dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. dnl Author: Michael Patra <micky@marie.physik.tu-berlin.de> dnl <patra@itp1.physik.tu-berlin.de> AC_REVISION([configure.in 1.00]) AC_INIT(controls/edit.c) # We want these before the checks, so the checks can modify their values. test -z "$CFLAGS" && CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall" AC_SUBST(CFLAGS) test -z "$LDFLAGS" && LDFLAGS=-g AC_SUBST(LDFLAGS) AC_ARG_WITH(language, [ --with-language=LANG change the default language (LANG=En/De/No)], [LANG="-ALANG\($withval\)"], [LANG="-ALANG\(En\)"],) AC_SUBST(LANG) AC_ARG_WITH(ipc, [ --with-ipc use inter-process communication for DDE], [AC_DEFINE(CONFIG_IPC)]) AC_ARG_WITH(malloc-debug, [ --with-malloc-debug enable malloc() debugging], [AC_DEFINE(MALLOC_DEBUGGING)]) AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_PROG_CC AC_PATH_X AC_PROG_YACC AC_PROG_LEX if test -n "$x_includes" ; then x_includes="-I$x_includes" fi if test -n "$x_no" ; then AXFILES='AXFILES=' fi AC_SUBST(AXFILES) AC_SUBST(x_includes) AC_SUBST(x_libraries) AC_SUBST(LIBOBJS) LD=ld LDCOMBINEFLAGS="-r" AC_SUBST(LD) AC_SUBST(LDCOMBINEFLAGS) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(tcgetattr) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stdlib.h) AC_HEADER_STAT() AC_C_CONST() AC_TYPE_SIZE_T() if test -z "${top_srcdir}"; then TOP_SRCDIR="." else TOP_SRCDIR="${top_srcdir}" fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(for wine.ini in autoconf.h) if test -f ${TOP_SRCDIR}/autoconf.h; then if test `grep -c WINE_INI_GLOBAL ${TOP_SRCDIR}/autoconf.h` -ne 0; then WINE_INI_GLOBAL=`grep WINE_INI_GLOBAL ${TOP_SRCDIR}/autoconf.h | tr ' ' '\n' | tail -1` AC_MSG_RESULT(${WINE_INI_GLOBAL}) fi fi if test -z "${WINE_INI_GLOBAL}"; then AC_MSG_RESULT(no) fi if test -z "${WINE_INI_GLOBAL}"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(for /usr/local/etc/wine.conf) if test -f /usr/local/etc/wine.conf; then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) WINE_INI_GLOBAL='"/usr/local/etc/wine.conf"' else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) WINE_INI_GLOBAL="\"${TOP_SRCDIR}/wine.ini\"" fi fi AC_SUBST(WINE_INI_GLOBAL) AC_OUTPUT(controls/Makefile ipc/Makefile loader/Makefile memory/Makefile misc/Makefile miscemu/Makefile multimedia/Makefile objects/Makefile windows/Makefile rc/Makefile debugger/Makefile debugger/readline/Makefile tools/Makefile if1632/Makefile Makefile autoconf.h) echo echo "Configure finished. Do 'make depend; make' to compile Wine." echo dnl Local Variables: dnl comment-start: "dnl " dnl comment-end: "" dnl comment-start-skip: "\\bdnl\\b\\s *" dnl compile-command: "make configure config.h.in" dnl End: