From 37ec927536da80e84066d0cba8d7f06190c5af94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Julliard <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 00:35:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Use the new protocol.def file to build the request
 structures. Define protocol structures in a separate server_protocol.h file.
 Removed __WINE_SERVER__ checks now that all includes are in the right

 server/  |    2 +-
 server/handle.h     |    6 +-
 server/object.h     |    6 +-
 server/process.h    |    4 -
 server/protocol.def | 1364 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 server/request.c    |    1 -
 server/request.h    |    5 +-
 server/thread.h     |    4 -
 server/unicode.h    |    4 -
 tools/make_requests |  188 ++++--
 10 files changed, 1496 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 server/protocol.def

diff --git a/server/ b/server/
index bb82aa775fb..b03708b1249 100644
--- a/server/
+++ b/server/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-DEFS      = -D__WINE__ -D__WINE_SERVER__
+DEFS      = -D__WINE__
 TOPSRCDIR = @top_srcdir@
 SRCDIR    = @srcdir@
diff --git a/server/handle.h b/server/handle.h
index 18d5d2a5a54..31538f50bb1 100644
--- a/server/handle.h
+++ b/server/handle.h
@@ -7,13 +7,9 @@
-#ifndef __WINE_SERVER__
-#error This file can only be used in the Wine server
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "windef.h"
-#include "server.h"
+#include "wine/server_protocol.h"
 struct process;
 struct object_ops;
diff --git a/server/object.h b/server/object.h
index 995e60210d4..12cf7c6d719 100644
--- a/server/object.h
+++ b/server/object.h
@@ -7,13 +7,9 @@
-#ifndef __WINE_SERVER__
-#error This file can only be used in the Wine server
 #include <sys/poll.h>
 #include <sys/time.h>
-#include "server.h"
+#include "wine/server_protocol.h"
diff --git a/server/process.h b/server/process.h
index fb272c79339..28fbd2e8759 100644
--- a/server/process.h
+++ b/server/process.h
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
-#ifndef __WINE_SERVER__
-#error This file can only be used in the Wine server
 #include "object.h"
 struct msg_queue;
diff --git a/server/protocol.def b/server/protocol.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..32e969748e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/protocol.def
@@ -0,0 +1,1364 @@
+/* -*- C -*-
+ *
+ * Wine server protocol definition
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Alexandre Julliard
+ *
+ * This file is used by tools/make_requests to build the
+ * protocol structures in include/wine/server_protocol.h
+ */
+@HEADER  /* start of C declarations */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "winbase.h"
+struct request_header
+    int            req;          /* request code */
+    unsigned short var_offset;   /* offset of the variable part of the request */
+    unsigned short var_size;     /* size of the variable part of the request */
+    unsigned int   error;        /* error result */
+struct reply_header
+    unsigned int   error;        /* error result */
+    unsigned short var_offset;   /* offset of the variable part of the request */
+    unsigned short var_size;     /* size of the variable part of the request */
+/* placeholder structure for the maximum allowed request size */
+/* this is used to construct the generic_request union */
+struct request_max_size
+    int pad[16]; /* the max request size is 16 ints */
+/* max size of the variable part of a request */
+#define REQUEST_MAX_VAR_SIZE  1024
+typedef int handle_t;
+/* definitions of the event data depending on the event code */
+struct debug_event_exception
+    EXCEPTION_RECORD record;   /* exception record */
+    int              first;    /* first chance exception? */
+struct debug_event_create_thread
+    handle_t    handle;     /* handle to the new thread */
+    void       *teb;        /* thread teb (in debugged process address space) */
+    void       *start;      /* thread startup routine */
+struct debug_event_create_process
+    handle_t    file;       /* handle to the process exe file */
+    handle_t    process;    /* handle to the new process */
+    handle_t    thread;     /* handle to the new thread */
+    void       *base;       /* base of executable image */
+    int         dbg_offset; /* offset of debug info in file */
+    int         dbg_size;   /* size of debug info */
+    void       *teb;        /* thread teb (in debugged process address space) */
+    void       *start;      /* thread startup routine */
+    void       *name;       /* image name (optional) */
+    int         unicode;    /* is it Unicode? */
+struct debug_event_exit
+    int         exit_code;  /* thread or process exit code */
+struct debug_event_load_dll
+    handle_t    handle;     /* file handle for the dll */
+    void       *base;       /* base address of the dll */
+    int         dbg_offset; /* offset of debug info in file */
+    int         dbg_size;   /* size of debug info */
+    void       *name;       /* image name (optional) */
+    int         unicode;    /* is it Unicode? */
+struct debug_event_unload_dll
+    void       *base;       /* base address of the dll */
+struct debug_event_output_string
+    void       *string;     /* string to display (in debugged process address space) */
+    int         unicode;    /* is it Unicode? */
+    int         length;     /* string length */
+struct debug_event_rip_info
+    int         error;      /* ??? */
+    int         type;       /* ??? */
+union debug_event_data
+    struct debug_event_exception      exception;
+    struct debug_event_create_thread  create_thread;
+    struct debug_event_create_process create_process;
+    struct debug_event_exit           exit;
+    struct debug_event_load_dll       load_dll;
+    struct debug_event_unload_dll     unload_dll;
+    struct debug_event_output_string  output_string;
+    struct debug_event_rip_info       rip_info;
+/* debug event data */
+typedef struct
+    int                      code;   /* event code */
+    union debug_event_data   info;   /* event information */
+} debug_event_t;
+/* structure used in sending an fd from client to server */
+struct send_fd
+    void  *tid;  /* thread id */
