From 9384184a11bfce925552e7cc738aa53adfa348b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Julliard <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 19:56:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Rewrote runtest in Perl so that it can be used on the Windows
 side. Added options for include directories, debug level and target platform.

---             |   3 +-
 dlls/make_dlls            |   5 ++
 programs/winetest/runtest | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 878923bc582..7866e7d1e3e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
 WINAPI_CHECK = $(TOPSRCDIR)/tools/winapi_check/winapi_check
 WINETEST     = $(TOPOBJDIR)/programs/winetest/winetest
 RUNTEST      = $(TOPSRCDIR)/programs/winetest/runtest
 TESTRESULTS  = $( $(CTESTS:.c=.ok)
 WINEBUILD = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/winebuild/winebuild
 MAKEDEP   = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/makedep
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ LINTS = $(C_SRCS:.c=.ln)
 	$(LINT) -c $(ALLLINTFLAGS) $< || ( $(RM) $@ && exit 1 )
-	$(RUNTEST) $(TOPOBJDIR) $< $(RUNTESTFLAGS) && touch $@
+	$(RUNTEST) $(RUNTESTFLAGS) $< && touch $@
 .PHONY: all install uninstall clean distclean depend dummy test testclean
diff --git a/dlls/make_dlls b/dlls/make_dlls
index 5db5b3ed3b0..7a51bb0d96f 100755
--- a/dlls/make_dlls
+++ b/dlls/make_dlls
@@ -198,6 +198,9 @@ print NEWMAKE sort @depends;
 print NEWMAKE <<EOF;
 # Misc rules
+\$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__test__): dummy
+	\@cd `dirname \$\@` && \$(MAKE) test
 \$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__checklink__): dummy
 	\@cd `dirname \$\@` && \$(MAKE) checklink
@@ -208,6 +211,8 @@ install:: \$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__install__)
 uninstall:: \$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__uninstall__)
+test:: \$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__test__)
 checklink:: \$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__checklink__)
 debug_channels:: \$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__debug_channels__)
diff --git a/programs/winetest/runtest b/programs/winetest/runtest
index 62cee4d8c85..f0627ea3562 100755
--- a/programs/winetest/runtest
+++ b/programs/winetest/runtest
@@ -1,34 +1,97 @@
 # Wrapper script to run tests from inside the Wine tree
-# Usage: runtest $TOPOBJDIR input_file [flags...]
+# Usage: runtest [options] input_file [perl_args...]
+sub usage
-    echo "Usage: $0 \$TOPOBJDIR input_file [flags]"
-    exit 1
+    print STDERR <<EOF;
+Usage: $0 [options] input_file [perl_args...]
+    -q      quiet mode
+    -v      verbose mode (can be specified multiple times)
+    -I dir  prepend dir to Perl include path
+    -P name set the current platform name
+    -T dir  set Wine tree top directory (autodetected if not specified)
+    exit 1;
-if [ $# -lt 2 ]
-    usage
+# default values
+# parse command-line options
+while ($#ARGV >= 0)
+    $arg = shift @ARGV;
+    if ($arg eq "-h") { usage; }
+    if ($arg eq "-q") { $ENV{WINETEST_DEBUG} = 0; next; }
+    if ($arg eq "-v") { $ENV{WINETEST_DEBUG}++; next; }
+    if ($arg eq "-I") { $ENV{WINETEST_DEBUG} = 0; next; }
+    if ($arg eq "-P") { $platform = shift @ARGV; next; }
+    if ($arg eq "-I") { push @include_dirs, shift @ARGV; next; }
+    if ($arg eq "-T")
+    {
+        $topobjdir = shift @ARGV;
+        usage unless (-d $topobjdir);
+        next;
+    }
+    $infile = $arg;
+    last;
+# we must have found an input file
+usage unless defined($infile);
+# check/detect topobjdir
+if (defined($topobjdir))
+    unless (-f $topobjdir . "/server/wineserver")
+    {
+        printf STDERR "Wrong -T argument, %s/server/wineserver does not exist\n", $topobjdir;
+        usage;
+    }
+else  # try to detect it automatically
+    if (-f "./server/wineserver") { $topobjdir = "."; }
+    elsif (-f "../server/wineserver") { $topobjdir = ".."; }
+    elsif (-f "../../server/wineserver") { $topobjdir = "../.."; }
+    elsif (-f "../../../server/wineserver") { $topobjdir = "../../.."; }
-if [ -d "$1" ]
-    topobjdir=`cd "$1" && pwd`
+# set environment variables needed for Wine
+if (defined($topobjdir))
+    chop($topobjdir = `cd $topobjdir && pwd`);
+    $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = $topobjdir . "/dlls:" . $topobjdir . ":" . $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH};
+    $ENV{WINESERVER} ||= $topobjdir . "/server/wineserver";
+    $ENV{WINELOADER} ||= $topobjdir . "/wine";
+    $ENV{WINETEST_PLATFORM} = $platform || "wine";
-    echo "$1 is not a directory"
-    usage
-testdir=`dirname "$0"`
-shift 2
-exec $topobjdir/programs/winetest/winetest -- -I "$testdir" $infile $@
+    $ENV{WINETEST_PLATFORM} = $platform || "windows";
+# check for include/ dir in script source directory and append it to search path
+my $basedir = $0;
+if ($basedir =~ /\//) { $basedir =~ s!/[^/]+$!!; }
+else { $basedir = "."; }
+if (-d $basedir . "/include") { push @include_dirs, $basedir . "/include"; }
+$ENV{PERL5LIB} = join( ":", @include_dirs, split( ":", $ENV{PERL5LIB} ) );
+# and now exec winetest
+if (defined($topobjdir))
+    exec $topobjdir . "/programs/winetest/winetest", "--", $infile, @ARGV;
+exec "winetest", $infile, @ARGV;
+print STDERR "Could not exec winetest\n";