diff --git a/dlls/shell32/shpolicy.c b/dlls/shell32/shpolicy.c index 6e36fa1481227047fbebf8e5d267414592b3a57f..bf31ca649da24131f55c09bed274c473eaddc790 100644 --- a/dlls/shell32/shpolicy.c +++ b/dlls/shell32/shpolicy.c @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ #include "winreg.h" #include "shell32_main.h" +#include "shlobj.h" #include "wine/debug.h" @@ -100,11 +101,11 @@ static const char strNoActiveDesktop[] = {"NoActiveDesktop"}; static const char strNoRecentDocMenu[] = {"NoRecentDocsMenu"}; static const char strNoRecentDocHistory[] = {"NoRecentDocsHistory"}; static const char strNoInetIcon[] = {"NoInternetIcon"}; -static const char strNoStngsWizard[] = {"NoSettingsWizards"}; +static const char strNoSettingsWizard[] = {"NoSettingsWizards"}; static const char strNoLogoff[] = {"NoLogoff"}; static const char strNoNetConDis[] = {"NoNetConnectDisconnect"}; -static const char strNoContextMenu[] = {"NoViewContextMenu"}; -static const char strNoTryContextMenu[] = {"NoTrayContextMenu"}; +static const char strNoViewContextMenu[] = {"NoViewContextMenu"}; +static const char strNoTrayContextMenu[] = {"NoTrayContextMenu"}; static const char strNoWebMenu[] = {"NoWebMenu"}; static const char strLnkResolveIgnoreLnkInfo[] = {"LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo"}; static const char strNoCommonGroups[] = {"NoCommonGroups"}; @@ -120,13 +121,14 @@ static const char strNoStartBanner[] = {"NoStartBanner"}; static const char strNoNetworkNeighborhood[] = {"NoNetHood"}; static const char strNoDriveTypeAtRun[] = {"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"}; static const char strNoDrivesAutoRun[] = {"NoDriveAutoRun"}; +static const char strSeparateProcess[] = {"SeparateProcess"}; static const char strNoDrives[] = {"NoDrives"}; static const char strNoFind[] = {"NoFind"}; static const char strNoDesktop[] = {"NoDesktop"}; static const char strNoSetTaskBar[] = {"NoSetTaskbar"}; static const char strNoSetFld[] = {"NoSetFolders"}; static const char strNoFileMenu[] = {"NoFileMenu"}; -static const char strNoSavSetng[] = {"NoSaveSettings"}; +static const char strNoSaveSetting[] = {"NoSaveSettings"}; static const char strNoClose[] = {"NoClose"}; static const char strNoRun[] = {"NoRun"}; @@ -134,635 +136,655 @@ static const char strNoRun[] = {"NoRun"}; POLICYDATA sh32_policy_table[] = { { - 0x1, + REST_NORUN, strExplorer, strNoRun, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x2, + REST_NOCLOSE, strExplorer, strNoClose, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4, + REST_NOSAVESET, strExplorer, - strNoSavSetng, + strNoSaveSetting, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x8, + REST_NOFILEMENU, strExplorer, strNoFileMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x10, + REST_NOSETFOLDERS, strExplorer, strNoSetFld, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x20, + REST_NOSETTASKBAR, strExplorer, strNoSetTaskBar, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40, + REST_NODESKTOP, strExplorer, strNoDesktop, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x80, + REST_NOFIND, strExplorer, strNoFind, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x100, + REST_NODRIVES, strExplorer, strNoDrives, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x200, + REST_NODRIVEAUTORUN, strExplorer, strNoDrivesAutoRun, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x400, + REST_NODRIVETYPEAUTORUN, strExplorer, strNoDriveTypeAtRun, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x800, + REST_NONETHOOD, strExplorer, strNoNetworkNeighborhood, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x1000, + REST_STARTBANNER, strExplorer, strNoStartBanner, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x2000, + REST_RESTRICTRUN, strExplorer, strRestrictRun, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000, + REST_NOPRINTERTABS, strExplorer, strNoPrintTab, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x8000, + REST_NOPRINTERDELETE, strExplorer, strNoDeletePrinters, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x10000, + REST_NOPRINTERADD, strExplorer, strNoAddPrinters, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x20000, + REST_NOSTARTMENUSUBFOLDERS, strExplorer, strNoStartMenuSubfolder, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000, + REST_MYDOCSONNET, strExplorer, strMyDocsOnNet, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x80000, + REST_NOEXITTODOS, strWinOldApp, strNoRealMode, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x100000, + REST_ENFORCESHELLEXTSECURITY, strExplorer, strEnforceShlExtSecurity, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x200000, + REST_LINKRESOLVEIGNORELINKINFO, strExplorer, strLnkResolveIgnoreLnkInfo, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x400000, + REST_NOCOMMONGROUPS, strExplorer, strNoCommonGroups, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x800000, + REST_SEPARATEDESKTOPPROCESS, strExplorer, - "SeparateProcess", + strSeparateProcess, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x1000000, + REST_NOWEB, strExplorer, strNoWebMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x2000000, + REST_NOTRAYCONTEXTMENU, strExplorer, - strNoTryContextMenu, + strNoTrayContextMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000000, + REST_NOVIEWCONTEXTMENU, strExplorer, - strNoContextMenu, + strNoViewContextMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x8000000, + REST_NONETCONNECTDISCONNECT, strExplorer, strNoNetConDis, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x10000000, + REST_STARTMENULOGOFF, strExplorer, strNoLogoff, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x20000000, + REST_NOSETTINGSASSIST, strExplorer, - strNoStngsWizard, + strNoSettingsWizard, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000001, + REST_NOINTERNETICON, strExplorer, strNoInetIcon, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000002, + REST_NORECENTDOCSHISTORY, strExplorer, strNoRecentDocHistory, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000003, + REST_NORECENTDOCSMENU, strExplorer, strNoRecentDocMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000004, + REST_NOACTIVEDESKTOP, strExplorer, strNoActiveDesktop, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000005, + REST_NOACTIVEDESKTOPCHANGES, strExplorer, strNoActiveDesktopChanges, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000006, + REST_NOFAVORITESMENU, strExplorer, strNoFavoritesMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000007, + REST_CLEARRECENTDOCSONEXIT, strExplorer, strClearRecentDocs, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000008, + REST_CLASSICSHELL, strExplorer, strClassicShell, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000009, + REST_NOCUSTOMIZEWEBVIEW, strExplorer, strNoCustomWebView, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000010, + REST_NOHTMLWALLPAPER, strActiveDesk, strNoHTMLWallpaper, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000011, + REST_NOCHANGINGWALLPAPER, strActiveDesk, strNoChangeWallpaper, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000012, + REST_NODESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000013, + REST_NOADDDESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoAddComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000014, + REST_NODELDESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoDelComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000015, + REST_NOCLOSEDESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoCloseComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000016, + REST_NOCLOSE_DRAGDROPBAND, strActiveDesk, strNoCloseDragDrop, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000017, + REST_NOMOVINGBAND, strActiveDesk, strNoMovingBand, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000018, + REST_NOEDITDESKCOMP, strActiveDesk, strNoEditComponent, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000019, + REST_NORESOLVESEARCH, strExplorer, strNoResolveSearch, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001a, + REST_NORESOLVETRACK, strExplorer, strNoResolveTrk, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001b, + REST_FORCECOPYACLWITHFILE, strExplorer, strForceCopyACLW, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001c, + REST_NOLOGO3CHANNELNOTIFY, strExplorer, strNoMSAppLogo, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001d, + REST_NOFORGETSOFTWAREUPDATE, strExplorer, strNoForgetSoftwareUpdate, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001e, + REST_NOSETACTIVEDESKTOP, strExplorer, strNoSetActiveDesktop, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000001f, + REST_NOUPDATEWINDOWS, strExplorer, strNoWindowsUpdate, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000020, + REST_NOCHANGESTARMENU, strExplorer, strNoChangeStartMenu, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000021, + REST_NOFOLDEROPTIONS, strExplorer, strNoFolderOptions, SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x50000024, - strExplorer, - strNoFileURL, - SHELL_NO_POLICY - }, - { - 0x40000022, + REST_HASFINDCOMPUTERS, strExplorer, "FindComputers", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000023, + REST_INTELLIMENUS, strExplorer, "IntelliMenus", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000024, + REST_RUNDLGMEMCHECKBOX, strExplorer, "MemCheckBoxInRunDlg", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000025, + REST_ARP_ShowPostSetup, strAddRemoveProgs, "ShowPostSetup", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000026, + REST_NOCSC, strExplorer, "NoSyncAll", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000027, + REST_NOCONTROLPANEL, strExplorer, "NoControlPanel", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000028, + REST_ENUMWORKGROUP, strExplorer, "EnumWorkgroup", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000029, + REST_ARP_NOARP, strAddRemoveProgs, "NoAddRemovePrograms", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000002A, + REST_ARP_NOREMOVEPAGE, strAddRemoveProgs, "NoRemovePage", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000002B, + REST_ARP_NOADDPAGE, strAddRemoveProgs, "NoAddPage", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000002C, + REST_ARP_NOWINSETUPPAGE, strAddRemoveProgs, "NoWindowsSetupPage", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000002E, + REST_GREYMSIADS, + strExplorer, + "", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOCHANGEMAPPEDDRIVELABEL, strExplorer, "NoChangeMappedDriveLabel", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000002F, + REST_NOCHANGEMAPPEDDRIVECOMMENT, strExplorer, "NoChangeMappedDriveComment", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000030, + REST_MaxRecentDocs, strExplorer, "MaxRecentDocs", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000031, + REST_NONETWORKCONNECTIONS, strExplorer, "NoNetworkConnections", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000032, + REST_FORCESTARTMENULOGOFF, strExplorer, "ForceStartMenuLogoff", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000033, + REST_NOWEBVIEW, strExplorer, "NoWebView", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000034, + REST_NOCUSTOMIZETHISFOLDER, strExplorer, "NoCustomizeThisFolder", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000035, + REST_NOENCRYPTION, strExplorer, "NoEncryption", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000036, + REST_ALLOWFRENCHENCRYPTION, strExplorer, "AllowFrenchEncryption", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000037, + REST_DONTSHOWSUPERHIDDEN, strExplorer, "DontShowSuperHidden", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000038, + REST_NOSHELLSEARCHBUTTON, strExplorer, "NoShellSearchButton", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000039, + REST_NOHARDWARETAB, strExplorer, "NoHardwareTab", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000003A, + REST_NORUNASINSTALLPROMPT, strExplorer, "NoRunasInstallPrompt", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000003B, + REST_PROMPTRUNASINSTALLNETPATH, strExplorer, "PromptRunasInstallNetPath", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000003C, + REST_NOMANAGEMYCOMPUTERVERB, strExplorer, "NoManageMyComputerVerb", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000003D, + REST_NORECENTDOCSNETHOOD, strExplorer, "NoRecentDocsNetHood", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000003E, + REST_DISALLOWRUN, strExplorer, "DisallowRun", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000003F, + REST_NOWELCOMESCREEN, strExplorer, "NoWelcomeScreen", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000040, + REST_RESTRICTCPL, strExplorer, "RestrictCpl", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000041, + REST_DISALLOWCPL, strExplorer, "DisallowCpl", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000042, + REST_NOSMBALLOONTIP, strExplorer, "NoSMBalloonTip", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000043, + REST_NOSMHELP, strExplorer, "NoSMHelp", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000044, + REST_NOWINKEYS, strExplorer, "NoWinKeys", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000045, + REST_NOENCRYPTONMOVE, strExplorer, "NoEncryptOnMove", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000046, + REST_NOLOCALMACHINERUN, strExplorer, "DisableLocalMachineRun", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000047, + REST_NOCURRENTUSERRUN, strExplorer, "DisableCurrentUserRun", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000048, + REST_NOLOCALMACHINERUNONCE, strExplorer, "DisableLocalMachineRunOnce", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x40000049, + REST_NOCURRENTUSERRUNONCE, strExplorer, "DisableCurrentUserRunOnce", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000004A, + REST_FORCEACTIVEDESKTOPON, strExplorer, "ForceActiveDesktopOn", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000004B, + REST_NOCOMPUTERSNEARME, strExplorer, "NoComputersNearMe", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000004C, + REST_NOVIEWONDRIVE, strExplorer, "NoViewOnDrive", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x4000004F, + REST_NONETCRAWL, + strExplorer, + "NoNetCrawl", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOSHAREDDOCUMENTS, + strExplorer, + "NoSharedDocs", + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, + { + REST_NOSMMYDOCS, strExplorer, "NoSMMyDocs", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, +/* 