diff --git a/dlls/winevulkan/make_vulkan b/dlls/winevulkan/make_vulkan
index 5949cea9543f0b2deecc42ed1ab5a218aa474313..2ea6446da4ef41b7781ff9df388ec708f77a787c 100755
--- a/dlls/winevulkan/make_vulkan
+++ b/dlls/winevulkan/make_vulkan
@@ -1203,12 +1203,18 @@ class VkVariable(object):
                 conversions.extend(m.get_conversions(unwrap, is_const))
-        # Conversion requirements for the 'parent' parameter.
-        for conv in [False, True]:
-            if self.needs_conversion(conv, unwrap, Direction.INPUT, parent_const):
-                conversions.append(ConversionFunction(self, Direction.INPUT, conv, unwrap))
-            if self.needs_conversion(conv, unwrap, Direction.OUTPUT, parent_const):
-                conversions.append(ConversionFunction(self, Direction.OUTPUT, conv, unwrap))
+        if self.is_static_array() or self.is_dynamic_array():
+            for conv in [False, True]:
+                if self.needs_conversion(conv, unwrap, Direction.INPUT, parent_const):
+                    conversions.append(ArrayConversionFunction(self, Direction.INPUT, conv, unwrap))
+                if self.needs_conversion(conv, unwrap, Direction.OUTPUT, parent_const):
+                    conversions.append(ArrayConversionFunction(self, Direction.OUTPUT, conv, unwrap))
+        elif self.is_struct():
+            for conv in [False, True]:
+                if self.needs_conversion(conv, unwrap, Direction.INPUT, parent_const):
+                    conversions.append(StructConversionFunction(self.struct, Direction.INPUT, conv, unwrap))
+                if self.needs_conversion(conv, unwrap, Direction.OUTPUT, parent_const):
+                    conversions.append(StructConversionFunction(self.struct, Direction.OUTPUT, conv, unwrap))
         return conversions
@@ -1992,102 +1998,28 @@ class VkStruct(Sequence):
-class ConversionFunction(object):
-    def __init__(self, variable, direction, conv, unwrap):
+class StructConversionFunction(object):
+    def __init__(self, struct, direction, conv, unwrap):
         self.direction = direction
-        self.array = variable.is_static_array()
-        self.dyn_array = variable.is_dynamic_array()
-        self.operand = variable.struct if variable.is_struct() else variable.handle
-        self.type = variable.type
+        self.operand = struct
+        self.type = struct.name
         self.conv = conv
         self.unwrap = unwrap or not self.operand.needs_unwrapping()
-        self.needs_alloc = direction != Direction.OUTPUT and variable.needs_alloc(conv, unwrap)
-        if variable.is_static_array() and direction == Direction.INPUT:
-            LOGGER.error("Static array input conversion is not supported")
-        self._set_name()
+        name = "convert_{0}_".format(self.type)
+        win_type = "win32" if self.conv else "win64"
+        host_part = "host" if self.unwrap else "unwrapped_host"
+        if self.direction == Direction.INPUT:
+            name += "{0}_to_{1}".format(win_type, host_part)
+        else: # Direction.OUTPUT
+            name += "{0}_to_{1}".format(host_part, win_type)
+        self.name = name
     def __eq__(self, other):
         return self.name == other.name
-    def _generate_array_conversion_func(self):
-        """ Helper function for generating a conversion function for array operands. """
-        body = ""
-        if self.conv:
-            body += "#if defined(USE_STRUCT_CONVERSION)\n"
-        else:
-            body += "#if !defined(USE_STRUCT_CONVERSION)\n"
-        if self.conv and isinstance(self.operand, VkStruct) and self.operand.needs_host_type():
-            host_type = "{0}_host".format(self.type)
-        else:
-            host_type = self.type
-        if self.conv:
-            if self.direction == Direction.OUTPUT:
-                params = ["const {0} *in".format(host_type), "{0} *out".format(self.type), "uint32_t count"]
-                return_type = None
-            else:
-                params = ["const {0} *in".format(self.type), "uint32_t count"]
-                return_type = host_type
-        else:
-            params = ["const {0} *in".format(self.type), "uint32_t count"]
-            return_type = self.type
-        # Generate function prototype.
-        if return_type:
-            body += "static inline {0} *{1}(".format(return_type, self.name)
-        else:
-            body += "static inline void {0}(".format(self.name)
-        if self.needs_alloc:
-            body += "struct conversion_context *ctx, "
-        body += ", ".join(p for p in params)
-        body += ")\n{\n"
-        if return_type:
-            body += "    {0} *out;\n".format(return_type)
-        body += "    unsigned int i;\n\n"
-        if return_type:
-            body += "    if (!in || !count) return NULL;\n\n"
-        else:
-            body += "    if (!in) return;\n\n"
-        if self.direction == Direction.INPUT:
-            body += "    out = conversion_context_alloc(ctx, count * sizeof(*out));\n"
-        body += "    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)\n"
-        body += "    {\n"
-        if isinstance(self.operand, VkStruct):
-            for m in self.operand:
-                # TODO: support copying of pNext extension structures!
-                # Luckily though no extension struct at this point needs conversion.
