diff --git a/dlls/shell32/tests/shellpath.c b/dlls/shell32/tests/shellpath.c index 2a1c4367a22a17dd620cbafd5c3f4a44b4be0838..2d710dc39ff47668ec44625a78350e565f08e208 100644 --- a/dlls/shell32/tests/shellpath.c +++ b/dlls/shell32/tests/shellpath.c @@ -885,11 +885,13 @@ if (0) { /* crashes */ static void test_knownFolders(void) { + static const WCHAR sWindows[] = {'W','i','n','d','o','w','s',0}; HRESULT hr; IKnownFolderManager *mgr = NULL; IKnownFolder *folder = NULL; KNOWNFOLDERID folderId; KF_CATEGORY cat = 0; + KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION kfDefinition; int csidl; LPWSTR folderPath; KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES redirectionCapabilities = 1; @@ -943,6 +945,20 @@ static void test_knownFolders(void) todo_wine ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "unexpected value from SetPath: 0x%08x\n", hr); + hr = IKnownFolder_GetFolderDefinition(folder, &kfDefinition); + todo_wine + ok(hr == S_OK, "failed to get folder definition: 0x%08x\n", hr); + if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) + { + todo_wine + ok(kfDefinition.category==KF_CATEGORY_FIXED, "invalid folder category: 0x%08x\n", kfDefinition.category); + todo_wine + ok(lstrcmpW(kfDefinition.pszName, sWindows)==0, "invalid folder name: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(kfDefinition.pszName)); + todo_wine + ok(kfDefinition.dwAttributes==0, "invalid folder attributes: %d\n", kfDefinition.dwAttributes); + FreeKnownFolderDefinitionFields(&kfDefinition); + } + hr = IKnownFolder_Release(folder); ok(hr == S_OK, "failed to release KnownFolder instance: 0x%08x\n", hr); }