );
-    return ret;
+    NTSTATUS status = NtTerminateProcess( handle, exit_code );
+    if (status) SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError(status) );
+    return !status;
@@ -973,14 +993,18 @@ void WINAPI SetProcessDword( DWORD dwProcessID, INT offset, DWORD value )
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenProcess( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, DWORD id )
     HANDLE ret = 0;
-    struct open_process_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    {
+        struct open_process_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
-    req->pid     = (void *)id;
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_OPEN_PROCESS )) ret = req->handle;
+        req->pid     = (void *)id;
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_OPEN_PROCESS )) ret = req->handle;
+    }
     return ret;
  *           MapProcessHandle   (KERNEL.483)
@@ -988,9 +1012,13 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenProcess( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, DWORD id )
 DWORD WINAPI MapProcessHandle( HANDLE handle )
     DWORD ret = 0;
-    struct get_process_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = handle;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO )) ret = (DWORD)req->pid;
+    {
+        struct get_process_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO )) ret = (DWORD)req->pid;
+    }
     return ret;
@@ -999,11 +1027,17 @@ DWORD WINAPI MapProcessHandle( HANDLE handle )
 BOOL WINAPI SetPriorityClass( HANDLE hprocess, DWORD priorityclass )
-    struct set_process_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle   = hprocess;
-    req->priority = priorityclass;
-    req->mask     = SET_PROCESS_INFO_PRIORITY;
-    return !server_call( REQ_SET_PROCESS_INFO );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct set_process_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle   = hprocess;
+        req->priority = priorityclass;
+        req->mask     = SET_PROCESS_INFO_PRIORITY;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_SET_PROCESS_INFO );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -1013,9 +1047,13 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetPriorityClass( HANDLE hprocess, DWORD priorityclass )
 DWORD WINAPI GetPriorityClass(HANDLE hprocess)
     DWORD ret = 0;
-    struct get_process_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hprocess;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO )) ret = req->priority;
+    {
+        struct get_process_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hprocess;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO )) ret = req->priority;
+    }
     return ret;
@@ -1025,11 +1063,17 @@ DWORD WINAPI GetPriorityClass(HANDLE hprocess)
 BOOL WINAPI SetProcessAffinityMask( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD affmask )
-    struct set_process_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle   = hProcess;
-    req->affinity = affmask;
-    req->mask     = SET_PROCESS_INFO_AFFINITY;
-    return !server_call( REQ_SET_PROCESS_INFO );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct set_process_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle   = hProcess;
+        req->affinity = affmask;
+        req->mask     = SET_PROCESS_INFO_AFFINITY;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_SET_PROCESS_INFO );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -1040,14 +1084,18 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetProcessAffinityMask( HANDLE hProcess,
                                       LPDWORD lpSystemAffinityMask )
     BOOL ret = FALSE;
-    struct get_process_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hProcess;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO ))
-        if (lpProcessAffinityMask) *lpProcessAffinityMask = req->process_affinity;
-        if (lpSystemAffinityMask) *lpSystemAffinityMask = req->system_affinity;
-        ret = TRUE;
+        struct get_process_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hProcess;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO ))
+        {
+            if (lpProcessAffinityMask) *lpProcessAffinityMask = req->process_affinity;
+            if (lpSystemAffinityMask) *lpSystemAffinityMask = req->system_affinity;
+            ret = TRUE;
+        }
     return ret;
@@ -1299,14 +1347,15 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetExitCodeProcess(
     HANDLE hProcess,  /* [I] handle to the process */
     LPDWORD lpExitCode) /* [O] address to receive termination status */
-    BOOL ret = FALSE;
-    struct get_process_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hProcess;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO ))
+    BOOL ret;
-        if (lpExitCode) *lpExitCode = req->exit_code;
-        ret = TRUE;
+        struct get_process_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hProcess;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_GET_PROCESS_INFO );
+        if (ret && lpExitCode) *lpExitCode = req->exit_code;
     return ret;
diff --git a/scheduler/semaphore.c b/scheduler/semaphore.c
index e5880a6e502..650802665e7 100644
--- a/scheduler/semaphore.c
+++ b/scheduler/semaphore.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include "winerror.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
 #include "server.h"
@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@
 HANDLE WINAPI CreateSemaphoreA( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, LONG initial, LONG max, LPCSTR name )
-    struct create_semaphore_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
     /* Check parameters */
@@ -24,15 +26,28 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateSemaphoreA( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, LONG initial, LONG max,
         SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
         return 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
-    req->initial = (unsigned int)initial;
-    req->max     = (unsigned int)max;
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_SEMAPHORE );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+    {
+        struct create_semaphore_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req),
+                                                                 len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->initial = (unsigned int)initial;
+        req->max     = (unsigned int)max;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_SEMAPHORE );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -42,7 +57,8 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateSemaphoreA( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, LONG initial, LONG max,
                                     LONG max, LPCWSTR name )
-    struct create_semaphore_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
     /* Check parameters */
@@ -51,15 +67,28 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateSemaphoreW( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, LONG initial,
         SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
         return 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
-    req->initial = (unsigned int)initial;
-    req->max     = (unsigned int)max;
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_SEMAPHORE );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+    {