+    int    fd;   /* file descriptor on client-side */
+/* structure sent by the server on the wait fifo */
+struct wake_up_reply
+    void *cookie;    /* magic cookie that was passed in select_request */
+    int   signaled;  /* wait result */
+/* Request declarations */
+/* Create a new process from the context of the parent */
+    int          inherit_all;  /* inherit all handles from parent */
+    int          create_flags; /* creation flags */
+    int          start_flags;  /* flags from startup info */
+    handle_t     exe_file;     /* file handle for main exe */
+    handle_t     hstdin;       /* handle for stdin */
+    handle_t     hstdout;      /* handle for stdout */
+    handle_t     hstderr;      /* handle for stderr */
+    int          cmd_show;     /* main window show mode */
+    VARARG(filename,string);   /* file name of main exe */
+    handle_t     info;         /* new process info handle */
+/* Retrieve information about a newly started process */
+    handle_t     info;         /* info handle returned from new_process_request */
+    int          pinherit;     /* process handle inherit flag */
+    int          tinherit;     /* thread handle inherit flag */
+    void*        pid;          /* process id */
+    handle_t     phandle;      /* process handle (in the current process) */
+    void*        tid;          /* thread id */
+    handle_t     thandle;      /* thread handle (in the current process) */
+    handle_t     event;        /* event handle to signal startup */
+/* Create a new thread from the context of the parent */
+    int          suspend;      /* new thread should be suspended on creation */
+    int          inherit;      /* inherit flag */
+    int          request_fd;   /* fd for request pipe */
+    void*        tid;          /* thread id */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* thread handle (in the current process) */
+/* Signal that we are finished booting on the client side */
+    int          debug_level;  /* new debug level */
+/* Initialize a process; called from the new process context */
+    void*        ldt_copy;     /* addr of LDT copy */
+    int          ppid;         /* parent Unix pid */
+    int          create_flags; /* creation flags */
+    int          start_flags;  /* flags from startup info */
+    unsigned int server_start; /* server start time (GetTickCount) */
+    handle_t     exe_file;     /* file handle for main exe */
+    handle_t     hstdin;       /* handle for stdin */
+    handle_t     hstdout;      /* handle for stdout */
+    handle_t     hstderr;      /* handle for stderr */
+    int          cmd_show;     /* main window show mode */
+    VARARG(filename,string);   /* file name of main exe */
+/* Signal the end of the process initialization */
+    void*        module;       /* main module base address */
+    void*        entry;        /* process entry point */
+    void*        name;         /* ptr to ptr to name (in process addr space) */
+    handle_t     exe_file;     /* file handle for main exe */
+    int          gui;          /* is it a GUI process? */
+    int          debugged;     /* being debugged? */
+/* Initialize a thread; called from the child after fork()/clone() */
+    int          unix_pid;     /* Unix pid of new thread */
+    void*        teb;          /* TEB of new thread (in thread address space) */
+    void*        entry;        /* thread entry point (in thread address space) */
+    int          reply_fd;     /* fd for reply pipe */
+    int          wait_fd;      /* fd for blocking calls pipe */
+    void*        pid;          /* process id of the new thread's process */
+    void*        tid;          /* thread id of the new thread */
+    int          boot;         /* is this the boot thread? */
+    int          version;      /* protocol version */
+/* Set the shared buffer for a thread */
+    int          fd;           /* fd to mmap as shared buffer */
+    unsigned int offset;       /* offset of buffer in file */
+    unsigned int size;         /* size of buffer */
+/* Terminate a process */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* process handle to terminate */
+    int          exit_code;    /* process exit code */
+    int          self;         /* suicide? */
+/* Terminate a thread */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* thread handle to terminate */
+    int          exit_code;    /* thread exit code */
+    int          self;         /* suicide? */
+    int          last;         /* last thread in this process? */
+/* Retrieve information about a process */
+    handle_t     handle;           /* process handle */
+    void*        pid;              /* server process id */
+    int          debugged;         /* debugged? */
+    int          exit_code;        /* process exit code */
+    int          priority;         /* priority class */
+    int          process_affinity; /* process affinity mask */
+    int          system_affinity;  /* system affinity mask */
+/* Set a process informations */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* process handle */
+    int          mask;         /* setting mask (see below) */
+    int          priority;     /* priority class */
+    int          affinity;     /* affinity mask */
+/* Retrieve information about a thread */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* thread handle */
+    void*        tid_in;       /* thread id (optional) */
+    void*        tid;          /* server thread id */
+    void*        teb;          /* thread teb pointer */
+    int          exit_code;    /* thread exit code */
+    int          priority;     /* thread priority level */
+/* Set a thread informations */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* thread handle */
+    int          mask;         /* setting mask (see below) */
+    int          priority;     /* priority class */
+    int          affinity;     /* affinity mask */
+/* Suspend a thread */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* thread handle */
+    int          count;        /* new suspend count */
+/* Resume a thread */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* thread handle */
+    int          count;        /* new suspend count */
