From a84860785a1859d9f2ddff7e2cbb7d152eda5201 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael McCormack <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 12:25:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Basic support for WIN32 serial communications API. Modify
 DOSFS_OpenDevice to allow opening of COM ports. Change Win32 comm functions
 to accept file handle. Add declaration of COMSTAT32 structure.

 files/dos_fs.c           |  17 +++
 include/winbase.h        |   9 +-
 include/wine/winuser16.h |   2 +-
 misc/comm.c              | 241 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 4 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/files/dos_fs.c b/files/dos_fs.c
index b88b2cbb279..9572a485483 100644
--- a/files/dos_fs.c
+++ b/files/dos_fs.c
@@ -673,6 +673,23 @@ HFILE DOSFS_OpenDevice( const char *name, DWORD access )
                     return FILE_CreateDevice( i, access, NULL );
+		{
+		    HFILE r;
+		    char devname[40];
+		    PROFILE_GetWineIniString("serialports",name,"",devname,sizeof devname);
+		    if(devname[0])
+		    {
+			TRACE(file,"DOSFS_OpenDevice %s is %s\n",
+				DOSFS_Devices[i].name,devname);
+			r =  FILE_CreateFile( devname, access,
+				OPEN_EXISTING, 0, -1 );
+			TRACE(file,"Create_File return %08X\n",r);
+			return r;
+		    }
+		}
 		FIXME(dosfs,"device open %s not supported (yet)\n",DOSFS_Devices[i].name);
     		return HFILE_ERROR;
diff --git a/include/winbase.h b/include/winbase.h
index a9fb92ef326..5bdb71f47d6 100644
--- a/include/winbase.h
+++ b/include/winbase.h
 #define VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS      1
 #define VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT           2
-typedef struct tagCOMSTAT
+typedef struct tagCOMSTAT16
     BYTE   status;
     UINT16 cbInQue WINE_PACKED;
     UINT16 cbOutQue WINE_PACKED;
+typedef struct tagCOMSTAT
+    DWORD status;
+    DWORD cbInQue;
+    DWORD cbOutQue;
 typedef struct tagDCB16
diff --git a/include/wine/winuser16.h b/include/wine/winuser16.h
index f10e12e1ddf..c2008cb80ba 100644
--- a/include/wine/winuser16.h
+++ b/include/wine/winuser16.h
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ UINT16      WINAPI WNetAddConnection16(LPCSTR,LPCSTR,LPCSTR);
 INT16       WINAPI wvsprintf16(LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPCVOID);
 BOOL16      WINAPI IsDialogMessage16(HWND16,LPMSG16);
-INT16       WINAPI GetCommError16(INT16,LPCOMSTAT);
+INT16       WINAPI GetCommError16(INT16,LPCOMSTAT16);
 INT16       WINAPI GetCommState16(INT16,LPDCB16);
 INT16       WINAPI SetCommState16(LPDCB16);
diff --git a/misc/comm.c b/misc/comm.c
index 72477bf2fdc..886d9e43a41 100644
--- a/misc/comm.c
+++ b/misc/comm.c
@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@
 #include "options.h"
 #include "debug.h"
+#include "server/request.h"
+#include "server.h"
+#include "process.h"
+#include "winerror.h"
 #ifndef TIOCINQ
@@ -803,17 +808,49 @@ INT16 WINAPI FlushComm16(INT16 fd,INT16 fnQueue)
  *      PurgeComm        (KERNEL32.557)
-BOOL WINAPI PurgeComm( HANDLE hFile, DWORD flags) 
+BOOL WINAPI PurgeComm( HANDLE handle, DWORD flags) 
-    FIXME(comm, "(%08x %08lx) unimplemented stub\n",
-                 hFile, flags);
-    return 0;
+     int fd;
+     struct get_write_fd_request req;
+     TRACE(comm,"handle %d, flags %lx\n", handle, flags);
+     req.handle = handle;
+     CLIENT_SendRequest( REQ_GET_WRITE_FD, -1, 1, &req, sizeof(req) );
+     CLIENT_WaitReply( NULL, &fd, 0 );
+     if(fd<0)
+         return FALSE;
+     /*
+     ** not exactly sure how these are different
+     ** Perhaps if we had our own internal queues, one flushes them
+     ** and the other flushes the kernel's buffers.