+        struct create_semaphore_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req),
+                                                                 len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->initial = (unsigned int)initial;
+        req->max     = (unsigned int)max;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_SEMAPHORE );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -68,14 +97,26 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateSemaphoreW( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, LONG initial,
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenSemaphoreA( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCSTR name )
-    struct open_semaphore_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_SEMAPHORE );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_semaphore_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req),
+                                                               len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_SEMAPHORE );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -84,14 +125,25 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenSemaphoreA( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCSTR name )
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenSemaphoreW( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCWSTR name )
-    struct open_semaphore_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_SEMAPHORE );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_semaphore_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_SEMAPHORE );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -100,20 +152,7 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenSemaphoreW( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCWSTR name )
 BOOL WINAPI ReleaseSemaphore( HANDLE handle, LONG count, LONG *previous )
-    BOOL ret = FALSE;
-    struct release_semaphore_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    if (count < 0)
-    {
-        SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    req->handle = handle;
-    req->count  = (unsigned int)count;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_RELEASE_SEMAPHORE ))
-    {
-        if (previous) *previous = req->prev_count;
-        ret = TRUE;
-    }
-    return ret;
+    NTSTATUS status = NtReleaseSemaphore( handle, count, previous );
+    if (status) SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError(status) );
+    return !status;
diff --git a/scheduler/synchro.c b/scheduler/synchro.c
index 9bcf55f206f..52f112b75b3 100644
--- a/scheduler/synchro.c
+++ b/scheduler/synchro.c
@@ -23,33 +23,39 @@
 static void call_apcs(void)
-    FARPROC proc;
-    struct get_apc_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    FARPROC proc = NULL;
+    FILETIME ft;
+    void *args[4];
     for (;;)
-        if (server_call( REQ_GET_APC )) return;
-        switch(req->type)
+        int type = APC_NONE;
+        {
+            struct get_apc_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), sizeof(args) );
+            if (!server_call( REQ_GET_APC ))
+            {
+                type = req->type;
+                proc = req->func;
+                memcpy( args, server_data_ptr(req), server_data_size(req) );
+            }
+        }
+        SERVER_END_REQ;
+        switch(type)
         case APC_NONE:
             return;  /* no more APCs */
         case APC_USER:
-            if ((proc = req->func))
-            {
-                proc( req->args[0] );
-            }
+            proc( args[0] );
         case APC_TIMER:
-            if ((proc = req->func))
-            {
-                FILETIME ft;
-                /* convert sec/usec to NT time */
-                DOSFS_UnixTimeToFileTime( (time_t)req->args[0], &ft, (DWORD)req->args[1] * 10 );
-                proc( req->args[2], ft.dwLowDateTime, ft.dwHighDateTime );
-            }
+            /* convert sec/usec to NT time */
+            DOSFS_UnixTimeToFileTime( (time_t)args[0], &ft, (DWORD)args[1] * 10 );
+            proc( args[2], ft.dwLowDateTime, ft.dwHighDateTime );
-            server_protocol_error( "get_apc_request: bad type %d\n", req->type );
+            server_protocol_error( "get_apc_request: bad type %d\n", type );
@@ -110,7 +116,6 @@ DWORD WINAPI WaitForMultipleObjectsEx( DWORD count, const HANDLE *handles,
                                        BOOL wait_all, DWORD timeout,
                                        BOOL alertable )
-    struct select_request *req = get_req_buffer();
     int i, ret;
     if (count > MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS)
@@ -119,17 +124,24 @@ DWORD WINAPI WaitForMultipleObjectsEx( DWORD count, const HANDLE *handles,
         return WAIT_FAILED;
-    req->count   = count;
-    req->flags   = 0;
-    req->timeout = timeout;
-    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) req->handles[i] = handles[i];
+    {
+        struct select_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), count * sizeof(int) );
+        int *data = server_data_ptr( req );
+        req->flags   = 0;
+        req->timeout = timeout;
+        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) data[i] = handles[i];
-    if (wait_all) req->flags |= SELECT_ALL;
-    if (alertable) req->flags |= SELECT_ALERTABLE;
-    if (timeout != INFINITE) req->flags |= SELECT_TIMEOUT;
+        if (wait_all) req->flags |= SELECT_ALL;
+        if (alertable) req->flags |= SELECT_ALERTABLE;
+        if (timeout != INFINITE) req->flags |= SELECT_TIMEOUT;
-    server_call( REQ_SELECT );
-    if ((ret = req->signaled) == STATUS_USER_APC) call_apcs();
+        server_call( REQ_SELECT );
+        ret = req->signaled;
+    }
+    if (ret == STATUS_USER_APC) call_apcs();
     return ret;
diff --git a/scheduler/thread.c b/scheduler/thread.c
index 5004c7f6ff0..293b3d877b3 100644
--- a/scheduler/thread.c
+++ b/scheduler/thread.c
@@ -50,21 +50,30 @@ BOOL THREAD_IsWin16( TEB *teb )
-    struct get_thread_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    TEB *ret = NULL;
     if (!id || id == GetCurrentThreadId()) return NtCurrentTeb();
-    req->handle = -1;
-    req->tid_in = (void *)id;
-    if (!server_call_noerr( REQ_GET_THREAD_INFO )) return req->teb;
-    /* Allow task handles to be used; convert to main thread */
-    if ( IsTask16( id ) )
-        TDB *pTask = (TDB *)GlobalLock16( id );
-        if (pTask) return pTask->teb;
+        struct get_thread_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = -1;
+        req->tid_in = (void *)id;
+        if (!server_call_noerr( REQ_GET_THREAD_INFO )) ret = req->teb;
-    return NULL;
+    if (!ret)
+    {
+        /* Allow task handles to be used; convert to main thread */
+        if ( IsTask16( id ) )
+        {
+            TDB *pTask = (TDB *)GlobalLock16( id );
+            if (pTask) return pTask->teb;
+        }
+        SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -272,16 +281,24 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateThread( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, DWORD stack,
                             LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE start, LPVOID param,
                             DWORD flags, LPDWORD id )
-    struct new_thread_request *req = get_req_buffer();
     int socket, handle = -1;
     TEB *teb;