+/* Notify the server that a dll has been loaded */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* file handle */
+    void*        base;         /* base address */
+    int          dbg_offset;   /* debug info offset */
+    int          dbg_size;     /* debug info size */
+    void*        name;         /* ptr to ptr to name (in process addr space) */
+/* Notify the server that a dll is being unloaded */
+    void*        base;         /* base address */
+/* Queue an APC for a thread */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* thread handle */
+    int          user;         /* user or system apc? */
+    void*        func;         /* function to call */
+    void*        param;        /* param for function to call */
+/* Get next APC to call */
+    int          alertable;    /* is thread alertable? */
+    void*        func;         /* function to call */
+    int          type;         /* function type */
+    VARARG(args,ptrs);         /* function arguments */
+enum apc_type { APC_NONE, APC_USER, APC_TIMER, APC_ASYNC };
+/* Close a handle for the current process */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* handle to close */
+    int          fd;           /* associated fd to close */
+/* Set a handle information */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* handle we are interested in */
+    int          flags;        /* new handle flags */
+    int          mask;         /* mask for flags to set */
+    int          fd;           /* file descriptor or -1 */
+    int          old_flags;    /* old flag value */
+    int          cur_fd;       /* current file descriptor */
+/* Duplicate a handle */
+    handle_t     src_process;  /* src process handle */
+    handle_t     src_handle;   /* src handle to duplicate */
+    handle_t     dst_process;  /* dst process handle */
+    unsigned int access;       /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;      /* inherit flag */
+    int          options;      /* duplicate options (see below) */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* duplicated handle in dst process */
+    int          fd;           /* associated fd to close */
+#define DUP_HANDLE_MAKE_GLOBAL   0x80000000  /* Not a Windows flag */
+/* Open a handle to a process */
+    void*        pid;          /* process id to open */
+    unsigned int access;       /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;      /* inherit flag */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* handle to the process */
+/* Wait for handles */
+    int          flags;        /* wait flags (see below) */
+    void*        cookie;       /* magic cookie to return to client */
+    int          sec;          /* absolute timeout */
+    int          usec;         /* absolute timeout */
+    VARARG(handles,handles);   /* handles to select on */
+#define SELECT_ALL           1
+#define SELECT_ALERTABLE     2
+#define SELECT_TIMEOUT       8
+/* Create an event */
+    int          manual_reset;  /* manual reset event */
+    int          initial_state; /* initial state of the event */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the event */
+/* Event operation */
+    handle_t      handle;       /* handle to event */
+    int           op;           /* event operation (see below) */
+/* Open an event */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the event */
+/* Create a mutex */
+    int          owned;         /* initially owned? */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the mutex */
+/* Release a mutex */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the mutex */
+/* Open a mutex */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the mutex */
+/* Create a semaphore */
+    unsigned int initial;       /* initial count */
+    unsigned int max;           /* maximum count */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the semaphore */
+/* Release a semaphore */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the semaphore */
+    unsigned int count;         /* count to add to semaphore */
+    unsigned int prev_count;    /* previous semaphore count */
+/* Open a semaphore */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the semaphore */
+/* Create a file */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    unsigned int sharing;       /* sharing flags */
+    int          create;        /* file create action */
+    unsigned int attrs;         /* file attributes for creation */
+    VARARG(filename,string);    /* file name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+/* Allocate a file handle for a Unix fd */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          fd;            /* file descriptor on the client side */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+/* Get a Unix fd to access a file */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          fd;            /* file descriptor */
+/* Set a file current position */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+    int          low;           /* position low word */
+    int          high;          /* position high word */
+    int          whence;        /* whence to seek */
+    int          new_low;       /* new position low word */
+    int          new_high;      /* new position high word */
+/* Truncate (or extend) a file */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+/* Set a file access and modification times */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+    time_t       access_time;   /* last access time */
+    time_t       write_time;    /* last write time */
+/* Flush a file buffers */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+/* Get information about a file */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+    int          type;          /* file type */
+    int          attr;          /* file attributes */
+    time_t       access_time;   /* last access time */
+    time_t       write_time;    /* last write time */
+    int          size_high;     /* file size */
+    int          size_low;      /* file size */
+    int          links;         /* number of links */
+    int          index_high;    /* unique index */