0x4000050 - 0x4000060 */ { - 0x40000061, + REST_STARTRUNNOHOMEPATH, strExplorer, "StartRunNoHOMEPATH", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, +/* 0x4000061 - 0x4000086 */ { - 0x41000001, + REST_NODISCONNECT, strExplorer, "NoDisconnect", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x41000002, + REST_NOSECURITY, strExplorer, "NoNTSecurity", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, { - 0x41000003, + REST_NOFILEASSOCIATE, strExplorer, "NoFileAssociate", SHELL_NO_POLICY }, + { + 0x50000024, + strExplorer, + strNoFileURL, + SHELL_NO_POLICY + }, { 0, 0, @@ -792,14 +814,14 @@ POLICYDATA sh32_policy_table[] = * b: 98Lite 2.0 (which uses many of these policy keys) http://www.98lite.net/ * c: 'The Windows 95 Registry', by John Woram, 1996 MIS: Press */ -DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted (DWORD policy) +DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted (RESTRICTIONS policy) { char regstr[256]; HKEY xhkey; DWORD retval, datsize = 4; LPPOLICYDATA p; - TRACE("(%08lx)\n", policy); + TRACE("(%08x)\n", policy); /* scan to see if we know this policy ID */ for (p = sh32_policy_table; p->policy; p++) @@ -813,7 +835,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted (DWORD policy) if (p->policy == 0) { /* we don't know this policy, return 0 */ - TRACE("unknown policy: (%08lx)\n", policy); + TRACE("unknown policy: (%08x)\n", policy); return 0; } diff --git a/dlls/shell32/undocshell.h b/dlls/shell32/undocshell.h index bfc861dafa14e2e67f9e54f8cbd0b2aaeb95952f..69b69424f7829a06b85c08b18dd5fb1c08aa4757 100644 --- a/dlls/shell32/undocshell.h +++ b/dlls/shell32/undocshell.h @@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" -#include "wingdi.h" #include "winuser.h" -#include "winnls.h" #include "commctrl.h" #include "shlobj.h" @@ -885,7 +883,6 @@ DWORD WINAPI CheckEscapesW(LPWSTR string, DWORD len); /* policy functions */ BOOL WINAPI SHInitRestricted(LPCVOID unused, LPCVOID inpRegKey); -DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted (DWORD policy); /* cabinet functions */ diff --git a/include/shlobj.h b/include/shlobj.h index cdc98dabbcbc0d1c3c8243c147988bae52a243a6..7740fba95071a2c453fd7a733c210d78360ef872 100644 --- a/include/shlobj.h +++ b/include/shlobj.h @@ -495,6 +495,181 @@ VOID WINAPI SHGetSettings(LPSHELLFLAGSTATE lpsfs, DWORD dwMask); #define SSF_NOCONFIRMRECYCLE 0x8000 #define SSF_HIDEICONS 0x4000 +/**************************************************************************** +* SHRestricted API +*/ +typedef enum RESTRICTIONS +{ + REST_NONE = 0x00000000, + REST_NORUN = 0x00000001, + REST_NOCLOSE = 0x00000002, + REST_NOSAVESET = 0x00000004, + REST_NOFILEMENU = 0x00000008, + REST_NOSETFOLDERS = 0x00000010, + REST_NOSETTASKBAR = 0x00000020, + REST_NODESKTOP = 0x00000040, + REST_NOFIND = 0x00000080, + REST_NODRIVES = 0x00000100, + REST_NODRIVEAUTORUN = 0x00000200, + REST_NODRIVETYPEAUTORUN = 0x00000400, + REST_NONETHOOD = 0x00000800, + REST_STARTBANNER = 0x00001000, + REST_RESTRICTRUN = 0x00002000, + REST_NOPRINTERTABS = 0x00004000, + REST_NOPRINTERDELETE = 0x00008000, + REST_NOPRINTERADD = 0x00010000, + REST_NOSTARTMENUSUBFOLDERS = 0x00020000, + REST_MYDOCSONNET = 0x00040000, + REST_NOEXITTODOS = 0x00080000, + REST_ENFORCESHELLEXTSECURITY = 0x00100000, + REST_LINKRESOLVEIGNORELINKINFO = 0x00200000, + REST_NOCOMMONGROUPS = 0x00400000, + REST_SEPARATEDESKTOPPROCESS = 0x00800000, + REST_NOWEB = 0x01000000, + REST_NOTRAYCONTEXTMENU = 0x02000000, + REST_NOVIEWCONTEXTMENU = 0x04000000, + REST_NONETCONNECTDISCONNECT = 0x08000000, + REST_STARTMENULOGOFF = 0x10000000, + REST_NOSETTINGSASSIST = 