diff --git a/controls/uitools.c b/controls/uitools.c
index c9d065791d03f8cad06dda57a528116d2b4480f3..be1d707ee30712993f4f6430912ad4de5f3cb7a9 100644
--- a/controls/uitools.c
+++ b/controls/uitools.c
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ static BOOL UITOOLS95_DrawRectEdge(HDC hdc, LPRECT rc,
         LTOuterI = RBOuterI = LTRBOuterFlat[uType & (BDR_INNER|BDR_OUTER)];
         /* Bertho Stultiens states above that this function exactly matches win95
-         * In win98 BF_FLAT rectangels have an inner border same color as the
+         * In win98 BF_FLAT rectangles have an inner border same color as the
 	 * middle (COLOR_BTNFACE). I believe it's the same for win95 but since
 	 * I don't know I go with Bertho and just sets it for win98 until proven
 	 * otherwise.
diff --git a/include/tchar.h b/include/tchar.h
index 62976472d5fdd4f971f694014d37fa3371017b5e..e2576c839d605ad4eb62a8570e35afb633897ffa 100644
--- a/include/tchar.h
+++ b/include/tchar.h
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ char *CRTDLL__strrev(char *string);
 #define _strdec(start,current)  (start<current?(current)-1:NULL)
 #define _strinc(current) ((current)+1)
-/* FIXME: _strncnt ans strncnt are missing */
+/* FIXME: _strncnt and strncnt are missing */
 /* FIXME: _strspnp is not implemented */