+    int          index_low;     /* unique index */
+    unsigned int serial;        /* volume serial number */
+/* Lock a region of a file */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+    unsigned int offset_low;    /* offset of start of lock */
+    unsigned int offset_high;   /* offset of start of lock */
+    unsigned int count_low;     /* count of bytes to lock */
+    unsigned int count_high;    /* count of bytes to lock */
+/* Unlock a region of a file */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the file */
+    unsigned int offset_low;    /* offset of start of unlock */
+    unsigned int offset_high;   /* offset of start of unlock */
+    unsigned int count_low;     /* count of bytes to unlock */
+    unsigned int count_high;    /* count of bytes to unlock */
+/* Create an anonymous pipe */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    handle_t     handle_read;   /* handle to the read-side of the pipe */
+    handle_t     handle_write;  /* handle to the write-side of the pipe */
+/* Create a socket */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    int          family;        /* family, see socket manpage */
+    int          type;          /* type, see socket manpage */
+    int          protocol;      /* protocol, see socket manpage */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the new socket */
+/* Accept a socket */
+    handle_t     lhandle;       /* handle to the listening socket */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the new socket */
+/* Set socket event parameters */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the socket */
+    unsigned int mask;          /* event mask */
+    handle_t     event;         /* event object */
+/* Get socket event parameters */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the socket */
+    int          service;       /* clear pending? */
+    handle_t     s_event;       /* "expected" event object */
+    handle_t     c_event;       /* event to clear */
+    unsigned int mask;          /* event mask */
+    unsigned int pmask;         /* pending events */
+    unsigned int state;         /* status bits */
+    VARARG(errors,ints);        /* event errors */
+/* Reenable pending socket events */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the socket */
+    unsigned int mask;          /* events to re-enable */
+    unsigned int sstate;        /* status bits to set */
+    unsigned int cstate;        /* status bits to clear */
+/* Allocate a console for the current process */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    handle_t     handle_in;     /* handle to console input */
+    handle_t     handle_out;    /* handle to console output */
+/* Free the console of the current process */
+/* Open a handle to the process console */
+    int          output;        /* input or output? */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the console */
+/* Set a console file descriptor */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the console */
+    int          fd_in;         /* file descriptor to use as input */
+    int          fd_out;        /* file descriptor to use as output */
+    int          pid;           /* pid of xterm (hack) */
+/* Get a console mode (input or output) */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the console */
+    int          mode;          /* console mode */
+/* Set a console mode (input or output) */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the console */
+    int          mode;          /* console mode */
+/* Set info about a console (output only) */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the console */
+    int          mask;          /* setting mask (see below) */
+    int          cursor_size;   /* size of cursor (percentage filled) */
+    int          cursor_visible;/* cursor visibility flag */
+    VARARG(title,string);       /* console title */
+/* Get info about a console (output only) */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the console */
+    int          cursor_size;   /* size of cursor (percentage filled) */
+    int          cursor_visible;/* cursor visibility flag */
+    int          pid;           /* pid of xterm (hack) */
+    VARARG(title,string);       /* console title */
+/* Add input records to a console input queue */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the console input */
+    VARARG(rec,input_records);  /* input records */
+    int          written;       /* number of records written */
+/* Fetch input records from a console input queue */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the console input */
+    int          flush;         /* flush the retrieved records from the queue? */
+    int          read;          /* number of records read */
+    VARARG(rec,input_records);  /* input records */
+/* Create a change notification */
+    int          subtree;       /* watch all the subtree */
+    int          filter;        /* notification filter */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the change notification */
+/* Create a file mapping */
+    int          size_high;     /* mapping size */
+    int          size_low;      /* mapping size */
+    int          protect;       /* protection flags (see below) */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    handle_t     file_handle;   /* file handle */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the mapping */
+/* protection flags */
+#define VPROT_READ       0x01
+#define VPROT_WRITE      0x02
+#define VPROT_EXEC       0x04
+#define VPROT_WRITECOPY  0x08
+#define VPROT_GUARD      0x10
+#define VPROT_NOCACHE    0x20
+#define VPROT_COMMITTED  0x40
+#define VPROT_IMAGE      0x80
+/* Open a mapping */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the mapping */
+/* Get information about a file mapping */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the mapping */
+    int          size_high;     /* mapping size */
+    int          size_low;      /* mapping size */
+    int          protect;       /* protection flags */
+    int          header_size;   /* header size (for VPROT_IMAGE mapping) */
+    void*        base;          /* default base addr (for VPROT_IMAGE mapping) */