-    void *tid;
+    void *tid = 0;
-    req->suspend = ((flags & CREATE_SUSPENDED) != 0);
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    if (server_call_fd( REQ_NEW_THREAD, -1, &socket )) return 0;
-    handle = req->handle;
-    tid = req->tid;
+    {
+        struct new_thread_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->suspend = ((flags & CREATE_SUSPENDED) != 0);
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        if (!server_call_fd( REQ_NEW_THREAD, -1, &socket ))
+        {
+            handle = req->handle;
+            tid = req->tid;
+        }
+    }
+    if (handle == -1) return 0;
     if (!(teb = THREAD_Create( socket, stack, TRUE )))
@@ -297,6 +314,7 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateThread( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, DWORD stack,
     if (SYSDEPS_SpawnThread( teb ) == -1)
         CloseHandle( handle );
+        THREAD_FreeTEB( teb );
         return 0;
     return handle;
@@ -335,13 +353,20 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateThread16( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, DWORD stack,
 void WINAPI ExitThread( DWORD code ) /* [in] Exit code for this thread */
-    struct terminate_thread_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    BOOL last;
+    {
+        struct terminate_thread_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        /* send the exit code to the server */
+        req->handle    = GetCurrentThread();
+        req->exit_code = code;
+        server_call( REQ_TERMINATE_THREAD );
+        last = req->last;
+    }
-     /* send the exit code to the server */
-    req->handle    = GetCurrentThread();
-    req->exit_code = code;
-    server_call( REQ_TERMINATE_THREAD );
-    if (req->last)
+    if (last)
         MODULE_DllProcessDetach( TRUE, (LPVOID)1 );
         exit( code );
@@ -474,11 +499,17 @@ BOOL WINAPI TlsSetValue(
 BOOL WINAPI SetThreadContext( HANDLE handle,           /* [in]  Handle to thread with context */
                               const CONTEXT *context ) /* [in] Address of context structure */
-    struct set_thread_context_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = handle;
-    req->flags = context->ContextFlags;
-    memcpy( &req->context, context, sizeof(*context) );
-    return !server_call( REQ_SET_THREAD_CONTEXT );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct set_thread_context_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->flags = context->ContextFlags;
+        memcpy( &req->context, context, sizeof(*context) );
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_SET_THREAD_CONTEXT );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -492,13 +523,18 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetThreadContext( HANDLE handle,           /* [in]  Handle to thread
 BOOL WINAPI GetThreadContext( HANDLE handle,     /* [in]  Handle to thread with context */
                               CONTEXT *context ) /* [out] Address of context structure */
-    struct get_thread_context_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = handle;
-    req->flags = context->ContextFlags;
-    memcpy( &req->context, context, sizeof(*context) );
-    if (server_call( REQ_GET_THREAD_CONTEXT )) return FALSE;
-    memcpy( context, &req->context, sizeof(*context) );
-    return TRUE;
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct get_thread_context_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        req->flags = context->ContextFlags;
+        memcpy( &req->context, context, sizeof(*context) );
+        if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_GET_THREAD_CONTEXT )))
+            memcpy( context, &req->context, sizeof(*context) );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -513,10 +549,14 @@ INT WINAPI GetThreadPriority(
     HANDLE hthread) /* [in] Handle to thread */
-    struct get_thread_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hthread;
-    req->tid_in = 0;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_GET_THREAD_INFO )) ret = req->priority;
+    {
+        struct get_thread_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hthread;
+        req->tid_in = 0;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_GET_THREAD_INFO )) ret = req->priority;
+    }
     return ret;
@@ -532,11 +572,17 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetThreadPriority(
     HANDLE hthread, /* [in] Handle to thread */
     INT priority)   /* [in] Thread priority level */
-    struct set_thread_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle   = hthread;
-    req->priority = priority;
-    req->mask     = SET_THREAD_INFO_PRIORITY;
-    return !server_call( REQ_SET_THREAD_INFO );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct set_thread_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle   = hthread;
+        req->priority = priority;
+        req->mask     = SET_THREAD_INFO_PRIORITY;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_SET_THREAD_INFO );
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -581,12 +627,18 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetThreadPriorityBoost(
 DWORD WINAPI SetThreadAffinityMask( HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwThreadAffinityMask )
-    struct set_thread_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle   = hThread;
-    req->affinity = dwThreadAffinityMask;
-    req->mask     = SET_THREAD_INFO_AFFINITY;
-    if (server_call( REQ_SET_THREAD_INFO )) return 0;
-    return 1;  /* FIXME: should return previous value */
+    DWORD ret;
+    {
+        struct set_thread_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle   = hThread;
+        req->affinity = dwThreadAffinityMask;
+        req->mask     = SET_THREAD_INFO_AFFINITY;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_SET_THREAD_INFO );
+        /* FIXME: should return previous value */
+    }
+    return ret;
@@ -597,21 +649,12 @@ DWORD WINAPI SetThreadAffinityMask( HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwThreadAffinityMask )
  *    Success: TRUE
  *    Failure: FALSE
-BOOL WINAPI TerminateThread(
-    HANDLE handle, /* [in] Handle to thread */
-    DWORD exitcode)  /* [in] Exit code for thread */
+BOOL WINAPI TerminateThread( HANDLE handle,    /* [in] Handle to thread */
+                             DWORD exit_code)  /* [in] Exit code for thread */
-    BOOL ret;
-    struct terminate_thread_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle    = handle;
-    req->exit_code = exitcode;
-    if ((ret = !server_call( REQ_TERMINATE_THREAD )) && req->self)
-    {
-        PROCESS_CallUserSignalProc( USIG_THREAD_EXIT, 0 );
-        if (req->last) exit( exitcode );
-        else SYSDEPS_ExitThread( exitcode );
-    }
-    return ret;
+    NTSTATUS status = NtTerminateThread( handle, exit_code );
+    if (status) SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError(status) );
+    return !status;
@@ -626,15 +669,16 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetExitCodeThread(
     HANDLE hthread, /* [in]  Handle to thread */
     LPDWORD exitcode) /* [out] Address to receive termination status */
-    BOOL ret = FALSE;
-    struct get_thread_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hthread;
-    req->tid_in = 0;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_GET_THREAD_INFO ))
+    BOOL ret;