0x20000000, + REST_NOINTERNETICON = 0x40000001, + REST_NORECENTDOCSHISTORY, + REST_NORECENTDOCSMENU, + REST_NOACTIVEDESKTOP, + REST_NOACTIVEDESKTOPCHANGES, + REST_NOFAVORITESMENU, + REST_CLEARRECENTDOCSONEXIT, + REST_CLASSICSHELL, + REST_NOCUSTOMIZEWEBVIEW, + + REST_NOHTMLWALLPAPER = 0x40000010, + REST_NOCHANGINGWALLPAPER, + REST_NODESKCOMP, + REST_NOADDDESKCOMP, + REST_NODELDESKCOMP, + REST_NOCLOSEDESKCOMP, + REST_NOCLOSE_DRAGDROPBAND, + REST_NOMOVINGBAND, + REST_NOEDITDESKCOMP, + REST_NORESOLVESEARCH, + REST_NORESOLVETRACK, + REST_FORCECOPYACLWITHFILE, + REST_NOLOGO3CHANNELNOTIFY, + REST_NOFORGETSOFTWAREUPDATE, + REST_NOSETACTIVEDESKTOP, + REST_NOUPDATEWINDOWS, + REST_NOCHANGESTARMENU, /* 0x40000020 */ + REST_NOFOLDEROPTIONS, + REST_HASFINDCOMPUTERS, + REST_INTELLIMENUS, + REST_RUNDLGMEMCHECKBOX, + REST_ARP_ShowPostSetup, + REST_NOCSC, + REST_NOCONTROLPANEL, + REST_ENUMWORKGROUP, + REST_ARP_NOARP, + REST_ARP_NOREMOVEPAGE, + REST_ARP_NOADDPAGE, + REST_ARP_NOWINSETUPPAGE, + REST_GREYMSIADS, + REST_NOCHANGEMAPPEDDRIVELABEL, + REST_NOCHANGEMAPPEDDRIVECOMMENT, + REST_MaxRecentDocs, /* 0x40000030 */ + REST_NONETWORKCONNECTIONS, + REST_FORCESTARTMENULOGOFF, + REST_NOWEBVIEW, + REST_NOCUSTOMIZETHISFOLDER, + REST_NOENCRYPTION, + + REST_ALLOWFRENCHENCRYPTION, /* not documented */ + + REST_DONTSHOWSUPERHIDDEN, + REST_NOSHELLSEARCHBUTTON, + REST_NOHARDWARETAB, + REST_NORUNASINSTALLPROMPT, + REST_PROMPTRUNASINSTALLNETPATH, + REST_NOMANAGEMYCOMPUTERVERB, + REST_NORECENTDOCSNETHOOD, + REST_DISALLOWRUN, + REST_NOWELCOMESCREEN, + REST_RESTRICTCPL, /* 0x40000040 */ + REST_DISALLOWCPL, + REST_NOSMBALLOONTIP, + REST_NOSMHELP, + REST_NOWINKEYS, + REST_NOENCRYPTONMOVE, + REST_NOLOCALMACHINERUN, + REST_NOCURRENTUSERRUN, + REST_NOLOCALMACHINERUNONCE, + REST_NOCURRENTUSERRUNONCE, + REST_FORCEACTIVEDESKTOPON, + REST_NOCOMPUTERSNEARME, + REST_NOVIEWONDRIVE, + REST_NONETCRAWL, + REST_NOSHAREDDOCUMENTS, + REST_NOSMMYDOCS, + REST_NOSMMYPICS, /* 0x40000050 */ + REST_ALLOWBITBUCKDRIVES, + REST_NONLEGACYSHELLMODE, + REST_NOCONTROLPANELBARRICADE, + REST_NOSTARTPAGE, + REST_NOAUTOTRAYNOTIFY, + REST_NOTASKGROUPING, + REST_NOCDBURNING, + REST_MYCOMPNOPROP, + REST_MYDOCSNOPROP, + REST_NOSTARTPANEL, + REST_NODISPLAYAPPEARANCEPAGE, + REST_NOTHEMESTAB, + REST_NOVISUALSTYLECHOICE, + REST_NOSIZECHOICE, + REST_NOCOLORCHOICE, + REST_SETVISUALSTYLE, /* 0x40000060 */ + REST_STARTRUNNOHOMEPATH, + REST_NOUSERNAMEINSTARTPANEL, + REST_NOMYCOMPUTERICON, + REST_NOSMNETWORKPLACES, + REST_NOSMPINNEDLIST, + REST_NOSMMYMUSIC, + REST_NOSMEJECTPC, + REST_NOSMMOREPROGRAMS, + REST_NOSMMFUPROGRAMS, + REST_NOTRAYITEMSDISPLAY, + REST_NOTOOLBARSONTASKBAR, + /* 0x4000006C + 0x4000006D + 0x4000006E */ + REST_NOSMCONFIGUREPROGRAMS = 0x4000006F, + REST_HIDECLOCK, /* 0x40000070 */ + REST_NOLOWDISKSPACECHECKS, + REST_NOENTIRENETWORK, + REST_NODESKTOPCLEANUP, + REST_BITBUCKNUKEONDELETE, + REST_BITBUCKCONFIRMDELETE, + REST_BITBUCKNOPROP, + REST_NODISPBACKGROUND, + REST_NODISPSCREENSAVEPG, + REST_NODISPSETTINGSPG, + REST_NODISPSCREENSAVEPREVIEW, + REST_NODISPLAYCPL, + REST_HIDERUNASVERB, + REST_NOTHUMBNAILCACHE, + REST_NOSTRCMPLOGICAL, + REST_NOPUBLISHWIZARD, + REST_NOONLINEPRINTSWIZARD, /* 0x40000080 */ + REST_NOWEBSERVICES, + REST_ALLOWUNHASHEDWEBVIEW, + REST_ALLOWLEGACYWEBVIEW, + REST_REVERTWEBVIEWSECURITY, + + REST_INHERITCONSOLEHANDLES = 0x40000086, + + REST_NODISCONNECT = 0x41000001, + REST_NOSECURITY, + REST_NOFILEASSOCIATE, /* 0x41000003 */ +} RESTRICTIONS; + +DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted(RESTRICTIONS rest); + /**************************************************************************** * SHChangeNotify API */