+    handle_t     shared_file;   /* shared mapping file handle */
+    int          shared_size;   /* shared mapping size */
+/* Create a device */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    int          id;            /* client private id */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the device */
+/* Create a snapshot */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    int          flags;         /* snapshot flags (TH32CS_*) */
+    void*        pid;           /* process id */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the snapshot */
+/* Get the next process from a snapshot */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the snapshot */
+    int          reset;         /* reset snapshot position? */
+    int          count;         /* process usage count */
+    void*        pid;           /* process id */
+    int          threads;       /* number of threads */
+    int          priority;      /* process priority */
+/* Get the next thread from a snapshot */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the snapshot */
+    int          reset;         /* reset snapshot position? */
+    int          count;         /* thread usage count */
+    void*        pid;           /* process id */
+    void*        tid;           /* thread id */
+    int          base_pri;      /* base priority */
+    int          delta_pri;     /* delta priority */
+/* Get the next module from a snapshot */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the snapshot */
+    int          reset;         /* reset snapshot position? */
+    void*        pid;           /* process id */
+    void*        base;          /* module base address */
+/* Wait for a debug event */
+    int           get_handle;  /* should we alloc a handle for waiting? */
+    void*         pid;         /* process id */
+    void*         tid;         /* thread id */
+    handle_t      wait;        /* wait handle if no event ready */
+    VARARG(event,debug_event); /* debug event data */
+/* Queue an exception event */
+    int              first;    /* first chance exception? */
+    VARARG(record,exc_event);  /* thread context followed by exception record */
+    handle_t         handle;   /* handle to the queued event */
+/* Retrieve the status of an exception event */
+    handle_t         handle;   /* handle to the queued event */
+    int              status;   /* event continuation status */
+    VARARG(context,context);   /* modified thread context */
+/* Send an output string to the debugger */
+    void*         string;      /* string to display (in debugged process address space) */
+    int           unicode;     /* is it Unicode? */
+    int           length;      /* string length */
+/* Continue a debug event */
+    void*        pid;          /* process id to continue */
+    void*        tid;          /* thread id to continue */
+    int          status;       /* continuation status */
+/* Start debugging an existing process */
+    void*        pid;          /* id of the process to debug */
+/* Read data from a process address space */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* process handle */
+    void*        addr;         /* addr to read from (must be int-aligned) */
+    int          len;          /* number of ints to read */
+    VARARG(data,bytes);        /* result data */
+/* Write data to a process address space */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* process handle */
+    void*        addr;         /* addr to write to (must be int-aligned) */
+    int          len;          /* number of ints to write */
+    unsigned int first_mask;   /* mask for first word */
+    unsigned int last_mask;    /* mask for last word */
+    VARARG(data,bytes);        /* result data */
+/* Create a registry key */
+    handle_t     parent;       /* handle to the parent key */
+    unsigned int access;       /* desired access rights */
+    unsigned int options;      /* creation options */
+    time_t       modif;        /* last modification time */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_len_str);  /* key name */
+    VARARG(class,unicode_str);     /* class name */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* handle to the created key */
+    int          created;      /* has it been newly created? */
+/* Open a registry key */
+    handle_t     parent;       /* handle to the parent key */
+    unsigned int access;       /* desired access rights */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);  /* key name */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* handle to the open key */
+/* Delete a registry key */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* handle to the key */
+/* Enumerate registry subkeys */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* handle to registry key */
+    int          index;        /* index of subkey (or -1 for current key) */
+    int          full;         /* return the full info? */
+    int          subkeys;      /* number of subkeys */
+    int          max_subkey;   /* longest subkey name */
+    int          max_class;    /* longest class name */
+    int          values;       /* number of values */
+    int          max_value;    /* longest value name */
+    int          max_data;     /* longest value data */
+    time_t       modif;        /* last modification time */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_len_str);  /* key name */
+    VARARG(class,unicode_str);     /* class name */
+/* Set a value of a registry key */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* handle to registry key */
+    int          type;         /* value type */
+    unsigned int total;        /* total value len */
+    unsigned int offset;       /* offset for setting data */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_len_str);  /* value name */
+    VARARG(data,bytes);        /* value data */
+/* Retrieve the value of a registry key */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* handle to registry key */
+    unsigned int offset;       /* offset for getting data */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_len_str);  /* value name */