+     */
+     if(flags&PURGE_TXABORT)
+     {
+         tcflush(fd,TCOFLUSH);
+     }
+     if(flags&PURGE_RXABORT)
+     {
+         tcflush(fd,TCIFLUSH);
+     }
+     if(flags&PURGE_TXCLEAR)
+     {
+         tcflush(fd,TCOFLUSH);
+     }
+     if(flags&PURGE_RXCLEAR)
+     {
+         tcflush(fd,TCIFLUSH);
+     }
+     return 1;
  *	GetCommError	(USER.203)
-INT16 WINAPI GetCommError16(INT16 fd,LPCOMSTAT lpStat)
+INT16 WINAPI GetCommError16(INT16 fd,LPCOMSTAT16 lpStat)
 	int		temperror;
 	unsigned long	cnt;
@@ -861,18 +898,77 @@ INT16 WINAPI GetCommError16(INT16 fd,LPCOMSTAT lpStat)
+ *      COMM_Handle2fd
+ *  returns a file descriptor for reading from or writing to
+ *  mode is GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE. Make sure to close
+ *  the handle afterwards!
+ */
+int COMM_Handle2fd(HANDLE handle, int mode) {
+    struct get_read_fd_request r_req;
+    struct get_write_fd_request w_req;
+    int fd;
+    w_req.handle = r_req.handle = handle;
+    switch(mode) {
+    case GENERIC_WRITE:
+        CLIENT_SendRequest( REQ_GET_WRITE_FD, -1, 1, &w_req, sizeof(w_req) );
+        break;
+    case GENERIC_READ:
+        CLIENT_SendRequest( REQ_GET_READ_FD, -1, 1, &r_req, sizeof(r_req) );
+        break;
+    default:
+        ERR(comm,"COMM_Handle2fd: Don't know what type of fd is required.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    CLIENT_WaitReply( NULL, &fd, 0 );
+    return fd;
  *	ClearCommError	(KERNEL32.21)
-BOOL WINAPI ClearCommError(INT fd,LPDWORD errors,LPCOMSTAT lpStat)
+BOOL WINAPI ClearCommError(INT handle,LPDWORD errors,LPCOMSTAT lpStat)
-	int temperror;
+    int fd;
-    	TRACE(comm, "fd %d (current error %d)\n", 
-	       fd, commerror);
-	temperror = commerror;
-	commerror = 0;
-	return TRUE;
+    fd=COMM_Handle2fd(handle,GENERIC_READ);
+    if(0>fd) 
+    {
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    if (lpStat) 
+    {
+	lpStat->status = 0;
+	if(ioctl(fd, TIOCOUTQ, &lpStat->cbOutQue))
+	    WARN(comm, "ioctl returned error\n");
+	if(ioctl(fd, TIOCINQ, &lpStat->cbInQue))
+	    WARN(comm, "ioctl returned error\n");
+    }
+    close(fd);
+    TRACE(comm,"handle %d cbInQue = %ld cbOutQue = %ld\n",
+                handle,
+                lpStat->cbInQue,
+                lpStat->cbOutQue);
+    if(errors)
+        *errors = 0;
+    /*
+    ** After an asynchronous write opperation, the
+    ** app will call ClearCommError to see if the
+    ** results are ready yet. It waits for ERROR_IO_PENDING
+    */
+    commerror = ERROR_IO_PENDING;
+    return TRUE;
@@ -944,30 +1040,51 @@ UINT16 WINAPI GetCommEventMask16(INT16 fd,UINT16 fnEvtClear)
  *      SetupComm       (KERNEL32.676)
-BOOL WINAPI SetupComm( HANDLE hFile, DWORD insize, DWORD outsize)
+BOOL WINAPI SetupComm( HANDLE handle, DWORD insize, DWORD outsize)
-        FIXME(comm, "insize %ld outsize %ld unimplemented stub\n", insize, outsize);
-       return FALSE;
+    int fd;
+    FIXME(comm, "insize %ld outsize %ld unimplemented stub\n", insize, outsize);
+    fd=COMM_Handle2fd(handle,GENERIC_WRITE);
+    if(0>fd)
+    {
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    close(fd);
+    return TRUE;
  *	GetCommMask	(KERNEL32.156)
+BOOL WINAPI GetCommMask(HANDLE handle,LPDWORD evtmask)
-    	TRACE(comm, "fd %d, mask %p\n", fd, evtmask);
-	*evtmask = eventmask;
-	return TRUE;
+    int fd;
+    TRACE(comm, "handle %d, mask %p\n", handle, evtmask);
+    if(0>(fd=COMM_Handle2fd(handle,GENERIC_READ))) 
+    {
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    close(fd);