-        if (exitcode) *exitcode = req->exit_code;
-        ret = TRUE;
+        struct get_thread_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hthread;
+        req->tid_in = 0;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_GET_THREAD_INFO );
+        if (ret && exitcode) *exitcode = req->exit_code;
     return ret;
@@ -654,9 +698,13 @@ DWORD WINAPI ResumeThread(
     HANDLE hthread) /* [in] Identifies thread to restart */
     DWORD ret = 0xffffffff;
-    struct resume_thread_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hthread;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_RESUME_THREAD )) ret = req->count;
+    {
+        struct resume_thread_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hthread;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_RESUME_THREAD )) ret = req->count;
+    }
     return ret;
@@ -672,9 +720,13 @@ DWORD WINAPI SuspendThread(
     HANDLE hthread) /* [in] Handle to the thread */
     DWORD ret = 0xffffffff;
-    struct suspend_thread_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hthread;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_SUSPEND_THREAD )) ret = req->count;
+    {
+        struct suspend_thread_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hthread;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_SUSPEND_THREAD )) ret = req->count;
+    }
     return ret;
@@ -684,11 +736,17 @@ DWORD WINAPI SuspendThread(
-    struct queue_apc_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hthread;
-    req->func   = func;
-    req->param  = (void *)data;
-    return !server_call( REQ_QUEUE_APC );
+    DWORD ret;
+    {
+        struct queue_apc_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hthread;
+        req->func   = func;
+        req->param  = (void *)data;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_QUEUE_APC );
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/scheduler/timer.c b/scheduler/timer.c
index 0992be412fb..fe8020e4e6f 100644
--- a/scheduler/timer.c
+++ b/scheduler/timer.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include "winerror.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
 #include "file.h"  /* for FILETIME routines */
 #include "server.h"
@@ -16,15 +17,27 @@
 HANDLE WINAPI CreateWaitableTimerA( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, BOOL manual, LPCSTR name )
-    struct create_timer_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->manual  = manual;
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_TIMER );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct create_timer_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->manual  = manual;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_TIMER );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -33,15 +46,27 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateWaitableTimerA( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, BOOL manual, LPCSTR
-    struct create_timer_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->manual  = manual;
-    req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    SetLastError(0);
-    server_call( REQ_CREATE_TIMER );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0;
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct create_timer_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->manual  = manual;
+        req->inherit = (sa && (sa->nLength>=sizeof(*sa)) && sa->bInheritHandle);
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        SetLastError(0);
+        server_call( REQ_CREATE_TIMER );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -50,14 +75,26 @@ HANDLE WINAPI CreateWaitableTimerW( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, BOOL manual, LPCWST
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenWaitableTimerA( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCSTR name )
-    struct open_timer_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyAtoW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_TIMER );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), NULL, 0 ) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_timer_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        if (len) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name), server_data_ptr(req), len );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_TIMER );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -66,14 +103,26 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenWaitableTimerA( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCSTR name )
 HANDLE WINAPI OpenWaitableTimerW( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCWSTR name )
-    struct open_timer_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->access  = access;
-    req->inherit = inherit;
-    server_strcpyW( req->name, name );
-    server_call( REQ_OPEN_TIMER );
-    if (req->handle == -1) return 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
-    return req->handle;
+    HANDLE ret;
+    DWORD len = name ? strlenW(name) : 0;
+    if (len >= MAX_PATH)
+    {
+        SetLastError( ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    {
+        struct open_timer_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        req->access  = access;
+        req->inherit = inherit;
+        memcpy( server_data_ptr(req), name, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+        server_call( REQ_OPEN_TIMER );
+        ret = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (ret == -1) ret = 0; /* must return 0 on failure, not -1 */
+    return ret;
@@ -83,9 +132,9 @@ HANDLE WINAPI OpenWaitableTimerW( DWORD access, BOOL inherit, LPCWSTR name )
 BOOL WINAPI SetWaitableTimer( HANDLE handle, const LARGE_INTEGER *when, LONG period,
                               PTIMERAPCROUTINE callback, LPVOID arg, BOOL resume )
+    BOOL ret;
     FILETIME ft;
     DWORD remainder;
-    struct set_timer_request *req = get_req_buffer();
     if (when->s.HighPart < 0)  /* relative time */
@@ -102,23 +151,30 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetWaitableTimer( HANDLE handle, const LARGE_INTEGER *when, LONG per
         ft.dwHighDateTime = when->s.HighPart;
-    if (!ft.dwLowDateTime && !ft.dwHighDateTime)
-    {
-        /* special case to start timeout on now+period without too many calculations */
-        req->sec  = 0;
-        req->usec = 0;
-    }
-    else
-        req->sec  = DOSFS_FileTimeToUnixTime( &ft, &remainder );
-        req->usec = remainder / 10;  /* convert from 100-ns to us units */
+        struct set_timer_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        if (!ft.dwLowDateTime && !ft.dwHighDateTime)
+        {
+            /* special case to start timeout on now+period without too many calculations */
+            req->sec  = 0;
+            req->usec = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            req->sec  = DOSFS_FileTimeToUnixTime( &ft, &remainder );
+            req->usec = remainder / 10;  /* convert from 100-ns to us units */
+        }
+        req->handle   = handle;
+        req->period   = period;
+        req->callback = callback;
+        req->arg      = arg;
+        if (resume) SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); /* set error but can still succeed */
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_SET_TIMER );
-    req->handle   = handle;
-    req->period   = period;