+    int          type;         /* value type */
+    int          len;          /* value data len */
+    VARARG(data,bytes);        /* value data */
+/* Enumerate a value of a registry key */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* handle to registry key */
+    int          index;        /* value index */
+    unsigned int offset;       /* offset for getting data */
+    int          type;         /* value type */
+    int          len;          /* value data len */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_len_str);  /* value name */
+    VARARG(data,bytes);        /* value data */
+/* Delete a value of a registry key */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* handle to registry key */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);  /* value name */
+/* Load a registry branch from a file */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* root key to load to */
+    handle_t     file;         /* file to load from */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);  /* subkey name */
+/* Save a registry branch to a file */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* key to save */
+    handle_t     file;         /* file to save to */
+/* Save a registry branch at server exit */
+    handle_t     hkey;         /* key to save */
+    VARARG(file,string);       /* file to save to */
+/* Set the current and saving level for the registry */
+    int          current;      /* new current level */
+    int          saving;       /* new saving level */
+    int          period;       /* duration between periodic saves (milliseconds) */
+/* Create a waitable timer */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    int          manual;        /* manual reset */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the timer */
+/* Open a waitable timer */
+    unsigned int access;        /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;       /* inherit flag */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);   /* object name */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the timer */
+/* Set a waitable timer */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the timer */
+    int          sec;           /* next expiration absolute time */
+    int          usec;          /* next expiration absolute time */
+    int          period;        /* timer period in ms */
+    void*        callback;      /* callback function */
+    void*        arg;           /* callback argument */
+/* Cancel a waitable timer */
+    handle_t     handle;        /* handle to the timer */
+/* Retrieve the current context of a thread */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* thread handle */
+    unsigned int flags;        /* context flags */
+    VARARG(context,context);   /* thread context */
+/* Set the current context of a thread */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* thread handle */
+    unsigned int flags;        /* context flags */
+    VARARG(context,context);   /* thread context */
+/* Fetch a selector entry for a thread */
+    handle_t      handle;      /* thread handle */
+    int           entry;       /* LDT entry */
+    unsigned int  base;        /* selector base */
+    unsigned int  limit;       /* selector limit */
+    unsigned char flags;       /* selector flags */
+/* Add an atom */
+    int           local;       /* is atom in local process table? */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);  /* atom name */
+    int           atom;        /* resulting atom */
+/* Delete an atom */
+    int           atom;        /* atom handle */
+    int           local;       /* is atom in local process table? */
+/* Find an atom */
+    int          local;        /* is atom in local process table? */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);  /* atom name */
+    int          atom;         /* atom handle */
+/* Get an atom name */
+    int          atom;         /* atom handle */
+    int          local;        /* is atom in local process table? */
+    int          count;        /* atom lock count */
+    VARARG(name,unicode_str);  /* atom name */
+/* Init the process atom table */
+    int          entries;      /* number of entries */
+/* Get the message queue of the current thread */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* handle to the queue */
+/* Increment the message queue paint count */
+    void*           id;        /* thread id */
+    int             incr;      /* increment (can be negative) */
+/* Set the current message queue wakeup mask */
+    unsigned int wake_mask;    /* wakeup bits mask */
+    unsigned int changed_mask; /* changed bits mask */
+    int          skip_wait;    /* will we skip waiting if signaled? */
+    unsigned int wake_bits;    /* current wake bits */
+    unsigned int changed_bits; /* current changed bits */
+/* Get the current message queue status */
+    int          clear;        /* should we clear the change bits? */
+    unsigned int wake_bits;    /* wake bits */
+    unsigned int changed_bits; /* changed bits since last time */
+/* Wait for a process to start waiting on input */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* process handle */
+    int          timeout;      /* timeout */
+    handle_t     event;        /* handle to idle event */
+/* Send a message to a thread queue */
+    int             kind;      /* message kind (see below) */
+    void*           id;        /* thread id */
+    int             type;      /* message type */
+    handle_t        win;       /* window handle */
+    unsigned int    msg;       /* message code */
+    unsigned int    wparam;    /* parameters */
+    unsigned int    lparam;    /* parameters */
+    unsigned short  x;         /* x position */
+    unsigned short  y;         /* y position */
+    unsigned int    time;      /* message time */
+    unsigned int    info;      /* extra info */
+/* Get a message from the current queue */
+    int             flags;     /* see below */
+    handle_t        get_win;   /* window handle to get */
+    unsigned int    get_first; /* first message code to get */
+    unsigned int    get_last;  /* last message code to get */
+    int             kind;      /* message kind */