+    *evtmask = eventmask;
+    return TRUE;
  *	SetCommMask	(KERNEL32.451)
-BOOL WINAPI SetCommMask(INT fd,DWORD evtmask)
+BOOL WINAPI SetCommMask(INT handle,DWORD evtmask)
-    	TRACE(comm, "fd %d, mask %lx\n", fd, evtmask);
-	eventmask = evtmask;
-	return TRUE;
+    int fd;
+    TRACE(comm, "handle %d, mask %lx\n", handle, evtmask);
+    if(0>(fd=COMM_Handle2fd(handle,GENERIC_WRITE))) {
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    close(fd);
+    eventmask = evtmask;
+    return TRUE;
@@ -1187,18 +1304,27 @@ INT16 WINAPI SetCommState16(LPDCB16 lpdcb)
- *	SetCommState32	(KERNEL32.452)
+ *	SetCommState    (KERNEL32.452)
-BOOL WINAPI SetCommState(INT fd,LPDCB lpdcb)
+BOOL WINAPI SetCommState(INT handle,LPDCB lpdcb)
-	struct termios port;
-	struct DosDeviceStruct *ptr;
+     struct termios port;
+     int fd;
+     struct get_write_fd_request req;
-    	TRACE(comm,"fd %d, ptr %p\n",fd,lpdcb);
-	if (tcgetattr(fd,&port) == -1) {
-		commerror = WinError();	
-		return FALSE;
-	}
+     TRACE(comm,"handle %d, ptr %p\n", handle, lpdcb);
+     req.handle = handle;
+     CLIENT_SendRequest( REQ_GET_WRITE_FD, -1, 1, &req, sizeof(req) );
+     CLIENT_WaitReply( NULL, &fd, 0 );
+     if(fd<0)
+         return FALSE;
+     if (tcgetattr(fd,&port) == -1) {
+         commerror = WinError();	
+         return FALSE;
+     }
 	port.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
 	port.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
@@ -1218,13 +1344,10 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetCommState(INT fd,LPDCB lpdcb)
 	port.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO|ISIG);
 	port.c_lflag |= NOFLSH;
-	if ((ptr = GetDeviceStruct(fd)) == NULL) {
-		commerror = IE_BADID;
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if (ptr->baudrate > 0)
-	  	lpdcb->BaudRate = ptr->baudrate;
-    	TRACE(comm,"baudrate %ld\n",lpdcb->BaudRate);
+     /*
+     ** MJM - removed default baudrate settings
+     ** TRACE(comm,"baudrate %ld\n",lpdcb->BaudRate);
+     */
 #ifdef CBAUD
 	port.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD;
 	switch (lpdcb->BaudRate) {
@@ -1529,13 +1652,22 @@ INT16 WINAPI GetCommState16(INT16 fd, LPDCB16 lpdcb)
  *	GetCommState	(KERNEL32.159)
-BOOL WINAPI GetCommState(INT fd, LPDCB lpdcb)
+BOOL WINAPI GetCommState(INT handle, LPDCB lpdcb)
-	struct termios	port;
+     struct termios port;
+     int fd;
+     struct get_read_fd_request req;
-    	TRACE(comm,"fd %d, ptr %p\n", fd, lpdcb);
-        if (GetDeviceStruct(fd) == NULL) return FALSE;
-	if (tcgetattr(fd, &port) == -1) {
+     TRACE(comm,"handle %d, ptr %p\n", handle, lpdcb);
+     req.handle = handle;
+     CLIENT_SendRequest( REQ_GET_READ_FD, -1, 1, &req, sizeof(req) );
+     CLIENT_WaitReply( NULL, &fd, 0 );
+     if(fd<0)
+         return FALSE;
+     if (tcgetattr(fd, &port) == -1) {
+        TRACE(comm,"tcgetattr(%d, ...) returned -1",fd);
 		commerror = WinError();	
 		return FALSE;
@@ -1642,6 +1774,9 @@ BOOL WINAPI GetCommState(INT fd, LPDCB lpdcb)
 	lpdcb->XoffLim = 10;
 	commerror = 0;
+     TRACE(comm,"OK\n");
 	return TRUE;
@@ -1844,3 +1979,21 @@ BOOL WINAPI WaitCommEvent(HANDLE hFile,LPDWORD eventmask ,LPOVERLAPPED overlappe
 	return TRUE;
+ *           GetCommProperties   (KERNEL32.???)
+ */
+BOOL WINAPI GetCommProperties(HANDLE hFile, LPDCB *dcb)
+    FIXME(comm, "(%d %p )\n",hFile,dcb);
+    return TRUE;
+ *           SetCommProperties   (KERNEL32.???)
+ */
+BOOL WINAPI SetCommProperties(HANDLE hFile, LPDCB dcb)
+    FIXME(comm, "(%d %p )\n",hFile,dcb);
+    return TRUE;