-    req->callback = callback;
-    req->arg      = arg;
-    if (resume) SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); /* set error but can still succeed */
-    return !server_call( REQ_SET_TIMER );
+    return ret;
@@ -127,7 +183,13 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetWaitableTimer( HANDLE handle, const LARGE_INTEGER *when, LONG per
 BOOL WINAPI CancelWaitableTimer( HANDLE handle )
-    struct cancel_timer_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = handle;
-    return !server_call( REQ_CANCEL_TIMER );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct cancel_timer_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_CANCEL_TIMER );
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/server/atom.c b/server/atom.c
index 1e4652cbe8e..5e65b23ad36 100644
--- a/server/atom.c
+++ b/server/atom.c
@@ -65,13 +65,17 @@ static struct atom_table *global_table;
 /* copy an atom name to a temporary area */
-static const WCHAR *copy_name( const WCHAR *str )
+static const WCHAR *copy_name( const WCHAR *str, size_t len )
     static WCHAR buffer[MAX_ATOM_LEN+1];
-    WCHAR *p = buffer;
-    while (p < buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1) if (!(*p++ = *str++)) break;
-    *p = 0;
+    if (len > MAX_ATOM_LEN*sizeof(WCHAR))
+    {
+        set_error( STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    memcpy( buffer, str, len );
+    buffer[len / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
     return buffer;
@@ -261,16 +265,24 @@ static int find_atom( struct atom_table *table, const WCHAR *str )
 /* get an atom name and refcount*/
-static int get_atom_name( struct atom_table *table, int atom, WCHAR *str )
+static size_t get_atom_name( struct atom_table *table, int atom,
+                             WCHAR *str, size_t maxsize, int *count )
-    int count = -1;
+    int len = 0;
     struct atom_entry *entry = get_atom_entry( table, atom );
+    *count = -1;
     if (entry)
-        strcpyW( str, entry->str );
-        count = entry->count;
+        *count = entry->count;
+        len = strlenW( entry->str ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
+        if (len <= maxsize) memcpy( str, entry->str, len );
+        else
+        {
+            set_error( STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW );
+            len = 0;
+        }
-    return count;
+    return len;
 /* add a global atom */
@@ -279,29 +291,34 @@ DECL_HANDLER(add_atom)
     struct atom_table **table_ptr = req->local ? &current->process->atom_table : &global_table;
     if (!*table_ptr) *table_ptr = create_table(0);
-    if (*table_ptr) req->atom = add_atom( *table_ptr, copy_name( req->name ) );
+    if (*table_ptr)
+    {
+        const WCHAR *name = copy_name( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
+        if (name) req->atom = add_atom( *table_ptr, name );
+    }
 /* delete a global atom */
-    delete_atom( req->local ? current->process->atom_table : global_table,
-                 req->atom );
+    delete_atom( req->local ? current->process->atom_table : global_table, req->atom );
 /* find a global atom */
-    req->atom = find_atom( req->local ? current->process->atom_table : global_table,
-                           copy_name( req->name ) );
+    const WCHAR *name = copy_name( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
+    if (name)
+        req->atom = find_atom( req->local ? current->process->atom_table : global_table, name );
 /* get global atom name */
-    req->name[0] = 0;
-    req->count = get_atom_name( req->local ? current->process->atom_table : global_table,
-                                req->atom, req->name );
+    WCHAR *name = get_req_data(req);
+    size_t size = get_atom_name( req->local ? current->process->atom_table : global_table,
+                                 req->atom, name, get_req_data_size(req), &req->count );
+    set_req_data_size( req, size );
 /* init the process atom table */
diff --git a/server/debugger.c b/server/debugger.c
index 436d1702f0e..371e3043f07 100644
--- a/server/debugger.c
+++ b/server/debugger.c
@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ static void build_wait_debug_reply( struct thread *thread, struct object *obj, i
         struct debug_ctx *debug_ctx = (struct debug_ctx *)obj; 
         struct debug_event *event = find_event_to_send( debug_ctx );
+        size_t size = get_req_data_size(req);
         /* the object that woke us has to be our debug context */
         assert( obj->ops == &debug_ctx_ops );
@@ -261,14 +262,15 @@ static void build_wait_debug_reply( struct thread *thread, struct object *obj, i
         event->state = EVENT_SENT;
         event->sender->debug_event = event;
-        req->event.code = event->data.code;
-        req->pid  = event->sender->process;
-        req->tid  = event->sender;
-        memcpy( &req->event, &event->data, sizeof(req->event) );
+        req->pid = event->sender->process;
+        req->tid = event->sender;
+        if (size > sizeof(debug_event_t)) size = sizeof(debug_event_t);
+        memcpy( get_req_data(req), &event->data, size );
+        set_req_data_size( req, size );
     else  /* timeout or error */
-        req->event.code = 0;
+        set_req_data_size( req, 0 );
         req->pid  = 0;
         req->tid  = 0;
@@ -536,9 +538,9 @@ DECL_HANDLER(wait_debug_event)
     if (!wait_for_debug_event( req->timeout ))
-        req->event.code = 0;
         req->pid = NULL;
         req->tid = NULL;
+        set_req_data_size( req, 0 );
diff --git a/server/event.c b/server/event.c
index 763c8fb1d0c..f259b909697 100644
--- a/server/event.c
+++ b/server/event.c
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ static int event_satisfied( struct object *obj, struct thread *thread )
 /* create an event */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
     struct event *event;
     req->handle = -1;
-    if ((event = create_event( req->name, len, req->manual_reset, req->initial_state )))
+    if ((event = create_event( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req),
+                               req->manual_reset, req->initial_state )))
         req->handle = alloc_handle( current->process, event, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, req->inherit );
         release_object( event );
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ DECL_HANDLER(create_event)
 /* open a handle to an event */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
-    req->handle = open_object( req->name, len, &event_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
+    req->handle = open_object( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req),
+                               &event_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
 /* do an event operation */
diff --git a/server/mapping.c b/server/mapping.c
index 6976cf47c1b..0ad6a570792 100644
--- a/server/mapping.c
+++ b/server/mapping.c
@@ -281,12 +281,12 @@ int get_page_size(void)
 /* create a file mapping */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
     struct object *obj;
     req->handle = -1;
     if ((obj = create_mapping( req->size_high, req->size_low,
-                               req->protect, req->file_handle, req->name, len )))
+                               req->protect, req->file_handle,
+                               get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) )))