+    int             type;      /* message type */
+    handle_t        win;       /* window handle */
+    unsigned int    msg;       /* message code */
+    unsigned int    wparam;    /* parameters */
+    unsigned int    lparam;    /* parameters */
+    unsigned short  x;         /* x position */
+    unsigned short  y;         /* y position */
+    unsigned int    time;      /* message time */
+    unsigned int    info;      /* extra info */
+#define GET_MSG_REMOVE      1  /* remove the message */
+#define GET_MSG_SENT_ONLY   2  /* only get sent messages */
+#define GET_MSG_REMOVE_LAST 4  /* remove last message returned before checking for a new one */
+/* Reply to a sent message */
+    unsigned int    result;    /* message result */
+    int             remove;    /* should we remove the message? */
+/* Retrieve the reply for the last message sent */
+    int             cancel;    /* cancel message if not ready? */
+    unsigned int    result;    /* message result */
+/* Check if we are processing a sent message */
+    int             flags;     /* ISMEX_* flags */
+/* Cleanup a queue when a window is deleted */
+    handle_t        win;       /* window handle */
+/* Set a window timer */
+    handle_t        win;       /* window handle */
+    unsigned int    msg;       /* message to post */
+    unsigned int    id;        /* timer id */
+    unsigned int    rate;      /* timer rate in ms */
+    unsigned int    lparam;    /* message lparam (callback proc) */
+/* Kill a window timer */
+    handle_t        win;       /* window handle */
+    unsigned int    msg;       /* message to post */
+    unsigned int    id;        /* timer id */
+/* Open a serial port */
+    unsigned int access;       /* wanted access rights */
+    int          inherit;      /* inherit flag */
+    unsigned int sharing;      /* sharing flags */
+    VARARG(name,string);       /* file name */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* handle to the port */
+/* Retrieve info about a serial port */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* handle to comm port */
+    unsigned int readinterval;
+    unsigned int readconst;
+    unsigned int readmult;
+    unsigned int writeconst;
+    unsigned int writemult;
+    unsigned int eventmask;
+    unsigned int commerror;
+/* Set info about a serial port */
+    handle_t     handle;       /* handle to comm port */
+    int          flags;        /* bitmask to set values (see below) */
+    unsigned int readinterval;
+    unsigned int readconst;
+    unsigned int readmult;
+    unsigned int writeconst;
+    unsigned int writemult;
+    unsigned int eventmask;
+    unsigned int commerror;
+#define SERIALINFO_SET_MASK      0x02
+#define SERIALINFO_SET_ERROR     0x04
+/* Create an async I/O */
+    handle_t     file_handle;  /* handle to comm port, socket or file */
+    int          count;
+    int          type;
+    int          timeout;
+#define ASYNC_TYPE_READ  0x01
+#define ASYNC_TYPE_WRITE 0x02
+#define ASYNC_TYPE_WAIT  0x03
+/* Create a named pipe */
+    unsigned int   openmode;
+    unsigned int   pipemode;
+    unsigned int   maxinstances;
+    unsigned int   outsize;
+    unsigned int   insize;
+    unsigned int   timeout;
+    VARARG(filename,string);    /* pipe name */
+    handle_t       handle;     /* handle to the pipe */
+/* Open an existing named pipe */
+    unsigned int   access;
+    VARARG(filename,string);    /* pipe name */
+    handle_t       handle;     /* handle to the pipe */
+/* Connect to a named pipe */
+    handle_t       handle;
+    handle_t       event;      /* set this event when it's ready */
diff --git a/server/request.c b/server/request.c
index 8849e09f46a..a1051310f65 100644
--- a/server/request.c
+++ b/server/request.c
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 #include "wincon.h"
 #include "thread.h"
 #include "process.h"
-#include "server.h"
 #include "request.h"
 #include "wine/port.h"
diff --git a/server/request.h b/server/request.h
index 8afa8dae577..12725b4c818 100644
--- a/server/request.h
+++ b/server/request.h
@@ -7,11 +7,8 @@
-#ifndef __WINE_SERVER__
-#error This file can only be used in the Wine server
 #include "thread.h"
+#include "wine/server_protocol.h"
 /* max request length */
 #define MAX_REQUEST_LENGTH  8192
diff --git a/server/thread.h b/server/thread.h
index c0ec26df83b..8e88a9db562 100644
--- a/server/thread.h
+++ b/server/thread.h
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
-#ifndef __WINE_SERVER__
-#error This file can only be used in the Wine server
 #include "object.h"
 /* thread structure */
diff --git a/server/unicode.h b/server/unicode.h
index 2ef1baedec1..dc8f99f78d3 100644
--- a/server/unicode.h
+++ b/server/unicode.h
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
-#ifndef __WINE_SERVER__
-#error This file can only be used in the Wine server
 #include "windef.h"
 #include "wine/unicode.h"
 #include "object.h"
diff --git a/tools/make_requests b/tools/make_requests
index b04e155fb8e..df02a6f30e6 100755
--- a/tools/make_requests
+++ b/tools/make_requests
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
 # Build the server/trace.c and server/request.h files
-# from the contents of include/server.h.
+# from the contents of include/wine/server.h.
 # Copyright (C) 1998 Alexandre Julliard
@@ -21,18 +21,38 @@
 my @requests = ();
 my %replies = ();
-open(SERVER,"include/server.h") or die "Can't open include/server.h";
+my @trace_lines = ();
-### Parse server.h to find request/reply structure definitions
+# Get the server protocol version
+my $protocol = &GET_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
-my @trace_lines = ();
-my $protocol = 0;  # server protocol version
+### Create server_protocol.h and print header
-while (<SERVER>)
-    if (/^struct +(\w+)_request/) { &DO_REQUEST($1); }
-    if (/^\#define SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION (\d+)/) { $protocol = $1 + 1; }
+open SERVER_PROT, ">include/wine/server_protocol.h" or die "Cannot create include/wine/server_protocol.h";
+print SERVER_PROT "/*\n * Wine server protocol definitions\n *\n";
+print SERVER_PROT " * This file is automatically generated; DO NO EDIT!\n";