-                body += "        " + m.copy("in[i].", "out[i].", self.direction, self.conv, self.unwrap)
-        elif isinstance(self.operand, VkHandle) and self.direction == Direction.INPUT:
-            body += "        out[i] = " + self.operand.driver_handle("in[i]") + ";\n"
-        else:
-            LOGGER.warn("Unhandled conversion operand type")
-            body += "        out[i] = in[i];\n"
-        body += "    }\n"
-        if return_type:
-            body += "\n    return out;\n"
-        body += "}\n"
-        body += "#endif /* USE_STRUCT_CONVERSION */\n"
-        body += "\n"
-        return body
-    def _generate_conversion_func(self):
-        """ Helper function for generating a conversion function for non-array operands. """
+    def definition(self):
+        """ Helper function for generating a struct conversion function. """
         # It doesn't make sense to generate conversion functions for non-struct variables
         # which aren't in arrays, as this should be handled by the copy() function
@@ -2101,6 +2033,8 @@ class ConversionFunction(object):
             body += "#if !defined(USE_STRUCT_CONVERSION)\n"
+        needs_alloc = self.direction != Direction.OUTPUT and self.operand.needs_alloc(self.conv, self.unwrap)
         if self.conv:
             body += "static inline void {0}(".format(self.name)
@@ -2110,7 +2044,7 @@ class ConversionFunction(object):
                 params = ["const {0} *in".format(self.type), "{0}_host *out".format(self.type)]
             # Generate parameter list
-            if self.needs_alloc:
+            if needs_alloc:
                 body += "struct conversion_context *ctx, "
             body += ", ".join(p for p in params)
             body += ")\n"
@@ -2121,7 +2055,7 @@ class ConversionFunction(object):
             params = ["const {0} *in".format(self.type), "{0} *out".format(self.type)]
             # Generate parameter list
-            if self.needs_alloc:
+            if needs_alloc:
                 body += "struct conversion_context *ctx, "
             body += ", ".join(p for p in params)
             body += ")\n"
@@ -2148,9 +2082,6 @@ class ConversionFunction(object):
     def _set_name(self):
         name = "convert_{0}_".format(self.type)
-        if self.array or self.dyn_array:
-            name += "array_"
         win_type = "win32" if self.conv else "win64"
         host_part = "host" if self.unwrap else "unwrapped_host"
         if self.direction == Direction.INPUT:
@@ -2160,11 +2091,108 @@ class ConversionFunction(object):
         self.name = name
+class ArrayConversionFunction(object):
+    def __init__(self, array, direction, conv, unwrap):
+        self.array = array
+        self.direction = direction
+        self.operand = array.struct if array.is_struct() else array.handle
+        self.type = array.type
+        self.conv = conv
+        self.unwrap = unwrap or not array.needs_unwrapping()
+        if array.is_static_array() and direction == Direction.INPUT:
+            LOGGER.error("Static array input conversion is not supported")
+        name = "convert_{0}_array_".format(array.type)
+        win_type = "win32" if self.conv else "win64"
+        host_part = "host" if self.unwrap else "unwrapped_host"
+        if self.direction == Direction.INPUT:
+            name += "{0}_to_{1}".format(win_type, host_part)
+        else: # Direction.OUTPUT
+            name += "{0}_to_{1}".format(host_part, win_type)
+        self.name = name
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.name == other.name
     def definition(self):
-        if self.array or self.dyn_array:
-            return self._generate_array_conversion_func()
+        """ Helper function for generating a conversion function for array operands. """
+        body = ""
+        if self.conv:
+            body += "#if defined(USE_STRUCT_CONVERSION)\n"
+        else:
+            body += "#if !defined(USE_STRUCT_CONVERSION)\n"
+        needs_alloc = self.direction != Direction.OUTPUT and self.array.needs_alloc(self.conv, self.unwrap)
+        if self.conv and self.array.is_struct() and self.array.struct.needs_host_type():
+            host_type = "{0}_host".format(self.type)
+        else:
+            host_type = self.type
+        if self.conv:
+            if self.direction == Direction.OUTPUT:
+                params = ["const {0} *in".format(host_type), "{0} *out".format(self.type), "uint32_t count"]
+                return_type = None
+            else:
+                params = ["const {0} *in".format(self.type), "uint32_t count"]
+                return_type = host_type
+        else:
+            params = ["const {0} *in".format(self.type), "uint32_t count"]
+            return_type = self.type
+        # Generate function prototype.
+        if return_type:
+            body += "static inline {0} *{1}(".format(return_type, self.name)
+        else:
+            body += "static inline void {0}(".format(self.name)
+        if needs_alloc:
+            body += "struct conversion_context *ctx, "
+        body += ", ".join(p for p in params)
+        body += ")\n{\n"
+        if return_type:
+            body += "    {0} *out;\n".format(return_type)
+        body += "    unsigned int i;\n\n"
+        if return_type:
+            body += "    if (!in || !count) return NULL;\n\n"
+        else:
+            body += "    if (!in) return;\n\n"
+        if self.direction == Direction.INPUT:
+            body += "    out = conversion_context_alloc(ctx, count * sizeof(*out));\n"
+        body += "    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)\n"
+        body += "    {\n"
+        if self.array.is_struct():
+            for m in self.array.struct:
+                # TODO: support copying of pNext extension structures!
+                # Luckily though no extension struct at this point needs conversion.
+                body += "        " + m.copy("in[i].", "out[i].", self.direction, self.conv, self.unwrap)
+        elif self.array.is_handle() and self.direction == Direction.INPUT:
+            body += "        out[i] = " + self.array.handle.driver_handle("in[i]") + ";\n"
-            return self._generate_conversion_func()
+            LOGGER.warning("Unhandled conversion operand type")
+            body += "        out[i] = in[i];\n"
+        body += "    }\n"
+        if return_type:
+            body += "\n    return out;\n"
+        body += "}\n"
+        body += "#endif /* USE_STRUCT_CONVERSION */\n"
+        body += "\n"
+        return body
 class StructChainConversionFunction(object):
     def __init__(self, direction, struct, ignores):