         int access = FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS;
         if (!(req->protect & VPROT_WRITE)) access &= ~FILE_MAP_WRITE;
@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ DECL_HANDLER(create_mapping)
 /* open a handle to a mapping */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
-    req->handle = open_object( req->name, len, &mapping_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
+    req->handle = open_object( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req),
+                               &mapping_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
 /* get a mapping information */
diff --git a/server/mutex.c b/server/mutex.c
index 7f74b7b06f4..82b76c26b05 100644
--- a/server/mutex.c
+++ b/server/mutex.c
@@ -139,11 +139,10 @@ static void mutex_destroy( struct object *obj )
 /* create a mutex */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
     struct mutex *mutex;
     req->handle = -1;
-    if ((mutex = create_mutex( req->name, len, req->owned )))
+    if ((mutex = create_mutex( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req), req->owned )))
         req->handle = alloc_handle( current->process, mutex, MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, req->inherit );
         release_object( mutex );
@@ -153,8 +152,8 @@ DECL_HANDLER(create_mutex)
 /* open a handle to a mutex */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
-    req->handle = open_object( req->name, len, &mutex_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
+    req->handle = open_object( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req),
+                               &mutex_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
 /* release a mutex */
diff --git a/server/object.c b/server/object.c
index cda7bfefd5b..f2a7f1feeb4 100644
--- a/server/object.c
+++ b/server/object.c
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ void *memdup( const void *data, size_t len )
 static int get_name_hash( const WCHAR *name, size_t len )
     WCHAR hash = 0;
+    len /= sizeof(WCHAR);
     while (len--) hash ^= *name++;
     return hash % NAME_HASH_SIZE;
@@ -79,11 +80,10 @@ static struct object_name *alloc_name( const WCHAR *name, size_t len )
     struct object_name *ptr;
-    if ((ptr = mem_alloc( sizeof(*ptr) + len * sizeof(ptr->name[0]) )))
+    if ((ptr = mem_alloc( sizeof(*ptr) + len - sizeof(ptr->name) )))
         ptr->len = len;
-        memcpy( ptr->name, name, len * sizeof(ptr->name[0]) );
-        ptr->name[len] = 0;
+        memcpy( ptr->name, name, len );
     return ptr;
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ void dump_object_name( struct object *obj )
         fprintf( stderr, "name=L\"" );
-        dump_strW( obj->name->name, strlenW(obj->name->name), stderr, "\"\"" );
+        dump_strW( obj->name->name, obj->name->len/sizeof(WCHAR), stderr, "\"\"" );
         fputc( '\"', stderr );
@@ -228,11 +228,12 @@ void release_object( void *ptr )
 struct object *find_object( const WCHAR *name, size_t len )
     struct object_name *ptr;
     if (!name || !len) return NULL;
     for (ptr = names[ get_name_hash( name, len ) ]; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
         if (ptr->len != len) continue;
-        if (!memcmp( ptr->name, name, len*sizeof(WCHAR) )) return grab_object( ptr->obj );
+        if (!memcmp( ptr->name, name, len )) return grab_object( ptr->obj );
     return NULL;
diff --git a/server/request.h b/server/request.h
index aa469020fb1..bf9b7977495 100644
--- a/server/request.h
+++ b/server/request.h
@@ -54,6 +54,18 @@ inline static void *get_req_data( const void *req )
     return ((union generic_request *)req + 1);
+/* get the request vararg size */
+inline static size_t get_req_data_size( const void *req )
+    return ((struct request_header *)req)->var_size;
+/* set the request vararg size */
+inline static void set_req_data_size( const void *req, size_t size )
+    ((struct request_header *)req)->var_size = size;
 #define REQUEST_END(req) ((char *)(req) + MAX_REQUEST_LENGTH - sizeof(struct server_buffer_info))
diff --git a/server/semaphore.c b/server/semaphore.c
index 94fe31fde5e..25c0c519611 100644
--- a/server/semaphore.c
+++ b/server/semaphore.c
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ static int semaphore_satisfied( struct object *obj, struct thread *thread )
 /* create a semaphore */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
     struct semaphore *sem;
     req->handle = -1;
-    if ((sem = create_semaphore( req->name, len, req->initial, req->max )))
+    if ((sem = create_semaphore( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req),
+                                 req->initial, req->max )))
         req->handle = alloc_handle( current->process, sem, SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS, req->inherit );
         release_object( sem );
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ DECL_HANDLER(create_semaphore)
 /* open a handle to a semaphore */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
-    req->handle = open_object( req->name, len, &semaphore_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
+    req->handle = open_object( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req),
+                               &semaphore_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
 /* release a semaphore */
diff --git a/server/thread.c b/server/thread.c
index c1b79fac56c..d6e9bef4cde 100644
--- a/server/thread.c
+++ b/server/thread.c
@@ -787,7 +787,8 @@ DECL_HANDLER(resume_thread)
 /* select on a handle list */
-    if (!select_on( req->count, req->handles, req->flags, req->timeout ))
+    int count = get_req_data_size(req) / sizeof(int);
+    if (!select_on( count, get_req_data(req), req->flags, req->timeout ))
         req->signaled = -1;
@@ -806,21 +807,31 @@ DECL_HANDLER(queue_apc)
     struct thread_apc *apc;
+    size_t size;
-    if ((apc = thread_dequeue_apc( current )))
+    for (;;)
-        req->func    = apc->func;
-        req->type    = apc->type;
-        req->nb_args = apc->nb_args;
-        memcpy( req->args, apc->args, apc->nb_args * sizeof(req->args[0]) );
+        if (!(apc = thread_dequeue_apc( current )))
+        {
+            /* no more APCs */
+            req->func    = NULL;
+            req->type    = APC_NONE;
+            set_req_data_size( req, 0 );
+            return;
+        }
+        /* Optimization: ignore APCs that have a NULL func; they are only used
+         * to wake up a thread, but since we got here the thread woke up already.
+         */
+        if (apc->func) break;
         free( apc );
-    else
-    {
-        req->func    = NULL;
-        req->type    = APC_NONE;
-        req->nb_args = 0;
-    }
+    size = apc->nb_args * sizeof(apc->args[0]);
+    if (size > get_req_data_size(req)) size = get_req_data_size(req);
+    req->func = apc->func;
+    req->type = apc->type;
+    memcpy( get_req_data(req), apc->args, size );
+    set_req_data_size( req, size );
+    free( apc );
 /* fetch a selector entry for a thread */
diff --git a/server/timer.c b/server/timer.c
index c914d93a56a..d74fc72fe36 100644
--- a/server/timer.c
+++ b/server/timer.c
@@ -173,11 +173,10 @@ static void timer_destroy( struct object *obj )
 /* create a timer */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
     struct timer *timer;
     req->handle = -1;
-    if ((timer = create_timer( req->name, len, req->manual )))
+    if ((timer = create_timer( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req), req->manual )))
         req->handle = alloc_handle( current->process, timer, TIMER_ALL_ACCESS, req->inherit );
         release_object( timer );
@@ -187,8 +186,8 @@ DECL_HANDLER(create_timer)
 /* open a handle to a timer */
-    size_t len = get_req_strlenW( req, req->name );
-    req->handle = open_object( req->name, len, &timer_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
+    req->handle = open_object( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req),
+                               &timer_ops, req->access, req->inherit );
 /* set a waitable timer */
diff --git a/server/trace.c b/server/trace.c
index 34ff39ce917..c6b5e915ddc 100644
--- a/server/trace.c
+++ b/server/trace.c
@@ -100,13 +100,50 @@ static void dump_exc_record( const void *req, const EXCEPTION_RECORD *rec )
     fputc( '}', stderr );
-static void dump_debug_event_t( const void *req, const debug_event_t *event )
+static void dump_varargs_ints( const void *ptr, size_t len )
+    const int *data = ptr;
+    len /= sizeof(*data);
+    fputc( '{', stderr );
+    while (len > 0)
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "%d", *data++ );
+        if (--len) fputc( ',', stderr );
+    }
+    fputc( '}', stderr );
+static void dump_varargs_ptrs( const void *ptr, size_t len )
+    void * const *data = ptr;
+    len /= sizeof(*data);
+    fputc( '{', stderr );
+    while (len > 0)
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "%p", *data++ );
+        if (--len) fputc( ',', stderr );
+    }
+    fputc( '}', stderr );
+static void dump_varargs_unicode_str( const void *ptr, size_t len )
+    fprintf( stderr, "L\"" );
+    dump_strW( ptr, len / sizeof(WCHAR), stderr, "\"\"" );
+    fputc( '\"', stderr );
+static void dump_varargs_debug_event( const void *ptr, size_t len )
+    const debug_event_t *event = ptr;
         fprintf( stderr, "{exception," );
-        dump_exc_record( req, &event->info.exception.record );
+        dump_exc_record( ptr, &event->info.exception.record );
         fprintf( stderr, ",first=%d}", event->info.exception.first );
@@ -156,23 +193,8 @@ static void dump_debug_event_t( const void *req, const debug_event_t *event )
 /* dumping for functions for requests that have a variable part */
-static void dump_varargs_select_request( const struct select_request *req )
-    int count = min( req->count, get_req_size( req, req->handles, sizeof(int) ));
-    dump_ints( req->handles, count );
-static void dump_varargs_get_apc_reply( const struct get_apc_request *req )
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < req->nb_args; i++)
-        fprintf( stderr, "%c%p", i ? ',' : '{', req->args[i] );
-    fprintf( stderr, "}" );
 static void dump_varargs_get_socket_event_reply( const struct get_socket_event_request *req )
     dump_ints( req->errors, FD_MAX_EVENTS );
@@ -430,9 +452,8 @@ static void dump_get_apc_reply( const struct get_apc_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " func=%p,", req->func );
     fprintf( stderr, " type=%d,", req->type );
-    fprintf( stderr, " nb_args=%d,", req->nb_args );
     fprintf( stderr, " args=" );
-    dump_varargs_get_apc_reply( req );
+    dump_varargs_ptrs( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_close_handle_request( const struct close_handle_request *req )
@@ -486,11 +507,10 @@ static void dump_open_process_reply( const struct open_process_request *req )
 static void dump_select_request( const struct select_request *req )
-    fprintf( stderr, " count=%d,", req->count );
     fprintf( stderr, " flags=%d,", req->flags );
     fprintf( stderr, " timeout=%d,", req->timeout );
     fprintf( stderr, " handles=" );
-    dump_varargs_select_request( req );
+    dump_varargs_ints( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_select_reply( const struct select_request *req )
@@ -504,7 +524,7 @@ static void dump_create_event_request( const struct create_event_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " initial_state=%d,", req->initial_state );
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_create_event_reply( const struct create_event_request *req )
@@ -523,7 +543,7 @@ static void dump_open_event_request( const struct open_event_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " access=%08x,", req->access );
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_open_event_reply( const struct open_event_request *req )
@@ -536,7 +556,7 @@ static void dump_create_mutex_request( const struct create_mutex_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " owned=%d,", req->owned );
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_create_mutex_reply( const struct create_mutex_request *req )
@@ -554,7 +574,7 @@ static void dump_open_mutex_request( const struct open_mutex_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " access=%08x,", req->access );
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_open_mutex_reply( const struct open_mutex_request *req )
@@ -568,7 +588,7 @@ static void dump_create_semaphore_request( const struct create_semaphore_request
     fprintf( stderr, " max=%08x,", req->max );
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_create_semaphore_reply( const struct create_semaphore_request *req )
@@ -592,7 +612,7 @@ static void dump_open_semaphore_request( const struct open_semaphore_request *re
     fprintf( stderr, " access=%08x,", req->access );
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_open_semaphore_reply( const struct open_semaphore_request *req )
@@ -890,7 +910,7 @@ static void dump_create_mapping_request( const struct create_mapping_request *re
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " file_handle=%d,", req->file_handle );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_create_mapping_reply( const struct create_mapping_request *req )
@@ -903,7 +923,7 @@ static void dump_open_mapping_request( const struct open_mapping_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " access=%08x,", req->access );
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_open_mapping_reply( const struct open_mapping_request *req )
@@ -1002,7 +1022,7 @@ static void dump_wait_debug_event_reply( const struct wait_debug_event_request *
     fprintf( stderr, " pid=%p,", req->pid );
     fprintf( stderr, " tid=%p,", req->tid );
     fprintf( stderr, " event=" );
-    dump_debug_event_t( req, &req->event );
+    dump_varargs_debug_event( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_exception_event_request( const struct exception_event_request *req )
@@ -1232,7 +1252,7 @@ static void dump_create_timer_request( const struct create_timer_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " manual=%d,", req->manual );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_create_timer_reply( const struct create_timer_request *req )
@@ -1245,7 +1265,7 @@ static void dump_open_timer_request( const struct open_timer_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " access=%08x,", req->access );
     fprintf( stderr, " inherit=%d,", req->inherit );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_open_timer_reply( const struct open_timer_request *req )