+print SERVER_PROT " * Edit server/protocol.def instead and re-run tools/make_requests\n";
+print SERVER_PROT " */\n\n";
+### Parse requests to find request/reply structure definitions
+### Build the request list
+print SERVER_PROT "\n\nenum request\n{\n";
+foreach $req (@requests) { print SERVER_PROT "    REQ_$req,\n"; }
+print SERVER_PROT "    REQ_NB_REQUESTS\n};\n\n";
+print SERVER_PROT "union generic_request\n{\n";
+print SERVER_PROT "    struct request_max_size max_size;\n";
+print SERVER_PROT "    struct request_header header;\n";
+foreach $req (@requests) { print SERVER_PROT "    struct ${req}_request $req;\n"; }
+print SERVER_PROT "};\n\n";
+printf SERVER_PROT "#define SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION %d\n\n", $protocol + 1;
+print SERVER_PROT "#endif /* __WINE_WINE_SERVER_PROTOCOL_H */\n";
 ### Output the dumping function tables
@@ -59,22 +79,6 @@ push @trace_lines, "};\n";
 REPLACE_IN_FILE( "server/trace.c", @trace_lines );
-### Replace the request list in server.h by the new values
-my @server_lines = ();
-push @server_lines, "enum request\n{\n";
-foreach $req (@requests) { push @server_lines, "    REQ_$req,\n"; }
-push @server_lines, "    REQ_NB_REQUESTS\n};\n\n";
-push @server_lines, "union generic_request\n{\n";
-push @server_lines, "    struct request_max_size max_size;\n";
-push @server_lines, "    struct request_header header;\n";
-foreach $req (@requests) { push @server_lines, "    struct ${req}_request $req;\n"; }
-push @server_lines, "};\n\n";
-push @server_lines, "#define SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION $protocol\n";
-REPLACE_IN_FILE( "include/server.h", @server_lines );
 ### Output the request handlers list
 my @request_lines = ();
@@ -91,56 +95,106 @@ push @request_lines, "};\n#endif  /* WANT_REQUEST_HANDLERS */\n";
 REPLACE_IN_FILE( "server/request.h", @request_lines );
-### Handle a request structure definition
+### Parse the request definitions
-    my $name = shift;
+    # states: 0 = header 1 = declarations 2 = inside @REQ 3 = inside @REPLY
+    my $state = 0;
+    my $name = "";
     my @in_struct = ();
     my @out_struct = ();
-    my $got_header = 0;
-    while (<SERVER>)
+    open(PROTOCOL,"server/protocol.def") or die "Can't open server/protocol.def";
+    while (<PROTOCOL>)
-	my ($dir, $type, $var);
-	last if /^};$/;
-        next if /^{$/;
+        my ($type, $var);
+        # strip comments
-	next if /^\s*$/;
-        if (/REQUEST_HEADER/)
+        # strip white space at end of line
+        s/\s+$//;
+        if (/^\@HEADER/)
+        {
+            die "Misplaced \@HEADER" unless $state == 0;
+            $state++;
+            next;
+        }
+        # ignore everything while in state 0
+        next if $state == 0;
+        if (/^\@REQ\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)/)
-            die "Duplicated header" if $got_header;
-            die "Header must be first" if ($#in_struct != -1 || $#out_struct != -1);
-            $got_header++;
+            $name = $1;
+            die "Misplaced \@REQ" unless $state == 1;
+            # start a new request
+            @in_struct = ();
+            @out_struct = ();
+            print SERVER_PROT "struct ${name}_request\n{\n";
+            print SERVER_PROT "    struct request_header __header;\n";
+            $state++;
-        if (/^\s*(IN|OUT)\s*VARARG\((\w+),(\w+)\)/)
+        if (/^\@REPLY/)
-            $dir = $1;
-            $var = $2;
-            $type = "&dump_varargs_" . $3;
+            die "Misplaced \@REPLY" unless $state == 2;
+            $state++;
+            next;
-	elsif (/^\s*(IN|OUT)\s*(\w+\**(\s+\w+\**)*)\s+(\w+)(\[[1]\])?;/)
+        if (/^\@END/)
-            $dir = $1;
-            $type = $2 . ($5 || "");
-            $var = $4;
-            die "Unrecognized type $type" unless (defined($formats{$type}) || $5);
+            die "Misplaced \@END" unless ($state == 2 || $state == 3);
+            print SERVER_PROT "};\n";
+            # got a complete request
+            push @requests, $name;
+            &DO_DUMP_FUNC( $name, "request", @in_struct);
+            if ($#out_struct >= 0)
+            {
+                $replies{$name} = 1;
+                &DO_DUMP_FUNC( $name, "reply", @out_struct);
+            }
+            $state = 1;
+            next;
-        else
+        if ($state != 1)
-            die "Unrecognized syntax $_";
+            # skip empty lines (but keep them in output file)
+            if (/^$/)
+            {
+                print SERVER_PROT "\n";
+                next;
+            }
+            if (/^\s*VARARG\((\w+),(\w+)\)/)
+            {
+                $var = $1;
+                $type = "&dump_varargs_" . $2;
+                s!(VARARG\(.*\)\s*;)!/* $1 */!;
+            }
+            elsif (/^\s*(\w+\**(\s+\w+\**)*)\s+(\w+)(\[[1]\])?;/)
+            {
+                $type = $1 . ($4 || "");
+                $var = $3;
+                die "Unrecognized type $type" unless (defined($formats{$type}) || $4);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                die "Unrecognized syntax $_";
+            }
+            if ($state == 2) { push @in_struct, $type, $var; }
+            if ($state == 3) { push @out_struct, $type, $var; }
-	if ($dir =~ /IN/) { push @in_struct, $type, $var; }
-	if ($dir =~ /OUT/) { push @out_struct, $type, $var; }
-    }
-    die "Missing header" unless $got_header;
-    push @requests, $name;
-    &DO_DUMP_FUNC( $name, "request", @in_struct);
-    if ($#out_struct >= 0)
-    {
-	$replies{$name} = 1;
-	&DO_DUMP_FUNC( $name, "reply", @out_struct);
+        # Pass it through into the output file
+        print SERVER_PROT $_ . "\n";
+    close PROTOCOL;
 ### Generate a dumping function
@@ -191,6 +245,20 @@ sub DO_DUMP_FUNC
     push @trace_lines, "}\n\n";
+### Retrieve the server protocol version from the existing server_protocol.h file
+    my $protocol = 0;
+    open SERVER_PROT, "include/wine/server_protocol.h" or return 0;
+    while (<SERVER_PROT>)
+    {
+        if (/^\#define SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION (\d+)/) { $protocol = $1; last; }
+    }
+    close SERVER_PROT;
+    return $protocol;
 ### Replace the contents of a file between ### make_requests ### marks