@@ -1305,7 +1325,7 @@ static void dump_add_atom_request( const struct add_atom_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " local=%d,", req->local );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_add_atom_reply( const struct add_atom_request *req )
@@ -1323,7 +1343,7 @@ static void dump_find_atom_request( const struct find_atom_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " local=%d,", req->local );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_find_atom_reply( const struct find_atom_request *req )
@@ -1341,7 +1361,7 @@ static void dump_get_atom_name_reply( const struct get_atom_name_request *req )
     fprintf( stderr, " count=%d,", req->count );
     fprintf( stderr, " name=" );
-    dump_unicode_string( req, req->name );
+    dump_varargs_unicode_str( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );
 static void dump_init_atom_table_request( const struct init_atom_table_request *req )
diff --git a/tools/make_requests b/tools/make_requests
index fd5aed9a48f..7dcad4eb6cf 100755
--- a/tools/make_requests
+++ b/tools/make_requests
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ sub DO_REQUEST
             $dir = $1;
             $var = $2;
-            $type = "&" . $3;
+            $type = "&dump_varargs_" . $3;
 	elsif (/^\s*(IN|OUT)\s*(\w+\**(\s+\w+\**)*)\s+(\w+)(\[[1]\])?;/)
@@ -178,8 +178,17 @@ sub DO_DUMP_FUNC
 	else  # must be some varargs format
-	    push @trace_lines, "    fprintf( stderr, \" $var=\" );\n";
-	    push @trace_lines, "    dump_varargs_${name}_${req}( req );\n";
+            if ($type =~ /^&(.*)/)
+            {
+                my $func = $1;
+                push @trace_lines, "    fprintf( stderr, \" $var=\" );\n";
+                push @trace_lines, "    $func( get_req_data(req), get_req_data_size(req) );\n";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                push @trace_lines, "    fprintf( stderr, \" $var=\" );\n";
+                push @trace_lines, "    dump_varargs_${name}_${req}( req );\n";
+            }
     push @trace_lines, "}\n\n";
diff --git a/win32/console.c b/win32/console.c
index 4cb35c97be1..03728aeade9 100644
--- a/win32/console.c
+++ b/win32/console.c
@@ -647,14 +647,15 @@ UINT WINAPI GetConsoleOutputCP(VOID)
 BOOL WINAPI GetConsoleMode(HANDLE hcon,LPDWORD mode)
-    BOOL ret = FALSE;
-    struct get_console_mode_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hcon;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_GET_CONSOLE_MODE ))
+    BOOL ret;
-        if (mode) *mode = req->mode;
-        ret = TRUE;
+        struct get_console_mode_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hcon;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_GET_CONSOLE_MODE );
+        if (ret && mode) *mode = req->mode;
     return ret;
@@ -672,10 +673,16 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetConsoleMode(HANDLE hcon,LPDWORD mode)
 BOOL WINAPI SetConsoleMode( HANDLE hcon, DWORD mode )
-    struct set_console_mode_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = hcon;
-    req->mode = mode;
-    return !server_call( REQ_SET_CONSOLE_MODE );
+    BOOL ret;
+    {
+        struct set_console_mode_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hcon;
+        req->mode = mode;
+        ret = !server_call( REQ_SET_CONSOLE_MODE );
+    }
+    return ret;
diff --git a/win32/device.c b/win32/device.c
index ce5f29ad56e..b95ec82e5a7 100644
--- a/win32/device.c
+++ b/win32/device.c
@@ -330,18 +330,22 @@ HANDLE DEVICE_Open( LPCSTR filename, DWORD access,
 static const struct VxDInfo *DEVICE_GetInfo( HANDLE handle )
-    struct get_file_info_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-    req->handle = handle;
-    if (!server_call( REQ_GET_FILE_INFO ) &&
-        (req->type == FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) &&
-        (req->attr & 0x10000))
+    const struct VxDInfo *info = NULL;
-        const struct VxDInfo *info;
-        for (info = VxDList; info->name; info++)
-            if (info->id == LOWORD(req->attr)) return info;
+        struct get_file_info_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = handle;
+        if (!server_call( REQ_GET_FILE_INFO ) &&
+            (req->type == FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) &&
+            (req->attr & 0x10000))
+        {
+            for (info = VxDList; info->name; info++)
+                if (info->id == LOWORD(req->attr)) break;
+        }
-    return NULL;
+    return info;
diff --git a/windows/queue.c b/windows/queue.c
index 4a5408d7891..add3b32946f 100644
--- a/windows/queue.c
+++ b/windows/queue.c
@@ -441,9 +441,9 @@ void QUEUE_SetExitingQueue( HQUEUE16 hQueue )
 static HQUEUE16 QUEUE_CreateMsgQueue( BOOL16 bCreatePerQData )
     HQUEUE16 hQueue;
+    HANDLE handle = -1;
     MESSAGEQUEUE * msgQueue;
     TDB *pTask = (TDB *)GlobalLock16( GetCurrentTask() );
-    struct get_msg_queue_request *req = get_req_buffer();
     TRACE_(msg)("(): Creating message queue...\n");
@@ -455,13 +455,19 @@ static HQUEUE16 QUEUE_CreateMsgQueue( BOOL16 bCreatePerQData )
     if ( !msgQueue )
         return 0;
-    if (server_call( REQ_GET_MSG_QUEUE ))
+    {
+        struct get_msg_queue_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        if (!server_call( REQ_GET_MSG_QUEUE )) handle = req->handle;
+    }
+    if (handle == -1)
         ERR_(msg)("Cannot get thread queue");
         GlobalFree16( hQueue );
         return 0;
-    msgQueue->server_queue = req->handle;
+    msgQueue->server_queue = handle;
     msgQueue->server_queue = ConvertToGlobalHandle( msgQueue->server_queue );
     msgQueue->self        = hQueue;
@@ -629,7 +635,7 @@ void QUEUE_SetWakeBit( MESSAGEQUEUE *queue, WORD bit )
     if (queue->wakeMask & bit)
         queue->wakeMask = 0;
         /* Wake up thread waiting for message */
         if ( THREAD_IsWin16( queue->teb ) )
@@ -639,10 +645,14 @@ void QUEUE_SetWakeBit( MESSAGEQUEUE *queue, WORD bit )
-            struct wake_queue_request *req = get_req_buffer();
-            req->handle = queue->server_queue;
-            req->bits   = bit;
-            server_call( REQ_WAKE_QUEUE );
+            SERVER_START_REQ
+            {
+                struct wake_queue_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+                req->handle = queue->server_queue;
+                req->bits   = bit;
+                server_call( REQ_WAKE_QUEUE );
+            }
+            SERVER_END_REQ;
@@ -1500,16 +1510,21 @@ BOOL16 WINAPI GetInputState16(void)
 DWORD WINAPI WaitForInputIdle (HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwTimeOut)
     DWORD cur_time, ret;
-    HANDLE idle_event;
-    struct wait_input_idle_request *req = get_req_buffer();
+    HANDLE idle_event = -1;
-    req->handle = hProcess;
-    req->timeout = dwTimeOut;
-    if (server_call( REQ_WAIT_INPUT_IDLE )) return 0xffffffff;
-    if ((idle_event = req->event) == -1) return 0;  /* no event to wait on */
+    {
+        struct wait_input_idle_request *req = server_alloc_req( sizeof(*req), 0 );
+        req->handle = hProcess;
+        req->timeout = dwTimeOut;
+        if (!(ret = server_call( REQ_WAIT_INPUT_IDLE ))) idle_event = req->event;
+    }
+    if (ret) return 0xffffffff;  /* error */
+    if (idle_event == -1) return 0;  /* no event to wait on */
   cur_time = GetTickCount();
   TRACE_(msg)("waiting for %x\n", idle_event );
   while ( dwTimeOut > GetTickCount() - cur_time || dwTimeOut == INFINITE ) {